+9 votes
in All Advisors by (153k points)
I. Am. So. FAT.

I am 5’ 2”, and I weigh 108 pounds. 108 POUNDS!!! Does anybody have some tips on how to lose 10 pounds? Cause that’s how much I want to lose.

All my friends say I’m not fat, but I know I am, they’re just being nice.

Thanks In advance,

Coffee Cake
by (75.6k points)
I am overweight but I do balance out my diet.
by (153k points)
My diet is pretty balanced as things go, I don’t eat vegetables much except in salad which i love, but i eat lots of fruit and organic stuff.

8 Answers

+4 votes
by (448k points)
Best answer
I'm somewhere around 5'8 and 138.8 pounds.

So this is how I got from about 160 lb to around 140 lb in about 4-5 months:

- Decrease calorific intake by 10% to 20%, I suggest to not do more than that.

I personally don't count calories but when I'm on a diet I just look at how much I usually eat and take a little bit    off the plate

- Increase active physical activity by at least 30 minutes to an hour. For faster result do more, but don't overdo it. Swimming, running, stuff like that.

- Sleep

- Eat healthier foods (whole grain, vegetables, fruits, etc.)
by (153k points)
Thanks for all the tips!
+1 vote
by (90.2k points)
I'm 5'5" and I'm around the 150 mark.  YOU'RE FINE!  But loosing some weight is always a good thing!
by (75.6k points)
Not unless your like 50 pounds lol
+1 vote
by (75.6k points)
Lol you think that's overweight. I am 5'2 and I weigh 168-ish pounds.

I suggest start with a diet. Not to strict of a diet, but maybe a healthier life style.

And you can't lose weight without exercising! If you want to reach your goal of losing 10 pounds, you should run/workout everyday, or every other day.
by (153k points)
I excercize monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and sometimes sunday. I eat organic food, and lots of fruit. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!
+1 vote
by (137k points)
You are not fat! I would say you're average weight for your height. I'm 5'0 and 84 pounds, which is about average for my height and age. Unless you are on an unhealthy diet (i.e: eating junk foods all the time, eating sugary sweets often, etc.) then I don't see any need for change! Maybe if you have a little extra fat, you could start exercising more so that fat turns into muscle.
+2 votes
by (165k points)
Oh honey, you are not fat. I am 5'5.5 and weigh 204. You are about normal weight, I howeverm am not and do not care to lose weight.
by (153k points)
It’s good that your comfortable with your weight, but idk, all the girls at my school are naturally thin and I want to be like them.
by (165k points)
Yeah, I get you, but for that weight and height, that is the perfectly normal weight. I wouldn't recommend diets or trying to lose more than a couple of pounds, because losing too much from your current weight could be dangerous.
by (153k points)
+2 votes
by (415k points)
I feel fat too an I'm 102, sometimes I loose pounds and sometimes I gain. But right now you should just keep being healthy because if you are on unhealthy diet and you notice your weight is because of that, then stop now and seek for plans that will help you get on a better track for the future. If your eating healthy, then you have nothing to worry about other then maybe that you feel heavy and bad because of something you are putting in your body.
by (153k points)
I eat organic and all that, pretty healthy as things go, I just feel FAT.
+3 votes
I'm 5'2 and I'm 124 pounds. You are at a healthy weight! Less than 100 is not very healthy
by (153k points)
I don’t really know, I still feel fat.
by (415k points)
Less then 100 at 12 is healthy (depending on your height) as my sister is 80 pounds and 12 and is healthy. I'd say when you under 5'5 and a 12 year old girl, when you're getting fat it would be 130 I'd say (still that's a little over the mark.) But it all depends, because my aunt is 115 pounds and 5'3/5'4, and she's 39 but looks way more then she is. But once again she isn't really healthy, I don't think.
by (153k points)
Yeah, thanks, but i still want to lose a little...
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
I am 80 pounds 5'2 and between ages 12-16 (not saying my age!) I am pretty fat but i guess

by (153k points)
You are NOT fat. 80 pounds is pretty skinny for 5’2”, but thanks for the tip!
by (82.8k points)
80 POUNDS?!!! Dude, I weigh 70, and I'm 10! YOU ARE NOT FAT. Get that outta your head!!
by (1.34m points)
I was 50lbs when I was 10 so I guess i am good, lol
by (82.8k points)
WHAT??!! Well, I mean, my friend is 11 and she weighs 67 pounds. She had anorexia, you usually gain weight after you stop an eating disorder, which means when she started she was even thinner than now.
by (153k points)
When my friend was 11, she weighed 60 pounds, not because of anorexia but because her medication lowered her appetite, how skinny she was/is slightly warped my idea of an ideal weight, and now...
by (82.8k points)
Coffee Cake, I really don't think your fat...Ya know, you can't be thin as a stick, we just havtta accept who we are.
by (153k points)
I know y’all will still accept me, I’d just... rather be skinny.
by (82.8k points)
It's not healthy, sometimes.
by (153k points)
by (82.8k points)
........I'm serious...
by (153k points)
.......I know you are.......
by (43.0k points)
You are not fat. At least, I don’t think so. I’m not a doctor, so I don’t take liberty in those kind of labels.

I am between age 10-14, and weigh only 75 pounds. When I was 10, I weighed 60. All my friends weigh more than me, so I think I used to think I needed to eat more. Now I realize, anybody can be any weight. It doesn’t matter.
by (153k points)
Yeah, I just wanna be skinnier...
by (82.8k points)
NO! You don't havtta...you aren't fat, omigod. Listen to all about that bass Meghan Trainor, and You will get it. Go on. I'm waiting.
by (153k points)
I used to listen to that song all the time, along with Wings, and Scars to your Beautiful... I like the message, but like...
by (82.8k points)
But like what?? Hmm?!  Hmm! ...lol XD


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