+6 votes
in Health & Fitness by (263k points)
I need help, you guys!! Today at work, despite all the sunscreen, I got sunburnt!! Like, major, MAJOR sunburnt. Second degree burns.

How do I take care of them so they don't peel and lose my tan!?

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Best answer
Wash it with warm water and take lots of luke warm showers. Try to avoid being out in the sun with an extreme sunburn but since I know you can't do that try to wear a long swimsuit (one with long sleeves) avoid harsh perfume and lotion. Put aloe and if it hurts a lot try over the counter meds.
by (263k points)

Will do!! salute I don't have a long swimsuit, but I'll wear my t-shirt, shorts, and stick a bandage or something over the tops of my feet :/

Thanks, gorl!! Really appreciate it!! 

by (165k points)
NP sounds painful! Hope your skin doesn't boil! You have sunburn on your feet? Maybe put on a hat?
by (263k points)
Yes, they did burn- badly!! D:
by (165k points)
The price you pay for the cash.
by (263k points)
by (165k points)
by (263k points)
by (165k points)
Did you watch it?
Star Wars I mean?!
by (263k points)

Not yet T_T 

Instead, I watched "Father of the Bride" XDXD If you haven't seen it, watch it!! I think you would like it, and I'll bet your parents def know about it :)

by (165k points)
No, I haven't seen it! You're talking about the old one, right? I watched The Mysterious Bendict Society (Definitely a have to watch!) and a bit of Descendances and some Liv and Maddie. And Jessie and Oh yah we watched Teen Beach 2 and like 2 in the morning at my grandparents' house even though the next day we had to wash all of the windows. XD
by (263k points)
Yes!! I didn't know there was an old one... But it's not that old!! Prob late 80's or early 90's, I think.

Haha!! You've been watching all the "Disney" stuff!!

Hey, washing windows is pretty therapeutic XDXD
by (165k points)
Well, I meant there is a new one either in theaters or coming soon! Yep! That's really the only thing they have they don't have Hulu or Netflix they do have Nick and Nick Jr but I get tired of Sponge Bob Teen Titans ect.

True but not the way my grandma like them! I did get a 100 dollar bill though!
by (263k points)
Ooooh, I'll hafta look into that!!

Haha!! Very neat!! And luckyyyyy!!
by (165k points)
You should! Yep! What do you have? I mean do you have Disney Plus Netflixs ect ect?
by (263k points)
I actually JUST got Netflix back for season four of "Stranger Things!!" Such a good show!! And really sad, too... :( I also have Prime and Hulu, but no Disney+ :(
by (165k points)
Nice my mom would never let me watch that though. She won't let me watch HSM 3 cuse she thinks it looks dumb.  We don't have Hulu but do have Disney well really my Aunt does and she lets us use it but she keeps changing the password and not telling us so some of our devices can use DP and some can't.XD
by (263k points)
Awww, it is really good though!! Try and have her watch the first few episodes- she might even like it!!

by (165k points)

Yah, I wish I could but not going to happen. Does it have love? Death or scary parts? Cuse, she lived in a place with like witch Docters and real evil, so she hates scary movies. And she also hates "Teen Drama" any kissing flirting and basically teen love and she says it'd dumb and a waste of our time. She wouldn't let us watch a movie bc she said it " Looked Dumb" stupid

So, me and my sister made a plan on how to watch as many teen movies as we can when we stay at our grandmas next week. plotting

by (263k points)

Hahahahahaha!! Yes girl!! plotting

Well, yeah it does... a lot. Lol XD

+1 vote
by (952k points)
During the local 4th of July parade last year, I forgot to put sunscreen on one of my shoulders and it got sunburnt. My shoulder was red and skin was peeling. It was also painful. And on top of all that, I was outside for an hour.

Aloe will probably help.
by (263k points)
Yes!! I just put Aloe on it!! :)

And LUCKY!! You get an Independence Day parade!? You're so lucky!! We can't even shoot fireworks where I'm at in Washington :(((
by (952k points)
My town got on the front page of the local news for hosting the parade last year. It wasn’t a full one though. This year, it is gonna be a full one.

And also, I can’t believe you can’t even shoot fireworks in real life where you’re at. You could do it online though!
by (263k points)
Eh, yeah, it's not NEARLY as exciting as irl though :/
by (952k points)
Very true. Videos online aren’t as exciting as actually doing it.

Example: Roller coaster videos. There’s videos of people in the front seat of a roller coaster filming the whole thing when you can just ride it.
by (263k points)
+1 vote
by (544k points)
Ask your parents to take you to a doctor for the severity you have.
by (263k points)
It's not bad enough for them to do anything :( Most second-degree burns aren't, at least sunburns.
0 votes
by (263k points)

Answer me, you guys haha!! I'm desperate a-=(

by (952k points)
I already did.
by (263k points)
Yes ;)

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