+3 votes
in Other by
hair choppinh
Don't know????

Glue it back ona-=D

Just tell the truth.
I know this may sound like the opposite of what you are attempting to do, but you would be much better off just admitting the truth to them instead of trying to live in a lie. They would definitely find out anyway; there isn't a very good way to hide such a major detail from them.

Believe it or now, a similar thing happened to me when I attempted to cut my own bangs at 7 years old. They came out incredibly uneven and odd-looking. I was in tears and was absolutely terrified to admit the truth to my mom and dad. My parents were angry at first, but eventually they calmed down and helped me fix the damage; now my bangs grew out and its like it never even happened.

As I mentioned before, its not like you can hide it from them. Just admit the truth and apologize, everything will be alright. Just remember, its hair. It can grow back in a few months/years (depending how much is cut off).

I hope this helps and that you and your family can get this sorted out :>
thanx and we told the truth to my mum not dad ahh



FIRST ima glue back ur brain in ya headwink_smile

7 Answers

0 votes
by (155k points)
Don't even try to hide it, I mean lets face it they're gonna find out anyways! Then you'll be in more trouble for lying. Just tell them what happened.
you're right and i did my mom is upset
0 votes
by (147k points)
Tell the truth. It will save you a lot of trouble and your parents won't be a mad than if you lied.

i did told the truth and moms like u both broke my trustcry_smile

0 votes
Make or buy a hair extension!
good idea but im broke rn
0 votes
by (165k points)
But on a head scarf and say that her head is cold intill you can cut it straight!
i told her to wear hoodies fr some days
by (165k points)
0 votes
You could say it fell or hide the hair.

You also could cut the hair so its even

but i like my haircry_smile 

0 votes
by (544k points)
Uhh tell them she did it in her sleep.
ooo good one
0 votes
you should probably tell them that is better for them to find out them self i
ur totally right but it turned out worst after telling em ahhh

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