+6 votes
in All Advisors by (28.2k points)
hear you can ask me anything and I promise to get back to you btw I  specialized in crushes and other types of relationships like that I also get pretty good friendship advice or you could just get something off your chest I promise I'll always listen and get back to you as quickly as I can.

3 Answers

+1 vote

0 votes
I like the girl who lives next door. but I never get a chance to talk her. what could I do?
by (9.9k points)
Make up excuses to go to her house
by (28.2k points)
well, you code ask her if she wants to study together ask for help with homework or ask if she needs any help with her homework. hope this helps.
I have a crush and he’s so cute but I too scared to talk to him or look him directly in the eye what do I do now?
by (28.2k points)
well for starters you are amazing and if he's too stubborn to see that then he's a waste of your time just be yourself around him become his friend compliment him every now and then and don't be afraid to talk to him because you are amazing and Incredible and any guy would be lucky to have you you got this girl.
Ok thank you but another thing I feel likes somethings wrong and weird with my crush but I can’t figure what it is so any tips
by (28.2k points)
can u explain it
by (28.2k points)
try asking girls he has dated or people who know him well.
0 votes
i have a crush on a girl what do i do?
by (9.9k points)
Try to impress her and buy things for her and do favors for her
by (28.2k points)
become her friend and compliment her hang out with her and make her feel special make an effort with her especially to make her happy and comfort her when she is sad. hope this helps
talk to her.  a couple times.  try to build on that beginning.  work to eventually get her talking with u often.  finally, try to work your way into being one of her favorite companions.  thats when things really begin to get good...

Go for it.  Good luck.


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