+12 votes
in The Order of Snickerdoodles by
Dear non beleivers, this will not just be me telling you yer wrong like most religous posts. I want to know in a civilized manner, why don't you beleive in jesus christ the lord our god. please tell me.

Thank you if you answered.

Sincerely, Snickerdoodles.
by (375k points)
believe in God. I am Catholc. I don't like to talk about my beliefs on here because I don't want people to judge me  by them. Maybe I will sometime tho. If so would t be okay if I posted my beliefs in the ORdeer Of Snickerdoodles?
it's a club! of course you can!
by (375k points)
I am surrounded by hateful Christians which gives a bad impression of it. I believe in something (I'm agnostic) but the bible is a relatively short text translated hundreds of times from an ancient language. I don't feel anyone knows truly what it means at this point they just pick the translation and interpretation they agree with. I sometimes pray (no atheists in a foxhole y'know?) And maybe I'll find some religion I believe but I don't stress about finding a religion (at least not the way I stress about finding my gender identity) I study religion and just overall try to look at it from a third person view. I grew up in pretty much the only atheist household in my family, given. But I believe all that did was encourage me to look deeper and not blindly follow something which is what would have happened otherwise. Also I believe the bible has quite a few contradictions that question it's reliability. I observe how people who are anti vaccine, believe the earth is flat, believe dinosaurs never existed and are overall conspiracy theorists tend to be Christian. Before you come at me with the "I'M A CHRISTIAN AND I'M NOT LIKE THAT" these are just my observations and reasons. I'm aware not every Christian is like that these are just my beliefs and opinions and if you respect them I'll respect yours.
I am on a magic spinning space ball weeeeeeeee abada weeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
to: Why are you looking at my username? -I just want to talk about the whole "ancient language" part, as a Christian myself. (In no sort of way will I try to be dissrespectful or rude to you, but I might come of as that way. I am sorry if that happens while you read this. The Bible is made up of multiple langauges. And the Bible was also written tons of years ago, so yes the langauges are old, but they still kinda exist today. One langauge the Bible used was Hebrew. Now Hebrew has changed their charecters shape a few times, so the Bible's Hebew letters aren't the same as they would be today, but it still tells the same story. That's all. So the langauges aren't really ancient. Sorry if I offended you. Just stating what I know.

19 Answers

0 votes
by (544k points)
I forgot all about this post
0 votes
by (544k points)
There is no scientific evidence or photos of him to prove he was real.

I do not count people who claim to see him.
by (952k points)
Agreed. I only believe in stuff if it has scientific evidence. (except the Multiverse theory, which is basically a theory)
by (544k points)
What is multiverss
by (952k points)
Basically, there’s multiple universes. It’s kind of like the Marvel Multiverse (doubt it exists) but in real life.
Everything about evolution is a theory. God on the other hand is comon sense.
by (525k points)
You can't even spell "common" correctly.
by (525k points)
And also, never imply that someone does not have common sense because I don't believe in the same religion.

That is very rude and hypocritical.

Both Christianity and evolution follow theories.

by (525k points)
I wasn't talking to you, Sloth x3
by (154k points)
by (525k points)
by (154k points)
+1 vote
by (112k points)

if god loves everyone then why is there diseses like covid, polo, cancer, diabetes, etc. Which a lot of times result in death. like, if he loves us, then why are wegetting such faital endings?

Sometimes, God simply wants people that die from diseases like that to simply come live with him and have a better life in heaven. In heaven, there is no pain, no sadness, nothing bad! Think of the best place on earth. Heaven is 1,000,000 times better! I get why you are confused about this, but god has reasonings beyond our understanding. Its natural to not understand it.
by (154k points)
GravityCentered unregistered-
+2 votes
by (2.4k points)
As of my name you might suspect I am obsessed with dinosaurs

Here I do not want to start arguments but it's just my opinion

I do not believe in God because he defies dinosaurs. In the bible story he creates all the modern animals of today but where are the dinosaurs?

Also If god exists why is he letting thousands die from covid and the war in Ukraine.

Once again I do not want to start arguments I only want to get my opinion out there.

DINOSAURS are a hoax on the people.  Look at the arms on t_rex
Not arguing just saying:

The bible does mention dinosaurs. "Every creature of the land, sea and air" includes them.

Yeah, that argument is used a lot. But He is not "letting" that happen. That is humanity being sinful. But, because His Son died for us on the cross, we are forgiven for all of our sins.
by (165k points)
Yah, agree cuber!
Wait now dinosaurs aren't real because one had short arms???
The bible doesn't have to mention if something was real. Did the bible mention squirrels or capybaras or geckos ?

Also in job it references a dinsour.

What cuber said about covid, Ukraine. I wholeheartedly agree with him.

Job 14: 15-24
“Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox. Behold, his strength in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly. He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron. “He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword! ...

Job 41

“Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord? Can you put a rope in his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he make many pleas to you? Will he speak to you soft words? Will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever? Will you play with him as with a bird, or will you put him on a leash for your girls? ...

My thought is, God created dinosaurs, humans killed them off. Where else would you get legends of dragons? The Bible mentions one of them could breathe fire. However we humans killed them, so we dont get the chance to study them. And Why is there war? its human nature. We kill or be killed. The Bible fortells this. The ukrain/russia war could be heralding end of times.
Dinosaur are in the Bible. They are mentioned 2 times in Job and a few times in psalm.
+1 vote
by (544k points)
I don't believe bc there is no Scientific proof of him existing.


But, I do believe in MINECRAFT gods (Notch, Jeb, Ect.)


Just because I don't believe in him doesn't mean you can't  I am accepting of people reguardless of their faith.
by (165k points)
You believe in Minecraft gods?

Even though someone made Minecraft so there obviously not real.

And there is look at the world, you just think that happened with a BOOM?!
by (544k points)
Yes, I believe in Minecraft gods

What do you mean by there obviously not real?

And about the world happening with a boom....yes I think it happened... Called the big bang. (If u don't believe me, look it up)
by (165k points)
Um look someone made Minecraft and made their gods.

So they just made them up for fun.

Why do you believe in the Big Bang (yes I know what that is)

You think the whole earth just boom and came into being?
by (544k points)
yes I think the whole Earth just came into being. This is because is scientific proof of the big bang but none of god!
by (165k points)
There is actually

Did you know that your skin cells look like crosses Coincidence? I don't think so!

And we live in the Goldilocks Zone were it is exactly perfect to live a millimeter left or right and we would be to cold or too hot what are the chances that this big bang (that hasn't happened again) would be exactly perfect? And how do you think the people came around?
by (544k points)
Okay fine I give up you win. :( But, I still don't believe in God.
by (165k points)
Idk how you don't believe him look at you look at the world!
by (544k points)
There is no SCIENTIFIC PROOF of him. If there is what is it? (And don't say the Bible is scientific proof. This is bc it ain't)

Our skin cells looking like crosses is just a coincidence.

There are more books on evolution then there are on god (or at least I think so)

Also are there any actual photos of him? I don't think so!

Has anyone actually seen him in real life (not in a dream)? The answer is probability no!

But, when we Google if god is real it says yes. [According to Wikipedia (not always reliable though)].

If he were real...he would have: made it so: all my Minecraft goals would be accomplished by now, made the Minecraft wild update be out by now,  made it so copper buttons would be in Minecraft, make everything that is in MC java be in all the other editions and made it so we could sign up for the MCCs instead of them being invite only and so much more.

And I am not saying you can't believe in God. You can! But, I personally don't believe in him. Well, I kind of do but, my belief in him is extremely weak.


So let's just say you won.
by (165k points)
That's not true ok have you heard about Lee Strobel? He was a journalist that set out to prove God is not real but when he was searching and reading about the bible and if it was true, he found out it was, and he became a Christian. And have you ever seen the Big Bang? Look if God isn't real then why did people die for him? Also you might think that you having all that MineCraft stuff is best for you but it might not be God can see everything not just what's happening right now. Like my Grams died and we thought that was not a good thing but it turned out good because it was right before covid and she wouldn't have done well with covid. So all things worked out for the glory of God!
Science cant match up to certain things, but the Bible explains it. And I am just saying, I wonder about you if you don't believe in God because youre minecraft goals arent accomplished. It is a game.
by (544k points)
Yeah... Because He would have helped me get them done!
by (544k points)
I give up an! You win! I will pretend to believe in God.

I am accepting of everyone regardless of faith.
by (165k points)
I explained it all in my answer!
by (165k points)
No don't pretend! If you want to know more, I will be happy to give more!
by (544k points)
Fine I beleive.
by (165k points)
I don't want you to pretend that doesn't work that won't keep you out of HELL!
by (544k points)
Don't say Hell. Instead please say (the) Nether!!

If you didn't know the Nether is the Minecraft version of Hell.

And the first amendment says we have the freedom of religion. This means, people can believe in whatever God they want or no God at all. So, stop trying to make me believe in God!! (look up the first amendment if u don't believe me)
by (165k points)
Ok, the Nether. I just don't want you to have eternal pain and suffering!
by (544k points)

Stop trying to make me believe in God! The first amendment includes many freedoms; amongst them is freedom of religion. In other words everyone has the freedom to believe in any God(s) they want to or even no God(s) at all. (Please look up the first amendment to the United States constitution if you don't believe me.) Also you trying to make me believe in God makes me feel angry.  >:(angryX(


by (165k points)
I didn't I just said I want you to end up in the right place I'll stop now though. But I won't stop praying!
by (2.4k points)
Wise words ;D
Minecraft nerd, here is a good point. The big bang has been proven wrong a bit ago. There is evidence that biblical characters exist. Noahs ark was found. There was no evidence that King David (a King in the Bible) existed in 1992. In 1993, there was evidence he existed. There is beyond enough evidence to prove that the bible is true. As mentioned in the movie “The Case For Christ”, a priest asks this reporter if you need copies for verification. The reporter replied yes. He shows a part of a piece of art. It is very rare, only about 1,500 found. He then mentioned that if all of the copies of the New Testament (2nd half of the bible) alone that it could be a mile high when you include all of the manuscripts. I am not trying to force you to believe in god, i am simplying laying down evidence that he is real. There is eyewitnesses that have seen god himself. My Preacher was struck by illness a while ago, and during surgery he saw god. Once again, i am not trying to force you to believe. I am stating that there is alot of evidence that god is real.
+1 vote
I believe in Jesus Christ. Just look around you! If Earth was 1 inch closer to the sun we would all burn. If Earth was 1 inch farther away we would all freeze. Look at your self. You are made in God's image! You are his child.

Here is a link to a chriatian radio station. it will help your faith grow.  https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/
+3 votes
I don't belive in god, but somehow I feel that there's got to be some higher power.(NOT kings or queens.)
+2 votes
I’ve never ever had any help nothing comes easy my life is a train wreck, my parents hurt me and believe it or not my only safe place is school with my friends. Everything has been so hard it hurts when I walk. I’ve done nothing wrong but all I get back is misery. Even the I am not a robot thing hates me.

I think God gives us trials so we will turn to him . From Personal experience Jesus Christ is my comfort. I know my challenges aren't as big as yours ,but God loves you.


You know that sounds like a joke to me.
Well, I meant every word I said. I guess it does seem like a joke to have someone so perfect loving you. Jesus even said come to me all who weary and burdened And I will give you rest.

He wants you.
+2 votes
by (3.4k points)
i have been through so much stuff, that if there was a god it would've done something to help me
That is the thing. God uses trials to test us, so of you stay faithful you will start seeing better things happen.
by (3.4k points)
god wouldnt think abusive parents was just a trial
I have a suggestion for you. Not tryng toe rude or anything, I just think it might actually help. Try reading the bible. Mainly the new testament
by (165k points)
God is not some genie that is just there to make sure every ones life is perfect. God gives you hard things in life to bring you to him If every thing was perfect why would we need God ?? There is this true story about this witch doctor who was put in prison and while in prison he came to know God if he had not been in prison he would never have came to know God . So maybe be throwing some rough things in your life he is making you come to him If you won't come to God he will come to you .
Sometimes he puts trials to help us relize that we need him even more.
by (165k points)
Maybe you haven't asked God to help you.
+3 votes

​I do not believe in God because there is no proof of his existence and if God was all loving why would he let people die?

Read the bible.

He is real. And he loves you. And he is all loving, but a true believer is going to go through hardships and struggles.

When you die, God truthfully and rightfully judges you, with grace.

If you are a true believer dying should be a good thing, it means you will get to go to heaven.
so if I see god I will believe in him but there is no hard proof nobody has seen Jesus or god
What about the bible?
by (165k points)
Well, we don't talk about that right! Because that's proof and people don't want proof




























































Joking that was sarcastic.


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