+5 votes
in Other by (34.7k points)
Best Friend: Pom-Pom

Toxic-Acting Girl: Chloe

Other friend who is not actually involved: Jaybird

So, I was texting with my friends, and Pom-Pom left, and when I went to talk to her on our personal one, she ignored me. Chloe then said that I had broke Pom-Pom's spirits down, and now she was uncomfortable, but I hadn't. Then, Chloe was lecturing ME. She blamed ME on Pom-Pom leaving, and she lectured ME on learning lessons. This is literally what she said: "I am not the boss of you but you made a decision on inviting Jaybird to our group, and we all need to agree that that was wrong, and you have lost me and you have lost Pom-Pom. My grandma said that because of how mean you are, me and Pom-Pom should make our own group chat and not include you until you learn your lesson." Of course, inviting Jaybird was an accident and I had removed him immediately. What should I do?

(UPDATE: Today Chloe called me a weirdo for no reason at all!!!!! "STOP TALKING ABOUT ME, YOU WEIRDO!!!!" is what she actually said, and I hadn't even done anything! Plus, Pom-Pom does not care!)
Let me guess roblox is wat u were on?
by (34.7k points)
No. I have an account, but it is inactive until my parents let me play.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (153k points)
Best answer
Oh no, that’s so sad! If I were you, I’d give it time, because I know from experience that trying to go back too soon after an arguement can never end well. also, just curious, why did you put this under KidzSearch Contests?
by (34.7k points)
Oops! I had no idea! LOL!
by (34.7k points)
I changed the category. Oops!
by (153k points)
it’s ok! I just hope my answer helped ;)
by (34.7k points)
It did. Don't worry. :)
0 votes
I have been in a experience like that before, it's super hard because you haven't done anything wrong! My advice is to ignore it but privately ask if your friend is ok. (don't ask if/why she is mad at you because she may not be and just having a hard time)

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