+11 votes
in Other by (165k points)

I'm looking for a search engine that-

  1. Is not censored (no google, no kid searches, nothing that would control or modify results)
  2. Is safe (no sketchy engines, doesn't track you, isn't on the dark web [person who recommended that, you know who you are])
  3. Does not use history or (many) cookies
  4. Does not require sign-in to use
  5. Isn't a scam
Just looking for trustworthy sources, not mainstream (stuff), and isn't gonna track me or give me a virus, and isn't dark web. 
by (950k points)
Wait google is censored?!
by (165k points)
It can be. My school has Google's SafeSearch mode automatically on (as in, I can't take it off). So everything I view is automatically filtered. Plus a lot of Google's results on anything political is very one-sided.
by (950k points)
But the USA government, the Russian government, the Chinese government, they censor things.
by (165k points)
Yes, they do. Also, Startpage is blocked, I tried.
by (950k points)
by (165k points)
Also blocked.
by (950k points)
Hmm. So all search engines are blocked, huh? Try Dogpile
by (165k points)
by (950k points)
Wolfram Alpha?
by (165k points)
Unblocked, but not the greatest results. Maybe for school things, but otherwise not that great.
by (950k points)
Here's some others






by (165k points)





by (950k points)
Then use Bing

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (137k points)
Best answer
Ok ok, dark web isn't an option, fine. I heard Brave is a good browser. Haven't tried it myself but I've heard a lot of positive reviews.

Don't get Mozilla or Opera. Mozilla is censored to high heavens and Opera is suspected to have spyware in it after it was bought by a Chinese corporation. There are a lot of privacy issues with those browsers in general so I highly recommend you don't get them anyway, even if you do think it's a conspiracy.
by (165k points)
by (950k points)
It’s called Firefox it was MADE by Mozilla

Also Opera was bought by a Chinese company in 2016
0 votes
by (26.1k points)
by (107k points)
That was exactly what I was thinking lol
+1 vote
by (26.1k points)
  1. Is not censored (no google, no kid searches, nothing that would control or modify results)
+1 vote
by (950k points)
Startpage, DuckDuckGo, or Ecosia.
by (950k points)
So they are all blocked. I guess they only want you on kid search engines. Or politely ask them to unblock one of these.
+1 vote
How about DuckDuckGo?
by (165k points)
School won't let me on it. I've been on it before tho, it's alright.
+1 vote

Duck Duck Go. Try that. By added up all your wants for a search engine together, Duck Duck Go would be the best one.

by (165k points)

School won't let me on it. I've been on it before tho, it's alright.

by (950k points)
Do you not know that Startpage exists
by (165k points)
I've never heard of Startpage
by (950k points)
They say they are the worlds most private search engine


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