+12 votes
in Ask Luna, Anything! by (165k points)
Come on, I know you people constantly have problems, everyone does, so let meh try to fix them!

6 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I am like addicted to Jace Norman and he is so cute but the thing is im 11 and he is 20......

I really really really really really really want to meet him.

What do I do?
by (165k points)
1. I had to look up who that was, i didn't know Henry Danger's real name. 2. I feel like a lot of people have that, it's called fangirlitus. Since the encounter is unlikely unless there were some sort of publicity thing, i don't think that will be something to worry about. If you did go to a publicity thing like that, you would be around a bunch of other fangirls and fanboys, i will assure you, so you aint alone in that. As for the age... don't go after 20 year olds until you are 20 please.
Thanks so much!!
+1 vote
my parents recently got divorced and I’m getting a little depressed:( how do I help myself and my family?
by (264k points)
Hi, I'm not Luna, but I have a few words for ya! Maybe they'll help...

1.) You are sooo not alone! My mum and dad divorced a very long time ago as well. But then again my dad was an awful person XD Glad they did, tbh.

2.) It's okay to be sad. Just make sure not to be sad too long. I don't exactly remember the saying, but if you stare into the abyess to long, eventually the abyess stares back at you. It could eat you up, so eventually you will have to move on.

3.) Perhaps you see your other parent every other weekend! That way you can still be close with your mum and dad.

I really hoped that helped, but it probably didn't. Sorry :( I'm sure you will come out of the darkness soon. Best of luck!
+1 vote
by (17.3k points)
+1 vote
Where did you go ???
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
How can I comfort my mom who had a surgery?
by (165k points)
Try to be there for her if she needs help. If you have any money maybe get her a small stuffed animal?
+1 vote
by (138k points)
If I have any problems I know who to go to! LOL


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