+19 votes
in All Advisors by
You all know me and who I am, and many of my closer friends here will probably guess who I am, but I don't want to post this on my account. Some things, just no.


So I am scared at home when my dad is there and not at work. And i hate the cigarette smoke. When he comes home he always comes home in a bad mood, complaining about everything to me and my mom, not caring about anyone else's problems. And then he lists about 5 chores for me to do per minute and I am trying to get them done without him yelling more. When he gets really mad at me he hurts me somehow. He has grabbed the back of my throat, slapped me hard enough for my glasses to bend, shoved me into a wall, ect. If I ever argue or have any opposing opinion at all he will yell and say my opinion does not matter and no one wants to hear it. One day right before heading out to go to school he was yelling and threw my hairbrush at the wall so hard I thought it broke. I left for school crying and running out of the house. Whenever there are rare situations where my mom leaves me with my dad and he does anything to me and yells more if I text my mom about it. I want to run a hide in my room and lock myself in when he is home. My mom and brother don't see it enough to know. My brother loves my dad because he never got to see him when he was younger because of his childhood, but I would honestly trade. Every time I cry, I am called a cry-baby. Every time I am mad I am a disrespectful child. Every time I am happy it doesn't last long. I just want to run away, maybe stay with my best friend. I would have... i would have run away one day when both my parents made me cry and my brother seemed to ignore it, but then when i was in my room my brother hugged me, and i cried then too, but it helped. What do i do? And talking to a therapist or school couslor is out of the question, i know what would happen if i told a counslor because they are mandatory reporters, any time somebody is being hurt, wants to hurt themselves, or hurt others they have to tell somebody that by law. I would get in trouble. I just want it to stop. I can't talk to him, I can't defend myself, I want to run, but I have no where to go but school.
Tell your friends. call DCFS if you live in Illinois
Call child support or 911 if it’s child abuse. Tell your mom first though. Then call someone if she doesn’t do anything
listen to... Into The Sea (its gonna be okay)

I’m so sorry I have never had that happen to me before that’s so scary.I’m only 9 and in fourth grade I do not understand 


You have got to tell someone this is serious. This is terrible if you have a cell phone call 911.
Get help. I know we are all saying this , but this is serious.
by (1.2k points)
GET HELP GIRL! This is SUPER serious you need to tell ANYONE that can help you!
my dad is really grumpy too sometimes, and when that happens, i just imagine link from legend of zelda hitting him in the face with arrows. that probably wasn't helpful, sorry. im also worried that my dad's grumpyness comes from an alcohol addiction
like the comments saying call 911 and get help, maybe if you can’t, ask your friends or someone you trust that’s not a parent. do it alone. but try and do it quickly.
Get child support or call 911. Your father is crazy.
Most people in these situations don’t confront anyone. I would start by convincing other people that your dad is mean. Your brother for instance. As for real proof, take a photo of your glasses or some handprint he left when he slapped you.

Talk it out with your counselors and your mom.

With your mom’s permission, call the child abuse center. No adult should make you go through this.
Back in the 60s no one was available to help me with an abusive father.
by (126k points)

Pardon this but if you're seeing this now, after this time:

Why did nobody question why Mike had an abusive father in the '60's???? 

*Wow we've got like a 70-year-old on KidzTalk, impressive....*

by (951k points)
Definitely a record. Oldest person I’ve seen before was 60 and did an eye reveal.
by (126k points)
Wow. That must've been interesting...
by (951k points)
It’s still up under the “What color are your eyes” post, it’s by GEMHeart.
by (126k points)
Yeah I've seen that. Didn't notice the user though, I'll have to look again
I am so sorry! Please call the SAMHSA hotline to help the abuse you’re going through, that can help you. Its phone number is (1-877-726-4727) and it will help you GREATLY!

I’m 10 and have been to this exact place and it helps a ton.
by (2.8k points)
It's a good advice to calm down, but it's child abuse, nothing's gonna stop, you have to call child support or the police.
god bless you all dear god bless these people.

p.s Nicole101
I am terribly sorry that your dad is abusing you like this. He is both emotionally and physically abusive. You need to stand up for yourself. Call the police. Call Child Protective Services. Get your dad arrested! Record video evidence of him abusing you. Evidence is your best friend in these cases.

25 Answers

0 votes
Get recordings or proof secretly, then call 911. That's abuse- or call child protection services, difus.. whatever yall have. Hope things get better for you, mate.
0 votes
Go to your local police station! Run away! Tell your friends and say you are going to a "sleepover" and never come back! No one deserves this treatment!
+1 vote
by (543k points)
Well, to prove it to them you could record him yelling at u.

You could also tell him how you feel about it'll him yelling at u.

Also, you should be telling ADULTS this instead of kids bc adults can help you more than kids can.
+2 votes
You need to report it and quick, because that is considered child abuse. Your dad should boo to jail for that!
+3 votes
Home is supposed ro be a safe place. Especially in these times of korona. what your gather does to you is not safe. It is child abuse. You need support. No child deserves that. You can call your grandparents, social services, your school counselor/teacher or police. Mostly, school will help you and care about your feelings and anxiety. You can afraid of talking about family issues to somebody else. You can ask for a neighbour or a friend to tell your teacher. Then you can act like thar you have no idea. I am am a school counselor in another country. I care about children. I want you to feel safe and happy. Please take care of yourself. You are much more than you think.
Ummmm that’s kinda creepy? I mean this is a site for kids
by (165k points)
Thank you for replying, however, I do believe that I over-reacted slightly for the post. Since then, things have majorly improved. I'm not as scared. My dad moved out and now we can somewhat get along. I'm currently battling some hatred for him, but that's slowly getting better as well.
by (951k points)
This is KIDZTalk

Something like that happened to me too just a few days ago, but my dad isn't always mean, he's nice most of the time unless I don't listen, I guess. Anyways, I feel sorry for you, but I'm happy that your dad moved out (no offense), I'm glad you're getting along with him better. And also, not to be creepy or anything, how old are you, or what grade are you in? I'm not old, so I'm not wise or anything, I'm on this for fun. Sorry, If I'm getting distracted...embarrassed_smile I'm only in 6th grade, so... hehe

Luna would be almost 15 and in Ninth grade.
+2 votes
Im sorry this is happening one time I felt in the same situation and I was planning on running away and my brother was crying cause he didn’t want me to and my mom said If I didn’t want to live with them I could live with my grandparents or my cousin I hope you figure out something and again I am so sorry you have to experience that
+2 votes
After the fact that you should keep trying, DON'T RUN AWAY! Trust me. Its not a good thing to do. Even though it sounds like a great idea in the moment, but the outcome won't be what you want. This is really stupid, but I'm pretty sure that your parents can actually press charges against you and you can get arrested. According to my knowledge (which is probably not the best way to go, but anyways...) Don't do it. If you do for some reason, pack a discrete bag with clothes, a couple of water bottles, small snacking stuff, money, and definitely some band aids and first aid stuff. But this is only if it gets REALLY bad with you and your dad. We're all here for you.

   Oh, and P.S, if you have a phone or some sort of device that takes video and\or audio, put it under your bed on on of his really bad days when you think he'll hurt you. I've done this before. Be safe and O.K.
+2 votes
by (43.0k points)
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. No one should. It isn't okay. I recommend calling 911 the next time he tries to abuse you. I understand the uncertainty behind doing so, and you may not want to, but it will help. Just realized this post was in February, but I hope it still helped.
+2 votes
Hey. I had the same exact problems with my dad too. But nobody believed me or cared. CPS (Child protective services) came over many many times and they didn't do anything about it. So I decided I had enough of it. So, when I got home from school, he was there on the couch with my grandma and my sister. I told him I had a great day at school and asked him if he had a good day as well. As usual, he screamed at me. I went into my room. He came in and walked in without a knock or anything and scared the jelly out of me. So I said something like, "Oh my gosh. You scared the life out of me." Or something similar to that. Then he said that he was going to smack me if I spoke to him like that again. I said something about how I didn't think that I had an attitude. Then, he got closer and I backed up into my bed. I can throw a really good punch if I need to. So when he started to put his hands to my neck, I swung. I then couldn't breath for about 5-10 seconds. I was then on my knees trying to punch him. I truly do think that God and Jesus were there with me at that second. This is because I had a strength in my arms and legs that I had never had or would've even thought that I would. So I kicked my legs out in front of me just hard enough to sweep his legs out from under him. It all happened so fast, at first I didn't even know what was going on. But when he left my room, I pulled out my tablet that was recording all of what just happened from under my bed.  

        Long story short, don't let people bring you down. Jesus and God are and will always be with you. So even if you don't think something will work, try. Try. Try. Try. That's all you can do in that moment. Try. Stay safe and healthy!

by (165k points)
Aethist, but thank you anyway
Sorry, I was just trying to show you that you're not alone. And to show you that a lot of people can relate to your situation, as well as myself.
by (165k points)
Still, thank you.
No prob. Stay safe!
by (165k points)
by (98.4k points)
+1 vote
plese tell me you are joking
by (165k points)
More overreacting than joking.


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