+3 votes
in Islamic Knowledge club by (32.0k points)

Asslamwalakum, brothers and sisters, I have a question, is love halal? Well, for example, I love my mother, of course Allah is ok with me doing that, he actually encourages us to treat our parents with love and respect.

But for example, I kind of have crushes sometimes. S*x is considered wrong is Islam and my father says Muslims aren’t allowed to kiss before marriage. Of course, sometimes my mom and dad hug/kiss on cheek, and I don’t think it’s considered proper to do this before marriage or date (boyfriend and girlfriend stuff).

But is it allowed to have a crush/be in love with someone (with the opposite gender) and, well..not really date or..you know, maybe get married in the future, but is this stuff haram. I’m confused, and if I ask my parent they will freak out that I am asking this stuff. They do not allow me to watch romantic movies/shows and say that Muslims should not. But some of my Muslim friends are watching romantic comedies and their parents even watch it with them!

Is romance haram? And if it is, how will you marry someone if you can’t love anyone? 

6 Answers

0 votes
by (14.5k points)

Hey, a Christian that has read the Qur'an (even the deleted sections) here. 

Abba, our Father, believes s*x is a beautiful thing because it conjoins man and woman in the flesh. It is a sacred convent. (Genesis 2:24) Which is why when you do so, you must be married and deeply in love with your partner. You must have a commitment to them and a steady, pure relationship with them as well. They should be your only s*xual partner. (Corinthians 7:2 condemns multiple husbands or wives, meanwhile in the Qur'an, polygamic relationships/ multiple s*xual partners is/are heavily practiced. Mohammed had slaves for pleasures, so too should be allowed in Islam.) 

When talking about any lustful desires before marriage, this is where Mathew 5:28 comes in:
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

This verse of the Bible is to say that do not keep secret sin because God knows already. He sees all. Even if you have not committed the act, you have kept it in your heart as that. 

Look: love before marriage is fine. You will have lustful thoughts. In fact, we've all had lustful thoughts! Everyone. Even me. I don't know if romance is Haram according to Islam, but as a Christian, romance is a beautiful thing that forms a bond between a man and a woman. S*x before marriage is a way to gratify your flesh alone (Romans 13:13-14). And onto dating, I believe that us, as woman, should be a wife when we start dating/getting into a relationship (vice versa for guys). Don't ever have a "girlfriend" mindset. So many people get into a relationship and immediately go to pleasure - then, as time (weeks, months, years, decades) go on, you break up because the only thing holding the relationship together was pleasures. A waste of time, energy, and unfortunately, people never learn from that. So even if you're not spiritual or religious, you have to agree that it is a waste to spend your time with someone that isn't willing to commit. 

1. I think kissing is okay, but nothing like making out and/or groping because that can lead to thoughts and thoughts can lead to actions. 

2. Romance movies I believe is also okay. As long as it's a proper relationship being displayed, it's totally fine. 

3. Parents that shelter their children will get the bite in the end. Make your child strong in faith and not able to fault at a kiss or a romance movie. That is the goal. Strict parents that shelter often have their child rebel. (Rebellion we got from Adam, which passed to all.)


I think it's important for kids to know this stuff. Or shall I say pre teens. It's very important that they learn and understand what is right and wrong instead of be sheltered from the wrong.


This is long!

Wow. You've even read the Qur'an? You know so much about religious things. :O
0 votes
This is not fair. Not at all. Your parents seem to be too much conservative or whatever.

I'm not Christian (not Muslim either), but I totally agree with what GemHeart said.
by (101k points)
Mine are conservative as well.
0 votes
by (350k points)

I am not Muslim, but Christian. But here’s what I think.

My parents and I watch romance movies sometimes. I think your parents should have a bit more faith in you not to go around kissing every dude. It also depends on your age, because I’m 16 and do not have a boyfriend, and haven’t. That doesn’t mean I won’t in the future. Dating wise, my family is different on kissing. I think it’s ok when you’re dating  but it’s  best to save them for someone you really like, not being loose and doing it with everyone.

Love is something that is very common in the Christian religion. We believe that sex is only for married couples, as it joins them as one being in God’s eyes (this is why we condone sex outside marriage). As for dating, opinions vary within the community. Number 1, you are under your parents at the moment so you should do what they say, but if it gets too much consider talking to them about it, and when you are 18 you can do what you want.

My opinions on dating & etc summed up:

  1. No sex outside marriage
  2. You should be at least 15 to think about dating, and even then you should date people your age until you are of age. This is just a purely protective measure.
  3. I think you can kiss your S.O.
If you have questions I’ll try to answer, even though I am not Muslim o.o
by (4.0k points)

That would make more sense to me. I mean, in Hellenism, there aren't really any rules about it, considering, y'know, Zeus (and Aphrodite, and Eros, to be fair)

by (350k points)
LOL IKR, Zues be like: “there’s a lady, hmmmmm I wonder if my kids would be powerful if she were the mom—“ it’s like he’s experimenting—
by (4.0k points)

Nah, it's more "Hm, she is pretty" immediately pursues, in various ways

Even though I'm not Christian, I agree with your views, Gem.

Ok, thanks so much, GEMHeart, I agree with your opinions. 

0 votes
by (101k points)
I don’t know, but romance movies are not haram. They are just entertainment.
0 votes
by (4.0k points)
Seriously? No romance movies? That's extreme.
by (32.0k points)

I know. The only romance stuff I can watch is Disney. (Not Disney channel like Desendants, Jessie etc. though) Sometimes when I’m in a middle of a tv show, just one love ship, and we’re not allowed to watch it.

I do like romance but sadly I can’t watch it.

by (4.0k points)
Not even Jessie? What the heck.
by (101k points)
It is allowed in Islam to watch those shows, you just can’t do them. Some parents go to extremes and block out all dating and kissing in TV shows
by (32.0k points)

Ik. Last year I begged my parents to let me watch that show, cuz my BFF watches it and she’s Muslim too! They said “no” and I asked “can I at least watch it with a parent” still, no.

0 votes
by (82.8k points)
Hmm, I'm not Muslim, but liking someone is completely fine, girl!
by (32.0k points)

Yes, but Muslims have a different view on that stuff. I did see on Muslim Pro (it’s a Muslims social media kinda) a guy said “I am currently in love with a woman, please pray for me that I can have a halal relationship with her”. Then I watched this 20 minute  video on YouTube. It was talking about Muslims dating, and said “you dated so and so in high school”?! But not of my Muslim friends and family are allowed to date, neither am I. They even say that in books which have a Muslim as the main character. That book though, it said that a Muslim likes somebody, so I’m just really confused about...you know. We are not even allowed to watch, read, write about romance (I like writing sometimes) and once my little sister wanted me to play barbies with her, and we pretended our dolls were talking a trip to Paris, where some kinda princess superhero headquarters was. And you know, they said Paris is a romantic place. All my sister did was make her doll say “love is in the air” when they arrived in France. My mom came from downstairs making loud steps. “WHAT DID YOU SAY”!? And I was like “wait-what, who said..what?” Then mom was like “NEVER TALK ABOUT LOVE? ESPECIALLY WHILE PLAYING” then she left and we continued. In my head I was like “all she said was love is in the air” I think that’s a bit extreme, you can’t even say the word love like it’s a swear word . This is why I am confused, if love is a swear word, then how can we have love? My parents don’t watch romance movies either! Not because they don’t like it, because they say “romance is not allowed in Islam”. Seriously! All my Muslim friends and their parents loooove romance movies, and I have noticed that happens..actually with most of my Muslim friends! They watch sad/comedic romance movies 24/7. My parents even close their eyes on a kiss scene! I mean, it’s bad enough for me to close my eyes in a kiss scene, I’m almost a teenager, and guess what, when I was in 1st grade we watched this movie, it had just one kiss scene but it was long and NO ONE closed their eyes. The teacher didn’t even ask them too.I told my friends “guys close ur eyes” and they were like “oh your such a baby, we don’t need to close our eyes”. I’m not a baby! Even my parents close their eyes during kiss scenes!!! And those kids were just 1st graders. In 2nd grade, kids in my class started dating and asked me too, too. They thought everyone had “a man” or whatever. They said “ooh, he ur man”? “You guys gonna breakup”? If I can’t date in high school how will I date in 2nd grade. So, you see what I mean? There’s lots of love in this world, that I can’t access. I mean, you get what I mean. Sorry if I became rude while writing that thing, I’m just a little mad, not at you, at my parents.

by (4.0k points)
At that point, it should be your own choice.
by (14.5k points)

My dad skips kiss scenes in movies and I always close my eyes lol... not because of strictness, it's just really... cringe. I can't help go like, "CLOSE YALLS EYES-" cuz its soooo cringey T_T

and this is coming from a teenager- 

but anyways wow.. not even saying, "love is in the air"? ... that's really strict. 


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