+3 votes
in Other by
I'm hosting a competition to find the longest word! Anybody can participate by just answering to the "question." The winner(s) of the longest word will be announced on Saturday. If I am for some reason unable to announce the winner, any other competitor may do so, assuming that he or she does so honestly and fairly.

The rules are:

-First of all, when submitting your words, please do so as an answer and not as a comment.

-No inappropriate language, messages, or implications are allowed. If caught, you will be disqualified.

-The longest word will be counted by character length.

-The winner will recieve a special message as a separate post on KT.

-Re-submissions of the same word are allowed, as well as already-posted words.

If you have more quetions, simply comment here. The competition starts on January 13th.

Good Luck!


Alright guys: here's what's gonna happen. I see that there are already several people posting their answers. Unfortunately, I won't be able to announce the winner on the 23rd. So, whoever needs to on that Saturday can, and you can also make a post for the winner. (Just make sure that the winner is not also the announcer please.) You guys should vote on who will announce the names. Also, for EloquentRacer92, I like your idea for that word, but if you want it to count, it won't be accepted unless you get it typed in here. And, yes, I know that that sounds absolutely crazy, but I'm sorry. If you're okay with having other winners, perhaps you could recruit a few other people to help you type or copy it. The winners that tie will not have to deal with a draw, rather, they will all be listed equally. In addition, the new post that someone will have to make on Saturday should also include the other competitor's names as well as their words. They should be listed, with the longest starting first, then going down. Also, one more note: the words have to have ten or fewer spelling mistakes. It will not be counted if it has 11 or more. (I knew that this would be challenging...don't give up!) Remember, you can submit words more than once.

Good Luck,

Cowboy Guy


P.S. Sorry for misspelling "special" in the heading. Also, if any of you guys want to be the announcer for the 23rd, just let me know. And, EloquentRacer92 (and any others), try to break down that crazy long word into segments, number them, then when you're done, just put them all together. Everyone else if free to use this advice, too.
I don't mean to be rude, but the first rule was to respond with an answer, not a comment.

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (7.7k points)

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (forty-five letters) is lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica or quartz dust.

+2 votes
by (7.7k points)


+2 votes
by (165k points)
"Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch" You never specified it had to be in English. It's Welsh, which isn't too awful far off, closer to French or German than English tho. That is the longest word I can possibly find without an ellipsis indicating the word is longer. And if questions arise for it being a real word, yes, yes it is. I have seen two definitions, one being "pointless" basically, the other being the name of a town, translating to something about St. Mary's Church in the Hollow of White Hazel near the Rapids of blah blah blah.
+2 votes
by (400 points)

the longest word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. it is a real word. you can google it to check.

+2 votes
by (13.5k points)


by (13.5k points)
by (13.5k points)
To long srry
+2 votes
by (40.2k points)
Supercalafragalisticexpiealadocous (I tried to spell it)
asked Jan 14, 2021 in Other by (400 points) is supercalafractalisimexpidaliosius a real word?
It's spelled wrong, but I thinks so. Check out my other post if you like. Dictionary.com even has it listed, along with the pronounciation and definitions.
by (165k points)
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is the correct spelling. I have memorized it by heart.
by (165k points)
It is a true word. It means extremely wonderful. The requirement for something to be a real word is for it to have a meaning and spelling.
So do I. They used an "s " though.
+2 votes
It's too large to type it here, but it's 189,919 letters long. (i looked it up sooooooooooooooooooooo what)
You will have to take up many lines if you really do want that word...

Like, three pages! Wishing you the best!
by (949k points)
Duke, when will the winners be announced?

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