+8 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (522k points)
Boys, please don't respond to this.

My period blood keeps getting onto my underpants. It keeps going in front or behind the pad. Help!

Is there any solution to my problem?
You can use tampons
by (14.6k points)
Are you putting way in the back? If so, put it more in the middle and ask your mom to get you pads with wings
You should not post this kind of stuff. PS Don't worry im a girl
by (65.0k points)
Bro it's totally fine for someone to ask for help about those kinds of things.

7 Answers

+3 votes
by (2.4k points)
Best answer

To this day there is period underwear at Walmart that absorbs the blood and you can get some tampons I hope this advice helped you out . Have a wonderful blessed day heart

0 votes
by (62.9k points)
- Period Underwear (My savior)

- And 5 overnight maxi pads no leak extra long (something like that) is my holy grail
0 votes
by (15.6k points)
Use more pads or the other ting idk what its called I'm only 9 I have not delt with that so idk
*gAsP iM 9 ToO AnD i dOnT unDerStAnD tHiS sTuFf eItHeR
+1 vote
by (270 points)
It may be that you pad is too small so get a longer size and if it leaks into your underwear with the pad on you may need to look up thicker pads hope this helps!
+1 vote
by (214k points)
It might mean your pad is too small! Maybe get some longer ones!
+1 vote
by (164k points)
Move where you place the pad or get a bigger size! That happens to me at night! If you get bigger and more aborbant it should work!

Ikr gurl!
+1 vote
by (895k points)
You can put a smaller pad wherever it’s bleeding onto your underwear.


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