+7 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (52.6k points)
You all know I'm 10.

I'm so scared of getting my period. What if I get it at school?

Do periods hurt?

Advice, please!
by (13.5k points)

No they don’t hurt and if you get it at school ask your teacher if she can talk for a min and tell her what happened and she will take you to the office and they will give you a pad. Don’t worry you’ll be fine I promise!embarrassed_smile

by (52.6k points)
TYSM! I feel better! :)
by (13.5k points)
by (180 points)
Don't worry you only sometimes get cramps. Carry an extra pad to school incase you get your period

8 Answers

0 votes
by (2.4k points)

Periods Don't hurt normally unless you are having cramps but make sure you have pads or tampons handy and you shouldn't wear light pants like white because they could bleed through I hope this advice helped u out. Have a blessed day dear

0 votes
by (480 points)
No, they do not hurt, but you may get cramps, though it's different for every girl. If you get it at school, ask a friend who's gotten theirs, or a trusted female teacher. If you start getting signs of your period, don't wear white pants, or underwear you really like. You can search online tor a full list of period signs.
0 votes
by (523k points)
To answer your first question. If it happens at school, go to the nurse's office. The nurse's office ALWAYS has extra pads AND tampons. Ypu could also ask a female teacher. The teacher there is no guarentee she will have them though. But, whichever you feel more comfortable doing.

To answer your second question. Nope perods don't hurt. It MIGHT hurt the few days leading up to it but not during. You probably won't even feel anything during.
0 votes
I have not gotten my period yet, but I have a friend who has. She said that if i got it during school i can just come to her and she will give me a pad. honestly I too am quite scared, but it is always good to have a friend to help, and u can also just tell any lady in the building, trust me, it's not that awkward.
+1 vote
don’t worry every girl goes through this so it’s nothing to be afraid of. there are certain parts that could be uncomfortable but you will get used to it and there’s ways to make those things better like if you have a cramp you can use a heating pad. ik we sometimes hear all these crazy embarassing stories of people getting their first period but i can assure you you will be fine those are rare situations and you can always talk to a parent or friend or teacher or nurse or counselor or sibling if you don’t understand but in the end everyone figures it out and so will u!
+1 vote
No it does not hurt. You might get cramps though. if u get it at school you can ask a female teacher for some pads. If u dont want to do that you can use TP or ask to go home cause u dont feel good
+1 vote
To Answer your question (Do Periods hurt?)

Ehhh The period itself doesn't hurt. But you might get Cramps . Though Cramps are different for every girl. For the first few times you shouldn't get camps:)
by (52.6k points)
Thank you!
:) I know nothing about school Lol.
+1 vote
No periods don hurt, and if you get at school use toilet paper.
by (52.6k points)
Thanks for the advice :)


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