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Ask and I will answer, just so you know, don't be afraid to ask about what's bothering you.

2 Answers

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by (146k points)
Why do I never feel like God is there for me?

Why do I feel like I’m always sinning according to other people, when I’m being human and doing good things?

Why am I trying to pray to a God that doesn’t give back?

Why should I continue to try and love him if it doesn’t seem to be doing anything?

I try to pray.

I don’t go to church.

I believe in other gods.

But when I try to believe in him, it doesn’t make me feel happier. It doesn’t make me feel protected. If anything it makes me feel like a fool.

I love him and I try not to sin. I try to be the best of my abilities.

So why do I feel that God is not there for me?

I hear people say God did something for them, that it payed off, but it never really has for me when I believe. My prayers are never answered.

Why do I feel that it’s all made up?
Psy, I think that God is speaking to you, I think he is calling you, the things you feel is your conscience speaking and telling you that you should dig deeper, try harder. Here is my advice when you pray think and say " God show me that you care, shape me into the vessel that I am ment to be. psy, I think you know God exists, that he is slowly shaping you. Paintings are darn right ugly when they are in there first layers so is God plane because you know what the best way to learn is to go thru it yourself. The lord picks up broken pieces and makes them better and prettier then they ever where. You will not find rest until you know for sure that you have God, the only real peace.
If you can wait it's getting late I'll tell you more tomorrow. Thanks.
To tell you the truth I am a little nervous about taking about God if I'm talking face to face to because I grew up in a society that says that they know and follow God but in reality if you so much as bring God up, they will say you are to Christian even if there is no such thing. I had a big circle of friends but they thought the same way and to be honest I did to even though I didn't know it. If you talked about God you were an outcast and I was to focused on pleasing man rather than God and that was the biggest mistake of my life. One of my friends even tried reaching out to them but was as predicted became an outcast. And that made me even more afraid yet I still didn't notice, not until we moved. At the place we moved to there was no one my age and so I had no friends. But I garintee you that it was the best thing that happened to me because I found a relationship with God. And I realized that I had called him God and Savior but I never knew him. So when I visit my friends I try to help them and I see there pain in there eyes now but now they don't even call me friend but I don't mind I have God.
Who am I that the highest king would welcome me, I was lost but he brought me in oh his love for me.
I sometimes feel like that I'm not good enough, that I don't deserve God, that I'm useless but every time that happens I know that his plan for me is perfectly based and that I need only to be still and wait.
Who am I that king of the world would give one sing thought about my broken heart, who am I that the God of all grace wipes the tears from my face, and says come as you are. He paid the price, he took the cross he gave his life, and he did it all with you on his mind.
0 votes
by (194k points)
God has worked in my life and changed every aspect of it. I have seen miracles happen and have met people who have seen miracles. To me God is not only the way the truth and the life he is also the answer. Without God all the time I have fall I would still be there on the ground, God ran to me when the whole world walked away.
Way maker, mericale worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God that is who you are.
by (456k points)
I dont bekive in god.

But I support people who do.
I say this so to help you, find God and you shall be satisfied and at peace. The lord is my ancor and peace
by (194k points)
My whole family is christen
Mine too. Not that we don't have our problems, we just have Jesus to help us through them. He is my ancor in the fiercest storm.

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