+3 votes
in Shout-Outs by
God is our creator but do you believe in him?

15 Answers

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- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
+1 vote
by (524k points)

by (524k points)
Because a man in the sky does not make sense.

Nor does nothing turning into something. If I take an orange and it turns into another orange. God makes more sense, because he's real.

by (524k points)
He isn't real in the way you think he is.
He is not in the sky
How can somthing come out of nothing?
by (524k points)
According to you, someone must have made God, because something cannot come out of nothing, correct?
No God has always been, everything with a beginning needs a cause stars have a beginning and therefore requires a cause, mass energy has a beginning and therefore requires a cause. God on the other hand has no beginning and therefore requires no cause.
by (524k points)
Everything has a cause, even "God".

And if you say that God doesn't have a cause, you must say that the universe has no cause. It just happened. According to you, God has always been. The universe has happened, and we don't know how long it's been.

Have you asked God how long he's been? If so, has he answered?
+3 votes
by (159k points)
Yesh i do
by (116k points)


+2 votes
by (775k points)
+2 votes
by (112k points)
1. no

2. um no we evolved from monkeys its litteral science
by (117k points)
I agree with everything you just said
by (159k points)

1: thats your opinion.

2: there isnt sufficient evidence to support it.

3: literal, not litteral.
by (524k points)
GC, can we please not start any debates. If you think about it, religious and nonreligious beliefs are all an opinion. You choose to believe in the bible, and we choose to go by science. Everything is based upon opinions. This country was structured on opinions. Therefore, religion is apart of that criteria :]
by (159k points)
I wasnt starting a debate with one. Theatredog can have their opinion and i stated that.

Also i thought you were buddhist
by (524k points)
I am somewhat of that, yes. But I also believe that science goes a long way in terms of what uncovering the facts of how us humans came about and other things. It is usually something we can see with the right technology and prove from that point on, using what we know from past experimentation and studies :D

Why do I sound like a robot my gah—
by (775k points)
Nobi AI
GravityCentered - I agree!
if you want to get into science, there is no scientific PROOF that we evolved out of a monkey. i mean seriously a monkey, humans have a conscience, that for a fact can NOT evolve out of millions of years from anything. take energy, where does it come from, not heat, heat comes from energy it cant just happen. if you actually think about what evolution say and not just accept it, it really doesn't make sense.
the tec. they use to tell the age of a rock, bone, etc. is not very reliable if it is older then 2,000 years, and according to estimation of what the bible tells us the world is a little over 6,000 years old.
by (524k points)
The bible is very far off from the actual age of the earth.

The earth is over 4 billion years old.
not really
where do you think they got that estimation. like i said the tec. is not very reliable.
by (524k points)
Where did the people who wrote the bible get their estimation?

Don't say science; you're saying it's wrong.
the bible doesnt tell use the age we estimate it, the bible tells use the ages of the generations and we add them up. Adam lives about 900 years and then it tells us how old he was when he had a son and then the age of that son and so on. but the earth is definitely not 4 billion years old.
by (524k points)
The earth is over 4 billion years old, there are Christians who respect science and say that the earth is over 4 billion years old, our new and better technology tells us that the earth is over 4 billion years old, everything points to the earth being over 4 billion years old.

Therefore, the earth is over 4 billion years old.
by (775k points)
I'm Christian, and I agree with Nobi
by (117k points)
I agree Nobi
by (159k points)
Im not trying to escalate this argument, but if a Christian says the earth is 4 billion years old, they are most likely a new Christian or not a Christian at all.
by (117k points)
It is 4 billion years old

How could the earth be only 6,000, when so many scientists and people who have studied it and have so much proof confirmed it was much much older than that
by (524k points)
I'm not sure if that would go well with people who have been Christian for a while yet respect science, but I won't further judge your opinion, GC.
by (775k points)
I have been Christian since I was born-
by (524k points)
See, there's one. Carly, how do you feel about being called a fake Christian?
by (775k points)
by (159k points)
Nobi, I tried to not get in this argument, since I am clearly not fond of the topic of debating about faith in God. It’s a belief. You either believe or don’t believe.

But, just because someone is a Christian, doesn’t mean they’re always right about some things in the Bible. Also adding on, Atheists, people of other religions, and nonbelievers are not always right in their interpretation of science.

There’s always something to be disagreed on, so make sure to realize that.
by (524k points)
I understand. We should just agree to disagree.

Thank you for voicing your opinion and hearing mine :]
You can say the world is so and so old as long as you have proof and not just accept it. I for one am a Christian and I think etiesm makes less sense then God creating us, at least we know where we came from and didn't just come out of noting.
As Christians you can be wrong as well. you are human you can make mistakes. When most people become a Christian they think they can't make a mistake. I tell you no one is perfect all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God just make sure you learn from the mistakes.
He was not called a fake Christian. Also there is no such thing ether you're a Christian or your not.

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