+8 votes
in Venting by
So there's this kid in my homeroom that came in to class a few weeks ago with a cast on her arm. She said nothing of the sort other than that her arm hurt (her name is Amanda by the way). The entire class period went fine until the end, when the teacher, Mr. H, asked me if I would help Amanda carry her books and notebooks to her next class. Let me remind you, she carried her stuff in with her to the class we were currently in. I didn't think much of it and did as the teacher asked, but it started getting frequent.

That happened about 4 weeks ago now, and I've been carrying Amanda's stuff for her every day since then. I didn't mind at first, but then I started getting really suspicious. As I mentioned before, she wore a cast, but after about 1-2 weeks she stopped wearing it, but still needed help carrying her stuff. It certainly was odd, but I just brushed it off because I was happy to help.

Today, however, I was packing up my pencils at the end of the period and Amanda came over to me as she always did, asking for help. I did as she asked, and after I dropped her stuff off I started walking to my next period. I turned the corner into the hallway where the classroom was located and the bell rang literally 3 seconds after I got in. I was panting because I had ran for my life.

Now I was pretty annoyed. I had no issue helping her but if it was going to make me late, then I wasn't going to help her anymore. Mind you, over all of these weeks I have been the only one carrying het stuff. Mr H thinks nothing of it but I find it incredibly weird.

Anyway, I got to lunch and brought up the subject of Amanda to my friends, to which one of them said "Oh yeah Amanda does that a lot. Mrs B (one of the ELA teachers) had this other student carry her things for her once but that stopped when Mrs B saw Amanda using both her arms, including her " sore" arm, to carry her stuff".

I was so mad. I had suspected something and I knew I should have trusted my gut. I asked my friend, Kenna, about it at the end of the day at our lockers and she said she saw Amanda walking out of study hall carrying her stuff with 2 arms. I asked others in my homeroom and they agreed. All of them had seen Amanda using her apparently sore/broken arm.

Idk what to do. I want to confront Mr H and I have a feeling he would believe me because I get good grades and he's a really nice teacher and he trusts me, but what do I say? I can't just say "oh hi Mr h, so yeah this kids faking". It sounds weird. Im thinking of bringing along 2 of the kids that saw her using her arms for support but idk. Any advice? I really need it.
Hey could I please vent here?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (541k points)
just comfront her and get your friends to give more deets
+2 votes
by (949k points)
You need to tell Mr. H right now about it, and tell him that other people noticed it too.
+1 vote
Bring along those kids and say, carefully, "So, you know how Amanda has been having me carry her things?" Then tell your teacher more about this. Have the other kids tell your teacher more, and maybe even tell this teacher about your teacher that saw Amanda do this.

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