+11 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by (526k points)
For the people who are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc, I would like to say that I understand where all of you are coming from.

I used to post things about Christianity like it was some disease I had to spread the word about, and now that I look back on it, I realize how quick I was to judge and criticize something that I never truly understood. This does not mean I will convert to any of these religions in any way shape or form, because I still do not believe Hell or things like that are real, but I understand that because you feel it is real that you will not take any chances.

You guys will believe in God because He is what you feel like you need. And you feel if you don't believe in him then, come what you think will be "Judgement Day", you'll automatically be on the Hell list. And some if you understand that if He isn't real, then you will be okay, but if he is, you want to accept him just in case. And I get that. I have come to learn that bashing another religion or community is pathetic. And I'm sorry.

And I know there are no "buts", but I just want to say that, at that time, I saw how some Christians were using their religion to bash on communities like LGBTQIA+, using it as an excuse, and I felt it was very wrong of them to do that, and, ignorantly, grouped them as a whole. And I realized that by doing what I was doing, I was fighting fire with fire. I was using the same thing that I was fighting against. And that was wrong.

AGAIN, I AM NOT WHATSOEVER GOING TO BELIEVE IN GOD OR SATAN. I do agree with the life of Jesus. There is historical proof that he was alive. And I do enjoy church choir music. It is a very good type of music.

I hope all of the people I know who are Christian accept my apology.

Thank you for your time.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (112k points)
i stand with nobi!
by (526k points)
Thank you :)
0 votes
by (28.8k points)
I do forgive you but you can't tell us what is and is not true we may not have proof that God is real but you have no proof that he is not we have a right to believe in what me want so please do not do it anymore and we believe because its what we think is true and right how can this beautiful world all be a mistake we don't choose to believe because we don't want to go to Hell if that is the only reason some people believe that they are not true believers before judging us you shoad know what you are judging and what you are talking about so next time try and understand where we are coming from first (not trying to be rude but someone had to say it)
by (526k points)
I know someone had to say it, but that's exactly what I said...

Still, thank you.
by (14.6k points)
by (526k points)
Exactly to them or to me?
by (14.6k points)
To them
by (28.8k points)
I don't believe it because of the fear of going to hell if that's why you believe to play it safe then you are not safe there is so much more to being a Christian I believe because of faith and things that only can be explained as God looking out I have seen a miracle.
by (526k points)
I understand. Thank you all for accepting my apology, as I truly am embarrassed of what I did in the past. I can only make things right right now and from here on.

0 votes
by (156k points)
by (526k points)
No problem!
0 votes
I entirely agree with everything you are saying. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community, and while its true that some Christians can be quite homophobic and disrespectful towards us, there are a lot more that are very accepting and don't really care about our sexualities that much. Because in all reality, sexuality, gender, race, etc. don't matter in the grand scheme of things. They don't define a person. If all you look at when you see someone is their race, gender, or sexuality, and not them as a person, then you are incredibly misunderstood.

I don't believe in God, Satan, or Christianity also (despite being raised by a very Christian father), but I respect all religions. As long as people keep to themselves and don't judge, I don't really mind what they believe in. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and that's 100% okay.

Im not a Christian, Muslim, Jewish person, (insert other religion/beliefs here) or a very religious person at all, so I can't really accept your apology, but i sincerely hope others do. You made an honest mistake (I made the same mistake years ago, and many others have too!), but you are owning up to it and apologizing, and that is something I respect.
by (526k points)
Thank you so much. I really needed this answer.

I am mainly trying to apologize to people that are my friends on here that are devout Christians, like blueZswagger, CheerlessCheerleader, Thalia, Esie, etc.

It's really good to know that other Non-Christians have made the same mistake as I did and that I'm not the only one. :)

And I really appreciate that even though you aren't Christian that you appreciate my apology as if you were.

And thank you also for taking the time to answer like this on my post! :))))

Hope you had a great day!

Of course. Im very pleased I could ease your worries a bit.

I hope all your friends on KT accept your apology and that everything turns out alright for you. You are a very kind person and everyone makes mistakes sometimes. All that matters is that you understand your wrongdoings and that you recognize what you thought incorrectly.

I hope you have an amazing day/night as well! <3
by (526k points)
Thank you again, so much. This means the absolute world to me, and I can't really think of anything else to say other than thank you, because these answers and comments need a whole lot more. But I don't know what else to say so

Thannnnnnnk youuuuuuu!

by (954k points)
I’ve also made the same mistake 2 years ago. Specifically to Christians.
by (526k points)
Oh, thank you for letting me know!

It's good to know that we're all in the same boat and have gotten out if it. :)))
by (954k points)
You’re welcome!

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