+7 votes
in All Advisors by (920 points)
Hi guys so I’ve been having some struggles with my BFF.

I don’t know why because we haven’t had any fights. Or disagreeing on anything. So I don’t know what’s bothering me. I met her for a walk today and everything was great. But I just feel like my phone stresses me out and with all the Texts and calls I have to keep up with.


In September we had lots of fights over nothing and we haven’t disagreed over anything lately. I am a shy and quiet person, but I am kind and creative. My best friend is confident and kind. She has an honest opinion though so that may lead to fights and does. Sometimes I just feel like my real life revolves around her, and I want you to call me back and text me back and sometimes it just stresses me out if she doesn’t. And what I can’t wait until we go back to school after the Easter break so maybe we can talk about this, I just wanted to let you guys know this problem I have. Have a lovely day, Please reply if you have any suggestions thanks

2 Answers

0 votes
I am shy until you know me, then you'll want me to be quiet, but my best friend is very outgoing. She has lots of friends and goes places and I have 2 friends and don't go very many places. We mostly text cause when we are together she hangs out with all her girl friends and I hang out with my other friend. When we fight, it is usually over text and I have found the best way is to just snooze notifications from them for a couple days.

Hope this helps, the cubing fisherman.
0 votes
Well. Me and my friend are always arguing about stuff, my suggusten is to just ignore it, if their wrong their wrong.
by (920 points)

ye thanks for taking the time to emoticon-00100-smile comment, I’m feeling a lot better now. 

have a lovely day y’all 



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