+11 votes
in JD's Blog by (155k points)
Hello, everyone.

I'm here to announce something important today. As the title suggests, I have finally decided to leave KidzSearch officially.

I turned 18 on the 24th last month, which means I'm no longer a minor, that being the main reason behind my decision. Plus, I have other things to do irl, obviously.

I've been here for like almost 5 years now... looking back, it really has been a memorable journey. I was literally all alone and friendless before I discovered this place. After I came here, my life slowly started to change.

I want to thank each and every one of you for making my stay so memorable. Those who have been here from the start, those who have joined later on... I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for the memories, the support... everything. It really means a lot to me. I must have been lucky to have friends as great as y'all. I could include some honorable mentions here, but I decided not to, since the list would never end. That's just how great you guys are!

And of course, thanks a lot to KidzSearch for providing us with such an amazing platform, and for being the thread that connects us all together. We wouldn't be here without them.

By the way, my accounts on both KidzTalk and KidzNet will remain as they are, and I might still check in from time to time. I'll share any updates I may have under the Alumni category from now on. I'm staying in touch with GemHeart, KnightStar, Queeny, Scruffypenny, LLM and Cindy through socials, but sadly, I don't have the permission to share my usernames with y'all here yet. I'll see if I can maybe find a way though, and let you guys know accordingly.

So, that's it. I love you all so much and I will miss you all so much <3

I'll be replying to all your comments on this post below, so bye for the time being!

With love,

by (2.8k points)
I'll miss you. I really thought of you as a great friend, even though we might not really know each other.
by (155k points)
Thank you!
Omg tysm

22 Answers

+4 votes
I know we never really knew each other, but im still sad to see people leave the platform. I can't believe you're 18 now, though! Just wow lol.

I hope you have fun with wherever you are doing now and I wish you the best in life.

by (155k points)
Thank you!
+3 votes
by (56.2k points)
Awww, we will miss you lots!!


If you ever feel sad remember our funny who-is-the-ruler stuff.

Byyye. Maybe the next time u visit here I will be 15.
by (155k points)
+4 votes
by (214k points)
Awww I'm sad you're leaving, even though I didn't really know you too well. I hope you had a great time here! You will be missed!
by (155k points)
Mhm, we never really got the chance to know each other, but I'll miss you too!
+2 votes
by (545k points)
I'll miss you
by (155k points)
I'll miss you too!
by (545k points)
Any last Minecraft questions?
by (155k points)

Sadly, I don't play MC T_T

by (545k points)
by (155k points)
+2 votes
by (955k points)
Well, JD, that’s unfortunate. To be honest, I wish you hadn’t left. But I wish nobody had left KidzTalk.

You were one of the first people I met when I started KidzNet and KidzTalk. But mostly KidzNet. (And the old KidzNet)

Also, make sure to check the old KidzNet every once in a while. It might be a slow, abandoned place, but it’s still there.

Welp, farewell.

- EloquentRacer92

(When it comes to situations like this, I’m not great at writing something that’s long.)
by (155k points)
Thank you, Elo! You're like the only other OG here from those days.

I will!

Farewell.. you're an amazing friend.
by (955k points)
Thank YOU for coming here in the first place!
by (155k points)
by (955k points)
by (155k points)
+2 votes
by (64.3k points)

I will miss you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo​​​​​​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! Goodbye! whatchutalkingabout_smilesad_smilecry_smileT_T

by (155k points)
Same, even though I barely know you lol. Goodbye!
by (64.3k points)
I know, I barely know you too! But I will miss your posts!
by (155k points)
+2 votes
by (131k points)
Nooo! We will miss you! Please return as an adult! Im crying rn!
by (155k points)
As I said, I'll try to check in from time to time! Please don't cry.
+2 votes
by (527k points)
It's very sad to see you go. You may not know me very well, but I've seen old posts and comments about you, and you've been here for a very long time! One of the ogs!

I hope you have as much of a wonderful life outside of KS as you did on it.

Farewell, my fellow Talker!

by (155k points)
Thank you!
by (527k points)
No problem!
by (155k points)
by (527k points)
by (155k points)
+3 votes
by (215k points)


i wish u wernt a grown up waaaaaaaah ill miss you so much jd!!! T_T

by (155k points)
by (215k points)
*proceeds to cry my eyeballs out*
by (155k points)

Noooo T_T

+2 votes
We'll miss you so much! Please check back often! You did so much for KT, and you're an amazing friend! I haven't known you that long, but you're an awesome person!
by (155k points)
Thank you!
by (155k points)
by (155k points)
I feel like I have so many comment strings of :D.

by (155k points)

Nobi gave me this idea. It's riding a surfboard!!!
by (155k points)
Cool :0


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