+9 votes
in Personal by (82.8k points)
Ok. I just thought I'd post something that I'm passionate about. Remember, this is just my opinion. :)


I know abortion is a sensitive topic. And yes, it is a bit sad. But lemme just say something first. IT IS NONE OF OUR *BLEEP*ING BUSINESS. WHATEVER A PERSON DOES WITH THEIR BODY ISN'T ANY OF OUR BUSINESS. Ok. Now that we got that covered, we can move on. Most of the time the abortion takes place in the first semester, when the fetus has not developed a heart or brain yet. Therefore, It. Is. Not. Living. And why do ppl care abt the unborn fetus so much until after it's born. Then no one cares anymore. It's honestly kinda funny. And ppl are over here saying, 'It's my body, I can do whatever I want with it.' as an excuse for not wearing masks and nobody cares, but if someone does the same with abortion, everybody cares. I understand that having a kid when you're not ready isn't a good idea, but it can be a mistake. Not everybody uses protection. And yes, ofc they can put up the kid for adoption, but most of the times it's the actual birthing of the child that is a problem. Some ppl aren't mentally, emotionally, or physically able to birth a kid out of their body. The main thing that bothers me is that sometimes, ppl get r@ped. It happens, unfortunately. Causing kids to get pregnant. It wasn't their fault, bc consent was not given, and it is absolutely disgusting. An 11 yr old girl got r@ped, and turned out to be pregnant. She wasn't allowed to abort it, bc it was illegal where she lived. The girl died giving birth. How the *bleep* do you expect an 11 yr old give birth to a human being without dying?! This girl was my age, and died giving birth to a human being bc she couldn't kill the fetus earlier. Just no. Do you realize how messed up that is?! Even if abortion was illegal, abortions would still be happening, but with unknown drugs being injected into someone's body bc they can't get it professionally. Causing more death rates. This is why I'm pro-choice.
by (82.8k points)

9 Answers

+1 vote

You honestly should care about what people do with their babies, they are murdering innocent babies that deserve to have a chance at life. I think pro choice and pro lovers both think that there are limits to abortion, but 65% of women who abortion there babies are mid 2nd cemester, and some governers & politicians are pushing for it to be LEGAL for you to abortion your baby at birth, America is one of few countries that abortion babies at birth. And also 50 years ago abortion wasn't even a thing pretty much and they managed just fine. 

by (1.3k points)
I totally agree in the mom there is 2 hearts. Moms heart and the babies heart. I think it is very wrong what they are doing. They are murdering babies
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Abortion is a very touchy subject.

I understand why someone would abort if they were abused.

However, people sometimes abort because their baby because it has down syndrome or some type of disability. In my opinion, that is wrong.

What are your thoughts?
by (82.8k points)
Oh wait really?! That's messed u bro, then I understand. Why would you even to that like wth- yeah no
+1 vote
by (82.8k points)
by (82.8k points)
Yesss ikr you get me
by (82.8k points)
Yassssss girl
+1 vote
by (350k points)
The only thing I have to say is according to my worldview, life starts at conception, so it would be wrong to abort because it is alive.


According to ur view it’s different, so I won’t impose on that
by (1.34m points)
I agree with you, Gemheart. It's a very touchy subject!
+1 vote
by (165k points)
I agree with you. Honestly, some people just shouldn't be parents either. And which is worse, a mother aborting a kid when they haven't even developed fully yet, or several years later, of a kid being emotionally and maybe physically abused, the kid commits suicide, or endures it for the rest of their life. Or, cases like you mentioned, a kid getting r@ped. It does happen, and that most likely will kill two lives instead of one not fully formed. My opinion is more if ya can't take care of a kid, financially, emotionally, physically, nor guide them, then do not become a parent. Most people have that choice when the kid is conceived, and they won't think about it then, or there are r@pe cases. Then, there is either abortion if the area allows it, or there it filicide, the act of actually killing your kid after birth. That is illegal EVERYWHERE because it is directly murder.
by (82.8k points)
yes, exactly. plus, it's none of our business anyway. and there are those ppl that say, 'just use protection' yeah ik, it can break tho
by (165k points)
To be fair, just don't conceive the kid in general. Kids ARE preventable, just don't, y'know.
+2 votes

Personally, I don't support abortion, and I see it as equal to murdering. But still, in exceptional situations, like what you have mentioned in your post, when a minor becomes pregnant because of being r***d, then abortion would be the right decision to take, in my opinion. Obviously, I don't want minors to die because of giving childbirth. Abortion is of course a better option than losing the mother's life in situations like those. But the reality is that many people abort their kids because they didn't take proper protection, and accidentally became pregnant. That's not fair, is it?


Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and I understand that different people might have different opinions, and different views. Thanks for reading. :)

by (82.8k points)
Ok, that makes sense! I think I understand
Thanks for understanding.
+1 vote
by (43.0k points)
I honestly feel the same. It is really only the business of the woman and her doctor. We're holding protests for stuff that's none of our business. 100% agree. Also, for future reference, it's first TRIMESTER.
+1 vote
Every human soul is important.
by (82.8k points)
I- yes. But it’s a clump of cells-
Technically, we are all a clump of cells. So murder, even for a child, women or man should be legal. We're all just a clump of cells, right? Why does a clump of cells like us even matter? :)
by (82.8k points)
alright, fine good point. but would you rather the tiny insignificant clump of cells die, or the clump of cells and the 11 yr old girl die
by (350k points)
Neither :/ The world is evil, but we shouldn’t have to do it unto others. Unless death is imminent, in my opinion, for the mom, and even then, it’s a bit of an iffy subject to me.
+2 votes
You mean first trimester *.
by (82.8k points)
Gfujbdgjjhfghjf yes thank you.
Of course :) sorry for being nitpicky I want to be an English teacher when I’m older XD
by (82.8k points)
Oh no, ur fine love! That’s cool!

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