+8 votes
in Debate by
Here's the truth, straight up and plain: I don't like Biden OR Trump. Trump, in my opinion, is far, far worse than Biden, but still: neither one. So, I just felt like having a friendly debate about these two. If you are a Trump supporter, please comment down below your positive thoughts on the president. If you are a Biden supporter, please comment down below on your thought on him.
I am also glad Biden one and that he has Kamala as a Vice President because I am female and have been waiting FOREVER for a women  President so vice will do but I have no intentions of starting a kids fight in politics so if you have a different answer plz forget about my post! Plz!! I don’t want to start a fight! And here Trump did do a lot for nasa again NO FIGHTS ALLOWED BECAUSE OF THIS POST NONE NADA!!! PLZ!! *exhales* sorry I need to stop being dramatic just forget this post.
Joe is old , he might die in office and Kampala might be the first female president.

It's not fair if that happens I can't be first female president I,be already lost being vice President. Plus she hate s me. So there
by (4.8k points)
by (4.8k points)
and kamala harris does nor do anything!!!

17 Answers

+1 vote
Sorry, I don't feel like having a politics chat. I'm not going to tell you what my opinions are.
You didn't need to comment then... Just move along.
Seriously though
+1 vote
by (3.4k points)
+2 votes
Biden stinks
Friendly political debate thx
by (34.7k points)
I’m neutral but I would never say that if I were you…
by (4.8k points)
bidin sucks
+2 votes
by (43.0k points)
Great! I'm glad you're neutral on the topic. I, personally, am excited that Mr. Biden has won, also because he nominated Kamala Harris as his Vice President, the first woman in that role. I also support the Democratic party because I am a genderfluid pansexual, and most republicans do not support that. I also belive in BLM, because hey do matter. Color of skin does NOT play a role in how a person will think or act. I just agree with a lot of the Democratic beliefs.

Thanks for reading!

As I told Lost South (I think that that's what it's supposed to be?), I am actually a Libertarian. I'm a third-party guy. Democrats are mostly fine: the only major thing that I don't like about them are their firearm beliefs. I am a very second-amendment supportive person. It bothers me that it seems like most of the Democrats disagree with the right to bear arms. Biden, for instance, wants to electronically control all the weapons. This really isn't something that I'm down with. Most of their other ideologies are fine (like environmental protection), it's just that detail that's really important to me, and therefore I am forced to disagree with the entire party. Please comment if you're willing to debate over this.
by (34.7k points)
Hello Purple. I’m a Republican pans*xual, and I’m just lettin ya know there are Republicans that support LGBTQ+. Even though you said “most”.
by (43.0k points)

I do know there are many progressive Christians, which is good to know, however, my grandparents are NOT progressive, so I often forget. Apologies.
by (34.7k points)
It’s alright! No worries!
Biden did not win. All the Trump votes were converted to Biden votes! W which is very bad to do!
by (3.4k points)
by (3.4k points)
Did you just mix a slur with a political opinion?
by (34.7k points)
luckily not brainwashed anymore!
+2 votes
by (14.5k points)
I am a Trump supporter libertarian. Here's why:

1. I believe strongly in gender roles & the nuclear family. The democratic party is set on destroying the nuclear family.

2. I am highly conservative. I believe abortion should be illegal, I am against homosexual marriage, and I also believe the usage of a certain online content (can't say it here) should be illegal. I do believe in free speech to the full extent. Etc.

3. I am anti-religion. Sorry Mormons, Muslims, Catholics +. I believe religion is bad and it forms a altered image of who God truly is. There are many reasons why. I am an anti-religious Christian because God is not interested in religion, which man's ideology's mixed with God's. Also I despise traditions. Religions form around traditions, even so cultural. You should not worship a false God because of your culture.

4. Anti-Commie. I was born in a communist place. A place that "is" turning into countries like Venezuela.  Communism censors others in hopes to brainwash the masses into thinking how they wish them to think. Of course there are many other bad sides of communism. Biden being for China is a turn off. I don't want the country many foreigners fled to become like the home they desperately fled from.

5. Anti-BLM. Biden supporting BLM is terrible. BLM is a terrorist group that uses black people as a pawn to gain political power. Cmon. Black people are more than pawns in a game. So before you say BLM to another black person randomly, remember that you are categorizing them as nothing more than something political. They are people suffering from their own values. Help them get up from the hood, have two parent homes, and a JOB. That'll help them. Not looting, burning or killing BLACK innocent lives.  

There are many other views I have that lean into my party. I will freely criticize Trump, as I am not an avid Trump supporter. In fact I will freely critique both sides. My political views have always been the same, however now I am more close minded because I try to align my views the most with God's. I am a conservative, preserving what was set by God.


that it's my attack helicopters. bye bye~
I'm a Libertarian, too (I just didn't want to say it yet), but I certainly don't like anything that Trump does. I have to argue with the BLM thing, though. Go check out what I said on that one post.
by (14.5k points)
Well, Libertarians are capitalist and Trump is a capitalist. So maybe that's one thing y'all agree on lol.
What is the nuclear family?
by (82.8k points)
Ok, so let me get this straight. You believe that two people being happy, and wanting to get married cause they're in love, should be banned? May I ask how that affects you? You believe that abortion should be illegal when it doesn't affect you in any way? I understand not supporting it, and not wanting to get one yourself, but pushing your opinions on people is wrong. You believe that there is only Christianity because a book said god didn't want any other religions? It was a manmade, mistranslated book, my god. And you believe black lives don't matter. Nice. *rolls eyes*
by (350k points)
Eloquent: Both parents together raising the child.


Jelly: It’s a friendly debate, and you’re ripping on Knight.
by (82.8k points)
Yes sure. Friendly.
by (1.7k points)
That hypothetical is rather misleading being you are juxtaposing the killing of a child and the abortion of an embryo. You personifying a clump of cells when in reality, they haven't even formed a brain or a heart. An embryo is more or less a parasite in a sense. It's a "my body my choice" scenario where a woman is choosing to have an abortion because they either are not ready for a child or just does not want to have a child which is both fair reasoning. Children, especially newborns, take a ton of time and patience for parents to handle. That goes without saying that many parents are single parents and that 88% of single parents are moms. Men really should not have a choice on whether women should or should not have an abortion because the embryo is under greater guardianship for the pregnant woman than the man since she has no choice of leaving the embryo unlike the man does. Therefore she has total control over her own body and the embryo which also means that she has the right to an abortion if she so chooses.
by (1.7k points)
If you want to bring in faith then wouldn't you say that making abortion illegal is forcing your own values and morals onto others who do not practice the same faith as you? Making abortion legal has no effect on your personal life since it is a choice to get an abortion or not, whereas banning abortion directly affects multiple people since they effectively become burdened with raising a kid. And although foster homes and adoption are an option, many parents feel as though they would rather risk the security of their future just to keep their kid because the attachment that a parent has to their kid is fundamentally different than the attachment that a parent has to their embryo (this really only applies to parents who have no desire for a child)
by (1.7k points)
Then what about the microorganisms that are on your food then? Or the bugs you step on or the pests that are killed. One could argue that unwanted embryos are pests as well. Also banning abortions does not stop people from getting them nonetheless, however, illegal abortions are most certainly more dangerous than legal ones. So if women are going to have abortions no matter what, then it should be legal to reduce the number of deaths caused by illegal abortions.
by (1.7k points)
Duh, if it is legal then more embryos are killed legally since it isn't legal in the hypothetical country we are comparing it to, but there are more abortions in countries that have banned abortions than ones that have legal abortions. This is due to a lack of contraception and wealth within those countries. So if people are going to have abortions anyway, no matter if it is legal or not, then why should it be illegal if all it does is make it more dangerous for the women who are getting an abortion regardless? Religion is not an answer by the way since there should be a clear boundary between government and faith since America is a country of religious freedom after all.
I believe both of them kind of messed up, but Biden is much better in a lot of ways. Also I’m not sure if any of you have seen this before but I was in the car and we passed a town call “trump town” a really disgusting place. There was even a sign for trump ice cream apparently? I don’t know but I won’t be having it. EVER. Trump was ok, but he was really delusional about a lot of things and I think Biden just really impressed me for not being like that. I love how he elected a black female I just think that’s amazing, and Trump needs to work on his social skills I just. I’m glad Biden was elected and I think Trump could take a turn for the better
+2 votes
turmp 2020 he is da bessssttttt
Alright. First, though, are you just playing with me, or do you actually like the guy?
by (14.5k points)
@Cowboy Guy

You say you are not on either side, however you say this. Lol.
by (43.0k points)
Lost South, I think they just meant that because they didn't give any reasoning.
It's just that I wasn't sure if little penguin was just saying that because I don't like him, or actually liked Trump.
+3 votes

I don't like either as well. I like Trump as a person less (I don't think it's going too far to call him foolish,) but I agree with the views of the Republicans. Not the Republicans who think storming government buildings will help them get what they want, of course. rolling

Unfortunately, I don't really like the Republicans as a whole, either (no offense, Ammy). I don't like their ethical or environmental views. They all seem to have the same ideas for the environment, especially.

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