+7 votes
in Fiction by

Okay so do you guys know what a text adventure is? Well, in them you find a story, it's just that you pick the story. I thought,"Why not do one here?" so here it is. In order to pick how your story goes, You got to answer. I'll comment to tell you the outcome. one more thing, DON'T LOOK AT OTHERS ANSWERS UNTIL YOU EITHER SUCCEED OR DIE IN THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Let us begin.

 So, You are a prince/princess of a great kingdom. your parents died in a war, which was won. Now you live with your weird uncle. You would normally find him in his basement. you don't know what he is doing in there. When he comes out you find him putting away a weird maskImage result for blow torch maskand his weird wand.Image result for blow torchone night when you were trying to sleep you saw a flash out side and heard your uncle laugh. What do you do?

4 Answers

+4 votes
by (137k points)
I'd quietly leave my room, looking for the cause of the noise. I'd make sure not to get spotted, hiding behind an assortment of things in the castle. Once I see my uncle doing whatever he's doing, I'll quickly leave and retreat back to my room, but before that, I'll make sure to bring a small weapon with me, like a knife. The uncle seems suspicious...
When you go there you see your uncle laughing not evily, but with delite. you see him in front of a capsul. what now?
+4 votes
by (375k points)
I stay in my room until it clears up and I hear his foot steps intothe basement. Then I go outside and creep away to the closest house of people I trust. I have a bad feeling about the uncle...
The next day your uncle is missing. You find a box with your name. it said it was from your uncle. do you open it.
by (375k points)
No. It may be a boom. What happens next?
You walk aoutside to see a weird  capsull that you can fit into. A  sighn in your uncle's hand wrighting says never to go inside.

Do you go in?
by (375k points)
So, what do you do with the box in your room and the capsull outside?
by (375k points)
I throw them away.
So, Since your uncle is missing that means you have to be queen. you became a good one, however, one idea drove you mad.What would've happened if you opened the box or capsull?

by (375k points)
Yay. I survived!
Notice how i said it drived you mad. I mean it. you went crazy and had to go to the goof house.
by (375k points)
Yup.LOL I wonder what would have happened... xD
You can reanswer if u like.
+4 votes
by (350k points)

I've done these before, so I know how they work. Look up HP Adventure here and you'll find one I did! ;)

Ok. So, here's what I do: I get up and sneak around to see him. What do I see?!?! Hmmm. Perhaps I will hide behind a door. then I will watch him. After a few minutes, I go back to bed. What did I see...? 

You saw him laughing, Not evilly but out of joy! He was in front of what appeared to be a small capsule. Do you go after it or not?
by (350k points)
I open it!!! What is it?!??!
A vortex appeared and sucked you and your uncle in it. you appeared in THE FUTURE! your uncle was raged at you." WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!!!!"

How do you replie?
+3 votes
by (415k points)
I slowly creep out of my small room, peeking out of the window slightly to make sure to know what he is doing for an escape plan. Once I do, I slowly put the curtains make and tip toe out the back. I bring food, money, and water. I spend a little time getting my recourses, I planned ahead. I assumed my uncle was going mad, so I just leave quietly in the woods to camp for the night. I have my backpack as a pillow, my food up in a tree so animals won't get it, and I started a fire with rubbing rocks and wood together. I am far away from my uncle now, so he cannot see my flame. That'll keep me warm and animals won't go near me. In the morning, I wake up early, I make sure it wasn't evident I made a camping spot. I then quickly run away with my food etc to the nearest hotel. But, I will not use my uncle's card that I brought because he can track me down. Instead, I sleep in the lobby for the night as all the people can't see me.


How about that?
You get busted by a cop and taken to your castle. You find that he is not there. The cop locked you in the dungon. fortunatly, you have the key to get out. what now?
by (415k points)
I wait for the middle of the night, I make sure it is by seeing when the sun goes down (which is a certain time due to seasons.) I'll look around my cell, still being really quiet. I hide the key behind me if there is an officer I mustn't let them know I have it. After scanning the area, I go out. I remember my direction, I go back to the castle and once I'm there I enter the door to go to my room.


What happens next
you find a small box that has your name on it. It said it was from uncle. do you open it?
by (415k points)
I carefully examine it, shaking it gently before opening it slowly. Once I open it, what's in there?
First, you find a letter from uncle. it said" Dear nephew,

Please forget about all those times i was acting weird. This is Important, Please destroy the capsull that is outside. NEVER GO IN IT!!!!!!!!!! I am afraid to say that we will never meet again. You own the kinngdom

Sincerely, Yours


P.S Ieft you this gift."

Inside the box was The Royal Crown and the Key to the Kingdom.

You notice the capsull. what do you do now?
by (415k points)
I set it on fire with the blow torch, then I run away to make sure nothing bad happens to me. A safe distant, you might say.
After you demolish it, you return to your castle and Live the rest of your life as a King. However one thing rotted your mind. What would've happened if you did open it?

by (415k points)
A king? I AIN'T NO CRACKERS KING! I am a queen *gracefully outs crown on my head*
sorry:(. but in my defence how could i tell if you were a girl or boy.
by (415k points)
its fine lol

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