+13 votes
in Drafts by
(2013-2014)Phase 1 Mathgeek, cupcake, Alter cinco mystic beauty  Arkzo etc.

(2015-2017 )Phase 2 Gymnast power, Rae, Cindy, GH, Lou Lou, Funheart, Tyler etc.

Part 1 Gymnastpower, Rae etc.

Part 2 Cindy, GH, Lou, Tyler, Grfindor gal,FH etc.

 (2018- early2021lPhase  3 Gh, Knight star, Queeny, LunaLight, LLM, Lemony the bean, Jellyfishlover, PUMPKIN, Duke, greenie JD2005 etc.

Part 1 GH, Knightstar,Queen,s  LunaLight,etc.

Part 2 Pumpkin, LLM,jellyfishlovet, Lemony etc.

Part 3 Duke, greenie, eloquent, etc.

Phase 4 Our phase.
by (959k points)
Yeah, but you were more active later sooo... I have my reason.
by (1.34m points)
not really

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (7.3k points)
Best answer
Kidztalk has come a looong way!! I'm proud of you Kidztalk!!
Yeah that’s very true I just got this app at least a month ago or two months ago but this thing is so cool you can communicate with the kids you can play games you can do all the kind of stuff I thought Safari was better but actually kiddos is way better than any other app that’s safe browsing and will you communicate to the kids is Kyle like your on Facebook because you can comment on something like you can do on Facebook you can like send a picture of something and then kids can respond to it not adults you know that’s so cool to me
0 votes
by (784k points)
phase 4 : Duke, Elo, Nobi, Dino, Nordic,  The Finnish-American Sisters (Inga and Hilda) , GC, Johnny, TheatreDog, Pizza Lover, Esie
by (528k points)
I have been summoned..
+2 votes
by (165k points)


+2 votes
Lol but its like so right
+2 votes
by (265k points)
Woah, 2013 was so long ago...

heheh ikomgomg

by (165k points)
How do you make the emoji that big? I feel like a simp lol
by (165k points)

IKR like my little sister was not even one year old WOW I feel so old.........scream-fear

My lill sis wasn't even Born !
by (1.34m points)

How do you make the emoji that big? I feel like a simp lol

I don't think you know what simp means

by (165k points)
I simp can mean many diffrent things I looked it up. Do you know what a simp means?
by (165k points)
by (1.34m points)
you didn't use it in the right context lol
by (165k points)
Yes I did. LOOK IT UP!

I don't really know I messed around the emoji. Press on the emoji so grey or blue or some other color appears then press image properties. Do you like Bacon ? @PUMPKIN what is a Simp ? I'am not modern XD


by (165k points)

I LUVE bacon baby! Do you like donuts?


Yasss hdjsjdhks  do you like Bacon Donuts ?
by (1.34m points)


Urban Dictionary's top definition of a simp is "someone who does way too much for a person they like."

by (165k points)

It is the TOP def what are the others? shades_smile

by (165k points)

Umm never had them you? I like those things you can get at a donut place  sausages wrapped in bread YUM!!

by (1.34m points)

It is the TOP def what are the others? shades_smile

That's literally what simp means to everyone online, there are no other major meanings. Everyone can assign their own unique meaning to a word, I guess, but... yea

by (165k points)

SO there are other meanings just not as widely used you said it yourself

There are no other major meanings.


by (1.34m points)
used with like 5 people lol

you used the word wrong but I'm not gonna argue about it
by (165k points)
U just did for like 7 comments bro!
by (1.34m points)
I like to get roped into these things lol
by (165k points)
by (156k points)
My lil brother wasn't even born and my sis was about to turn 2
by (165k points)
I was one years old! And now i'm ten!
by (165k points)
Wow I thought you were older!
No, I'm ten. I think everyone thinks I am older because of the way I type.
by (165k points)
XD That's funny!
by (87.1k points)

Wow… look at your guys. Debating on KT about the definition of ‘simp’. LOL yay

by (165k points)

XD Thank you Thank you!

by (1.34m points)
It was the greatest conversation of all time
by (87.1k points)
Hehehe yes of course
by (165k points)

Duh! Ofc!





JK tongue_smile

by (87.1k points)
by (165k points)
by (87.1k points)

*random faces*

by (165k points)
Random conversation really!

by (87.1k points)
by (1.34m points)
The notifications whyyyyyyyy
by (165k points)
by (959k points)


by (165k points)







+1 vote
by (165k points)
Were you here in 2013?? and if not how do you know all that stuff?
No. Those were people who posted lot lol

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