+9 votes
in Personal by (82.8k points)

Hi. I feel like I need to speak on this. Maybe minor TW btw.



Ok. Y'all need to stop talking abt god every time somebody posts abt mental health. I'm talking abt the suicide is selfish post. I'm sure we've all seen that one. What the actual heck? No. If you actually have a disorder, you can't control it. Suicide is definitely not the way to go, it isn't selfish. First of all, I just want to say I suffer from major depressive disorder and GAD (generalized anxiety disorder.) Second, not everyone believes in god. Saying, 'god loves you' isn't gonna do much, ok? I've been struggling this entire year with mental health. Panic attacks, suicide thoughts, suicide attempts, cutting, attachment issues, mental hospitals, the ER, all that jazz. (Ya like jazza-=D)

Posting and getting an answer where somebody talks abt their experience with god, and getting better, basically telling you to revert into Christianity, is annoying. God can't fix everything. In fact, god doesn't love you. Chill! I mean, god is a higher power, a deity. Deities aren't human. Love is a human concept. God may care abt you. But he can't love you bc he isn't human, and love is a human concept. Understand? I just ask that you guys please stop always including god in everything. You can be christian. But stop forcing it down ppls throats.




I know you don't want to offend anyone but that was kind of rude bro. I don't belive in anything (JK) but telling people not spread their religion is kind of like trying to get your dog to be proper. They think that god is going to bless thoose people who are strugling with issues. So you can grab a cross read the holy bible and hope that satan does not burn you in his flames of anger. And maybe if you had a good religion you would understand. Sorry about your sad life i will pray for you and then pay your medical bills. God is the one who created everything so he can fix it. I bet what you belive in probably does not have single reason for you to attack another religien and God loves people so much but I don't know about you. God is a soul that came from a human so he can keep his human feelings. Also love is not only a human concept it also an plant and animal concept. (Not plant) DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?

by (82.8k points)
What's with the choice of colors? Please don't pray for me. I'm fine wothout thank you very much. And if you actually looked into science, you'd find that no, god didn't create everything. There is no proof.
by (82.8k points)

Excuse me? Excuse me? Says the person who called me a train wreck and a horrible person who's possessed by a demon. I was just simply stating that answering with 'god loves you' on a mental health post is not gonna do anything for most people. I know you mean well, but understand that it doesn't really do anything for us atheists.  And no thank you, I will not be thankful that jesus died on the cross because I. Do. Not. Worship. Sky Daddy. (you can't say you know about science when you think god created everything. My dad is a astrophysicist, so I'm pretty sure I know that the Big Bang happened. And forcing your religion on people isn't really the way to go, babe.)

by (43.0k points)

@Akila omigod, I laughed so hard at that message, I CRIED. NO ONE is a train wreck. They do NOT worship some "EVIL" DEMON. And what do you MEAN you know more science than they do? What if I said that to you? Come on, girl, you just took it wayyyy too far. That message? Flat-out MEAN. I understand you're feeling like they attacked your religion, and that's completely fine to stand up for yourself an/or religion if you feel it has been disrespected, but you took it WAY too far. Your first message was fine, for like, the first couple sentences, but the second one? No way. Also, this color is superior.

by (165k points)
What the hey? Yall takin' this too far. For those who are religious, don't go around saying things like this, please, you can say your religion and you can kinda advertise it for those who WANT to be that religion, but otherwise, y'all just gonna make people mad. Calling people demon-worshippers is not nice (unless they are actually Satanists, in that case, alright). For atheists, some people believe in stuff despite sciences, just leave them be in believing that.
by (82.8k points)
Thank you.
Fine I'm sorry I took it way too far I was just mad I guess sorry jelly
by (82.8k points)
You’re fine bby.
Heck yeah girl!!!!!! Keep the God vibes going! God bless you!!!!!!
by (86.0k points)
Also, what post were you called a demon-worshipper
by (1.1k points)
Hey, I am very sorry about your struggles with mental health and I hope you get recovery. If you need anything, do not hesitate to get help from others

Have a good day man ❤️

13 Answers

0 votes
by (86.0k points)
Ok. I am just gonna say that I agree with Jelly, but guys, this has to stop. I am not talking about the forcing-religion-on-people thing(that also needs to stop) but I am talking about these fights. They can turn into flamewars real quick. Just be kind. If you are an atheist and post something on mental health, maybe put a footnote saying please do not include god (respectfully) and Christians/other religion don't put things about god into those posts. Please, this is a site for kindness and support, don't turn it into anything else.

Sincerley, your (worried) friend, FlamingPheonix
+2 votes

 Oh my gods people! Yes, this does need to stop. All of it! Can we please just leave religion out of this site? I like a friendly debated, but this? C'Mon! I'm about to contact this site! Seriously people! If all of you keep up this nonsense, I will send this site a message asking them to start controlling this sort of stuff when it begins to get out of hand.

0 votes
by (43.0k points)
Well, Jelly, I realize this has kind of calmed down, but it helps others feel better about their mental health, so naturally, trying to help others, they say "God loves you," Because it helped them. They had GREAT intentions! Though it may come across as forceful, they aren't trying to make it be that way. Just always try to think about others. Also, what if you saw a post like this about your religion, or what you believe in? Wouldn't you be hecka p**sed off?
by (82.8k points)
I- ok geez. Sometimes it just feels like they’re forcing it. I do admit I sounded kinda rude in this post, and I am not excusing that, but talking abt god all the time gets overwhelming sometimes. And you are in no place to say that I don’t think abt others.
by (43.0k points)
Err, okay?

I didn't mean to say you don't think about others, sorry.
by (82.8k points)
You’re fine :)
0 votes

Geeeeeeeeeez! Triggerrrrrrrrreeeeeddddd

by (82.8k points)
Jhghhghhhggggggggl lol
by (952k points)
But the username…
0 votes
0 votes
I do not formally believe in god and I see what you mean jelly this does need to stop I read every answer and comment on that horrible post.
by (82.8k points)
Booooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Geese people we are just trying to spread three good news about God and Jesus!
Amen! Christian supporter
+2 votes
by (31.8k points)

I agree with you, jellyfish lover. We should stop talking about all this serious stuff.

+2 votes
To be fair about the God doesn't love you thing, Jesus is Human. And Jesus is also God. Sooo.....Yeah. Other than that, people shouldn't ever force religion, and I know I was once not good at that. Other than that last part, I agree with what you said. Also, God can fix everything, since a God can do anything, but, To each their own Beleif.
+2 votes
by (350k points)
People say “God loves you” because for some people it does help. Christians have mental issues too! Believe me. For the right person, that phrase will lift them up. Also, “human concept”. Sure, in your worldview it is! But in others’, it’s not. To them, it isn’t a human concept. It’s a heavenly one. :)

Be sure to look at it from other worldviews too. That makes you a 1) more efficient listener and 2) a more efficient debater. :D :3
by (82.8k points)
Ok! I apologize if I sounded rude, I just wanted to say that saying “God loves you” sometimes doesn’t do much. I can definitely understand that it does for some ppl tho :)
+1 vote
by (165k points)
I can see both sides. Honestly, I agree to a point, but you took it a little far. I know, "God loves you" will not help depression. It gets annoying, I know, trust me, I know. But saying things like "God doesn't love you" can offend Christians as much as saying your mother doesn't love you. You understand why they may get a bit worked up? Personally, I am semi-Hellenist because of the actual, faith, aspect, and trust issues. I believe in Greek gods and goddesses personally, however, I don't force anyone to believe it, nor do I say anything bad about other people's religions, since people have been respectful of mine. So while I understand what you are saying, and I agree, maybe take it a little less far next time, okay?
by (82.8k points)
Ok, I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I was just saying that god can’t love humans Bc it’s a human concept, not that he doesn’t care abt humans, that’s what I meant,
by (165k points)
It's alright, I get it, I understand your reasoning. It's just that some people take things like that the wrong way.
by (350k points)
According to the Bible, God does love us. :)

But other religions/world views may see it differently, so I understand your point.

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