+12 votes
in Other by (154k points)

Hello, travelers, ladies, gentlemen, and animalfolk. This is a roleplay. I figured Kidztalk may like a little bit of something extra to do with others… this is where the roleplay comes in!

Welcome to Vivisteria, aka the small Planet 239LY. This wonderful planet houses people of all types- animals, humans, elves, merfolk, humanoid creatures of sorts, deadly beasts- you name it, it’s here!

Vivisteria is home to five main parts of the world, but that does not include the many other places to exist.

[insert map here- {still being created atm}]

Vivisteria has monsters needed to be slayed, royalty that can be conquered, friends that can be made, and more!

If you would like to join this wonderful home, comment your bio and then I’ll start the roleplay! (you are basically making a story)

[Things you should add in bio:



If they use magic, what kind:



Can they talk:

Looks like:

Acts like:

Where they are from (make up a name lol):

Extras: ]

Thank you if you participate! Go along, my friends! Journey to depths never seen before!

[If you have questions, you can also comment them.]


-No trying to start a conversation other than the roleplay on this UNLESS you are talking to someone about the roleplay

-You can only play your character unless someone else gives you consent to play yours

- Keep it with the guidelines

- Be kind

- I upped the maximum- you can have 5 characters not including pets (as side characters)

- Have fun!

(Also, we have over a hundred comments and at least 300 views! Thank you so much!! I didn’t expect this to be so big!)

by (526k points)
Every time I think it's realtime, I get excited. And then I get let down when things slow down again x3

I'm super committed to this roleplay, as I haven't done one in the longest!

20 Answers

+2 votes
by (154k points)
Best answer
[beginning of rp, comment here!]

Rei walked through the forest, looking around for fresh mushrooms to pick for todays special at her cafe. She wandered around, dashing between the trees, holding a bucket.
by (159k points)
Axel sold a final GameStation 5 before shutting down the shop and returning home. He walks through the forest, seeing Rei and greeting her.
by (526k points)
Alastor was seated on a stump in the forest, reading a book on his family's history; his father was always badgering him about it, so he might as well give in now...
by (159k points)
Axel went home and found the bounty he was assigned to. He was supposed to kill Voxan the Supertitan, so he suited up and put on his mask. He got his weapons, and traveled to the Qoras titan province via jumping atop the light-matter powered train. The wind blew on his mask, a feeling Axel enjoyed. As he went through the nayaj province, he gazed upon the cherry blossoms. As he neared the Qoras province, he decided to jump off so his entrance would be more covert. He entered the province and looked at the towering huts, much taller than the skyscrapers in Dreadfort. He quickly took cover behind a bucket when he saw a child titan near by.
by (526k points)
As Alastor flipped the book's pages, taking in all the fascinating knowledge about his royal blood, his body began to feel weak and achy.

"Wha... Whom must I be connecting with?"

He gathered the strength to lift his head from his book, spotting a seemingly injured liacorn (mythological deer), bleeding on the grass blanket of ground.

Stumbling, Alastor threw down his book and walked slowly towards the animal. He could feel its fear of him, but he knew that it knew it had no choice but to lay there. When he got to it, he kneeled down next to it. "Are you okay?" He spoke in his native language, Dracan. It made anxious noises.

Alastor carefully placed his hands on the animal's bloody leg, feeling a shock of pain in his when he did so. "Gah!"

Deeply exhaling, he assured the liacorn that it was okay. "I haven't mastered healing yet, as I am only 12 years old, but I will help you."

He closed his eyes, cultivating the power within himself. A green aura started to emit from his hands and the liacorn's leg, but very faintly. He heard it make more noises.

Opening his eyes, Alastor felt his leg getting somewhat better. It must be a sign of the liacorn's wellness, he thought. He slid his hands under the animal and picked it up, not minding the exceptionally heavy weight it had. He now limped.

"We have to find your mother; she will be able to heal you further. But where is she? I hope not far..."
by (117k points)
Sparrow walked through the forest, Audric on her shoulder. She was furious at her parents for telling her she had to give up her dream of being a warrior, as princesses weren’t meant to do that sort of thing. She had just decided she was not going to listen to them when she saw Alastor quietly sitting on a tree stump reading. Normally, she would have just ignored someone sitting on a tree stump reading. But something made him seem interesting to her

“What are you reading?” She asked Alastor
by (215k points)
Alisana walks through the forest, picking wildflowers, when they saw Sparrow talking to Alastor.

"Hi," they said to them.
by (526k points)
Alastor looked at both of them. He didn't know how to respond.

He looked down at the liacorn he was holding, which was still trembling quite a bit. "The liacorn.." he whispered.
by (117k points)
“I can heal him” she pointed to the Liao rn

“ I have the power to heal people’s/ creatures inner and outer wounds” She told alastor

“See?” She said, closing her eyes and mumbling some words under her breath and healing the liacorn. “ Now he’s better”

She smiled at at Alastor, who still had a worried look on his face.

“ Don’t worry, he’s gonna be fine”
by (526k points)
He still couldn't find the proper words of greeting. He managed to utter, "Thank you," quietly. He looked down at the liacorn once more, staring into its eyes. "Where is your mother?" He said, accidentally slipping into his native language again.
by (154k points)
Rei was singing at the top of her lungs an old song she knew as she ran through the forest, stumbling across the two.
by (159k points)
Axel eventually encountered his bounty, which didn’t notice him. Axel quietly climbed the titans body, climbing to his neck. He went to his spine, and got his katanas. He cut through the flesh, alerting the titan. The titan tries to crush him, but fails. Axel rips a bigger hole in the flesh and shimmies through. He reaches the bone, and begins to punch the bone, to no avail. He grabs his grenade launcher, and jumps down the spine. The titan desperately tried to squish him, once again to no avail. Axel shot a grenade up his spine, and got close to the flesh purposely. The titan’s back exploded, with the titan still being alive. Axel crawled through right before the titan fell. He ran away, leaving the titan for dead.
by (215k points)
"Alastor, what in the world were you doing, messing with a liacorn?" Alisana asks him. "Poor thing. I'm sure it needs water," they say, moving the water from the creek up into the air, swirling it skillfully before dropping it down into a puddle so the liacorn could drink.

"Seriously, what were you thinking, Alastor? It's unlike you to be messing with poor creatures such as this one," Alisana says.
by (526k points)
"It... It needed to be helped... It was in dire need of it."

Alastor looked off to space, wondering what his father would think if he ever found out that his superior son helped an inferior creature. But he just couldn't obey his father's close-minded wishes; it was too unpleasant for him.
by (154k points)
Rei skipped along happily, exiting the forest pretending she hadn’t seen anyone.
by (117k points)
“ I understand. Do you know where its parents are?”

Sparrow had been forbidden to use her powers ESPECIALLY the healing one. What would her parents think if they knew she had “wasted” it on a liacorn. But she didn’t regret helping it and she swore that she would always help nayone or anything that needed to be helped from this moment on.
by (526k points)
"I was on my way to find its parents..." Alastor replied, his mind obviously somewhere else. He started to grow increasingly worried; his father would forbid him from going into the forest ever again if he knew... But his mother would protect him, surely. She always does... She knows how he feels.
by (154k points)
Rei had hopped along to her cafe and left the door open as she took out the mushrooms and began to dice them to make todays special- fluffy mushroom bread.

Her knife sliced into every mushroom quickly before she scooped up the small pieces and threw them into a pot to boil. When they finished cooking, she dumped them in a bowl and put together the ingredients to make a bread, then rolling it out till she was satisfied and put it in the oven.

“Opening time will be in approximately 45 minutes,” she said happily.
by (117k points)
“ Okay. Do you want me to come with you to find its parents? I’ve got a knack for that sort of thing.” Sparrow pats her phoenix Audric. The look on her face says this has been haunting her for a long time.  Her mother would be furious if she found put she had “ wasted” her powers to heal the liacorn. And would be even more furious if she found out she was offering to help a non elf(by the looks of his ears) find a liacorn parents.

Weirdly, this seemed to entice her more.
by (526k points)
Alastor's necklace suddenly burst with light. He stumbled, catching himself with quick instinct. Lifting it up softly, he knew what this could only mean. His father was trying to contact him; he'd probably gone past his venturing hours. He never liked the curfew his father set for him, as it was never enough. But nonetheless, Alastor synced his energy into the necklace to answer the signal.

A hazy spirit emitted from the necklace, taking a small shape of the King. He had long, godly white hair and his eyes pierced you with an intimidating glow. His beard was as sharp as his tone, and his voice deeper than Egor's Valley.

"Son... Pleasure to see you've learnt how to activate your necklace," he said in baritone. His eyes flicked over to the other two specimens next to Alastor. Then his eyes flicked back to his son. "Alastor, what are you doing with these—" he stopped himself.

"Nevermind. That is of no concern to me; not as much as you are. I've sent a dragon to collect you, taking you back home to the Kingdom. You've spent one second too long in this forest... Obviously," he added, looking back again at the others. "The dragon will arrive any second now."

Alastor looked down at his feet. His leg felt tremendously better now that the liacorn had been healed, but he didn't want to leave without finding its mother. But he also wanted to obey his father, for he always knew what was best for him. Just not with certain things...

"Ah, there it is," blurted the King, just as a huge flying dragon landed onto the near ground. Alastor had not been afraid; he was good friends with this dragon. Irene was her name, the mother of his favorite sect of dragons, the Lumenus.

He softly smiled at it. He wasn't one to give big smiles, or interact with anything for that matter. He was very confined to himself, but his close family and dragons were an exception. And he guessed that the liacorn was, too.

"I will see you and Irene shortly," his father stated. His figure then disappeared back into the necklace, which now ceased to glow anymore.
by (117k points)
Sparrow walked away, confused about why alastor had abandoned her like that without even giving her an answer to her question. She should have expected this. If you trust people they let you down. She learned this years ago. She was getting careless with her heart, that wasn’t good.
by (154k points)

Rei flipped the sign to say open and she sat at the cash register, eager for any customers. As she looked down at the cash register, her eyes gave a distracted look as she gazed down at the small picture next to it.

The picture of her old friend.

She sighed as she shoved it under the cash register, wishing she could forget about it. About them.

A cheerful smile replaced her disappointed frown as someone entered the cafe.

by (526k points)
(Pizza, Alastor didn't abandon you, the messages are just delayed so I didn't know that you wanted to talk x3)
by (159k points)
Axel narrowly escaped and caught the light matter train again. However, a titan hand was about to crush the train. He jumped off, and drove his katana into the giants fingernail. He firmly dug it in, and ripped the nail off. The titan screeched in pain, while Axel caught back up with the unscathed train. He jumped off, landing on his arm and rolling. He was tired, and needed something to pick him up. He walked through the downtown area, looking for something. He still had his armor and mask on, and got some strange looks. “Isn’t that the ultimate bounty hunter?” One asked to another. “Yeah. A legend around here.” The other responded. He spotted Rei’s cafe, and walked in. He saw the special fluffy mushroom bread, and decided to get some coffee with it. He was the only one in the cafe besides Rei.
by (117k points)
(I know, Nobi. But to make it make more sense I had to say that.”
by (526k points)
Alastor looks back at Sparrow. "My name is Alastor... Would you like to come with me?" He asked her, surprised at himself for being remotely sociable. He shook his head. "Nevermind... You probably wouldn't want to join me on this venture... You don't want to know my family..."
by (117k points)
“ I want to join you, Alastor” She says, suprised as the words come out of her mouth.
by (159k points)
“I’ll take a fluffy mushroom bread roll and a small coffee.”

Axel said in sign language.
by (526k points)

Alastor's eyes went wide. He fought the urge to regret asking, knowing that his father would disapprove. And deep down.. He knew he didn't trust anyone. But maybe his heart wouldn't be broken so easily this time... Mayne this was someone he could trust.

She doesn't know you're royalty; once she finds the blood in your veins, that of a dangerous Dragon, she'll run away, tell her people... You're vulnerable, you wouldn't be able to fight a whole village. You'll have to resort to... The darkness.

A sinister voice in his head refused to refer to anything but negativity. He called it Crlkiv, Dracan for "the forbidden". But he refused to listen to it; he was certain that she'd be trustworthy. He didn't believe that bad things came in threes.

He climbed on the dragon with the agility of a Iakya (extremely large jumping spider that has incredible jumping power and athleticism) and quickly got on top of it, seating himself. The dragon puffed air out of its ginormous flaring nostrils. "Well then," said Alastor blankly, "let's go."

by (117k points)
She jumps on the dragon. She laughed inwardly at her mom who had insisisted she were a dress today and she had almost agreed.

“ Let’s get going” She pats Audric. “Also, my phoenix is coming too.”

She didn’t know why she had agreed to it. Hadn’t she learned since marlina died to not put your faith in anyone? And yet here she was on the back of a dragon with a non elf(telling by his ears) looking to find a liacorn parents.
by (526k points)
(Also, he has horns that come from the sides of his forehead (think Maleficent's horns but just a little more towards his forehead), because he's technically a dragon but, like my description below, a human-looking person with off-color skin to symbolize his dragonblood)
by (159k points)
Axel quickly found himself teleported against his will to “The Darkness Realm”, a place where the most powerful humans in the universe are teleported if they have too much power. He walked up to the queue desk. “Why am I here? There is many people that have more power than me but havent gone here.” Axel asked. “Listen bud, i dont care. Get in, or you’ll be in here forever doing the boring crosswords i do.” The guy at the desk said. Axel scanned the area before going in, and found no weaknesses to penetrate. Axel went in, doubtful. There, he saw two Dreadfort legends who had been gone for years. They were fighting, and it was entertaining. All of a sudden, he is attacked by another legend, this time from Mystica, Alisana’s Province. His name was “Reyai”, a UltraMaster of all martial arts, who had mastered the art of focus power, which is telekinesis but 10 times more powerful. You remember Matilda? Reyai could do what she did, but 10 times more destructive. Reyai fought because it was all he and everyone else could do. Floating asteroids, fighting in what seemed to be a beautiful void, which was surrounded by stars far, far away. Each battle won would give you another “Realm crystal”, which if you had enough, would send you back to the real world. Back to the battle, Reyai threw Axel to a nearby asteroid using his strength, and not his focus power, that sent him flying. Axel hit the asteroid with his back, and it crushed the asteroid. Axel was hurt, but had to keep going. Reyai flew towards him with his focus power, but Axel dodged him. Reyai turned back, and pinned him on a nearby asteroid. They fought in hand-to-hand combat, which Reyai dominated Axel in. Reyai knocked Axel down, just for Axel to pull out a Hellfire blade and slice Reyai’s face. Reyai touched his face, and looked at the amount of blood that was on his hand. Reyai laughed, and replied with “That’s all you got?” Axel simply took advantage of him, and punched him so hard it sent him flying towards another asteroid, which he jumped off of, sending him flying towards Axel again. Axel tackled Reyai mid-air, punching him over and over as they fell. Reyai grabbed onto a nearby asteroid as they were falling, leaving Axel alone. Axel took out his katana and threw it at Reyai, which nailed him in the chest. Axel had the ability to either recall his katanas or move towards them, with Axel choosing the latter here. He flew towards Reyai, who was still stuck. Reyai pulled the katana out of his chest, and engaged in sword fighting with Axel.

Part 2 coming soon
by (159k points)
Axel eventually won and got the katana back, but put the katanas back in favor of something more… fun. Axel deployed his circular saw blade, which could cut through metal and could do massive amounts of damage. The blade came put of this rectangle on his forearm and extended past his hand. The saw started whirring, and was spinning. He punched Reyai multiple times, cuttting through Reyai’s skull but Reyai still stood. Axel prepared for the killing blow, and threw a punch at Reyai, but Reyai used his focus power to stop Axel’s saw from reaching him. Axel struggled to overcome the focus power and was initially forced back, but Axel overcame it as Reyai got tired. Axel delivered the killing blow, and Reyai respawned on the other side of the realm. The granter, who granted the realm crystals, said this to Axel: “That was one of the most entertaining fights i have ever watched at this realm. In fact, here’s all the crystals you need to return to the real world.” Axel gratefully accepted, but before leaving, went to Reyai, and they both bowed to each other.
by (215k points)
(hey nobi and pizza, sorry i've been busy so im just gonna rejoin the rp)

"HEY GUYS!!!" Alisana screamed. "CAN I COME TOO???"  They were disapointed that Alastor and Sparrow ran off without even saying bye.

They watched the dragon soar into the sky, their eyes watery.
by (526k points)
(We never soared off, you can still come x3)
by (117k points)
‘ You can come!” She yelled, steering the dragon back to the ground.

“Hop on.”
by (215k points)
(oops take out that part-)

[also tysm :))]
by (159k points)
Axel returned to reality, thrilled that he met, and beat, Master Reyai. He was looking for adventure. He saw Audric in the sky, along with Sparrow, Alisana, and Alastor. He decided he would ask them if he could join. He threw his katana in the sky, recalling it, which propelled him, and repeating the process. He caught up with the trio and asked them if he could join in sign language.
by (526k points)
Alastor felt uneasy. He wasn't used to this many people intruding his space.

He was always the center of attention. Being the only child and son of the King of Dracaeus, he was showered throughout his life with gifts and well wishes. But it came with people's need to always want to be around him, which was very overwhelming for him. He was an extreme introvert, to say the least, and he knew this would happen if he let just one outsider in.
by (159k points)

Axel took the sign, and immediately left. He was a little sad, but knew he could find his own adventure. He kept his bounty hunter armor on, and his mask, but he would start something new. He went to Amirzoar, and tried to converse with some people in sign language. One sign language word looked like an offensive gesture in their land, and the people shouted insults at him. He felt angry, and wanted to fight. Even though he had the ability, he knew the best thing was to walk away. He could kill someone with one punch, so he knew he should be cautious if he doesn’t want a bounty on HIM. One man threw a rock at him, which Axel caught, and then dropped. Axel took out one katana. He threw it extremely close to the man, only millimeters away from his head. Axel wagged his finger, and recalled his katana. Axel boosted away with his katana recall, and decided to do something to let go of a little anger. He would go to…


by (526k points)
Alastor felt bad, knowing that his personal issues shouldn't be the bane of his social life. Even though the (somewhat) friendly-looking person left, he had an inkling that he would be meeting him again in the near future...
by (159k points)
Axel entered Hell, immediately looking for his old friend doomslayer. He decided he would rip and tear himself. He brutally murdered hundreds of demons, the number increasing to thousands. Axel quickly got why his friend enjoyed killing demons. Axel used his circular saw blades, and proceeded to annihilate anything that came in his way. He worked off his anger, and decided to return to reality. As he was about to walk thru the portal, he saw doomslayer, and gave him a thumbs up. He got a thumbs up back, and then Axel returned to reality. Axel was half covered in blood, and looked like he took a bath in blood. Axel took out his katanas and used his katana recall to boost. He was heading for dreadfort, when, he was accidentally rammed by Audric, and everyone went down.
by (159k points)
Axel took off his mask, and had a confused face.
by (526k points)
Alastor saw the abnormally buff man again, watching as a bird knocked into him. He recognized the bird, looking back to see that the exact same one he saw earlier on the dragon wasn't there anymore. His head snapped towards Sparrow, who seemed to not know yet that her bird had gone elsewhere.
by (159k points)
Axel, realizing he was late, punched the ground, which shook the ground.
by (117k points)
Sparrow looked around, realizing Audric was no where to be seen

“AUDRIC!!” She yelled. Tears were streaming down her eyes. Audric was the only thing she still loved

by (159k points)
Axel saw the sorrow in Sparrow’s eyes. He decided to look for Audric. “I’ll be back.” He said in sign language. Axel quickly boosted away with the katana recall, and surveyed the air. It was about 15 minutes, when, he found Audric on the ground, wounded and laying down. He picked up Audric, an easy task for him, and boosted his way back to where the trio was. He layed down Audric, and explained that Audric had a shoulder wound.
by (526k points)
Alastor felt a sharp pain in his shoulder blade.

"Gah!" He blurted, grabbing the hurting spot. He slowly turned his head to the man he saw earlier who was now laying the the bird down, seeing that it was, too, wounded in its shoulder.

Alastor quickly grabbed the bird from the soft scale surface of the dragon, holding it close to him. A green glow began to emit from his body, and his shoulder started to feel much better. "You're okay now..." He told it, petting it as it made cute and relieved noises.

He turned back to the man, "Thank you for saving him," he said to him respectfully. He then carefully gave Sparrow her bird back. "Keep it close to you at all times, otherwise we might not be so lucky if it happens again."
by (159k points)
Axel gave him a thumbs up, and then went to grab a mallowbar, his favorite candy bar, from a pocket. He unwrapped it, and took a bite out of it. He closed his eyes, and bathed in the cool breeze. He asked Alastor in sign language where he was from.
by (117k points)
Sparrow, huddled her phoenix close.

“ Never run away again Audric.” She mumbles to Audric

She gripped the dragon tightly when she realized something. Alastor IS a humanoid dragon. That makes MUCH more sense than him being a human. But what would her mother think? Hanging out with a humanoid dragon who most likely isn’t of royal blood.(yes Nobi I know alastor is of royal blood but sparrow doesn’t know that) She had no idea what axel was but assumed Alisana was an elf. Her mother would be furious, but the prospect of this seemed to make her want to stay with Alisana, Alastor and Axel more.

Sparrow starts awkwardly signing to axel. She hasn’t signed in years and needs more practice.
by (526k points)
Alastor hesitated, feeling that if he told him, he would act adversely.

"Dracaeus Kingdom... The strongest Kingdom in this world... My father is the King, meaning that our family rules all over a large amount of this world... We have a... Different kind of strength..."

He was looking forward, focusing on steering the dragon towards where he thought the liacorn's mother may be.
by (159k points)
Axel tells Sparrow in sign that she could speak, as he was only mute, not deaf.
by (117k points)
“ Ohhhhhhhh” Sparrow scratches her chin

“ Thank you so much for returning Audric back to me. Also what species are you? I’m an Elf” She left out the part about being a princess
by (526k points)
"Dragonblood... but with a lot of human features. My ears are a little more pointed, though. I have the concentrated blood of the dragons..." Alastor replied as when he suddenly saw, with incredible vision, a liacorn down on the ground from several miles in the air.

"Liacorn's are extremely rare... That must be its mother; its an adult female from what I see." He guided the dragon down to the ground, not far from where the liacorn was. He didn't think it was a good idea to land, as he was riding a dragon, the most powerful species on Vivisteria. He didn't want to startle the mother, because it wouldn't know that this was a friendly dragon.

"We have to land a few yards away... Will you guys be able to watch Irene while I take the liacorn back to its mother?" He asked the others.
by (159k points)
A brutal fiend monster crawled out of the ground, advancing towards Axel. Axel quickly deployed his circular saw wrist blade, and brutally cut the fiend’s head in half, killing it. Axel looked back at the trio.
by (526k points)
Alastor stared at him for a moment, then began to land the dragon on the ground. "I'll take that as a yes," he said, getting off it and collecting the liacorn.

He held the liacorn in his arms, feeling a sensation that he'd never felt before. He felt a bond between him and the creature, something spiritual and true. It was as if it was smiling at him, but exempted no expression.

He made his way in the mother's direction, immediately seeing her neck bent down to eat the grass, majestic in all of her glory. He slolwy advanced towards it, as to not scare it by his species.

The mother saw him and froze. It seemed to not know what to do between protecting its child and running away from the predator holding it. Alastor put his hand up peacefully. "Do not worry, I mean well," he told it, gently putting the liacorn on its feet and watching it run to its mother.

He saw it jump towards its mother, them giving each other a neck embrace, showing love in its great definition.

For a rare time, he actually smiled. This was the only time he smiled at another being that wasn't—

Realization struck him. He must go back to his parents; they must be worried sick out of their minds!
by (159k points)
Axel asked what was wrong in sign.
by (526k points)
"My... My parents. They do not like me being out here, they make exceptions, but rarely let me stay for more than an hour... Judging by the sun—" he looked up, not squinting due to his eyes having the ability to see light in every energy—"it's been 2 hours!"
by (159k points)
Axel said that he could get him back to the castle very quickly by using his katana recall, or just throwing him there. The latter would be quicker, but more painful, and the former would be slower, but Alastor would be unharmed.
by (526k points)
Alastor flinched just thinking about more pain being done to him.

"I'm a very sensitive person; I was thinking we could all just ride on Irene... It would be the happy medium of both your solutions."
by (159k points)
Axel thoughtfully scratched his chin. “You know what, forget your parents! You are old enough for your own adventure! Be rebellious! Fight the power! You don’t have to be a slave! And if you’re unsure right now, sleep on it.” He told Alastor in sign.
by (117k points)
“ I agree, axel. That’s what I’ve been trying to do my whole life alastor. “ Why don’t you try starting now?” Sparrow suggested. Anything was better than going back to the castle.
by (159k points)
“And sometimes, when you feel angry, let that anger out!” Axel signed aggressively, and then punched the ground so hard it sent a shockwave.
by (154k points)

Meanwhile, Rei felt the shockwave and her cafe rumbled.

“Minor earthquake?” she said to herself as it stopped.

I forgot about this 

by (526k points)
Alastor looked off to nowhere thoughtfully. His parents loved him, but they could be very restricting at times. He loved being out in the forest, one with nature, something his father didn't think was best for him. His mother always did, though, and she was going to go with him on the trip to the forest... Like she always does.

But she had fallen ill, and her health was deteriorating rapidly. He didn't know what to do; his powers of healing weren't fully matured yet. They had to rely on Goodmages, healers only existent to the extent of the kingdom.

But they have had trouble with keeping her healthy... Alastor felt that he would be abandoning his mother if he left.

Not to mention his father, who was hard on him about abandoning this crazy thought of peace and wonderful bliss and urged him to focus more on power and keeping his ancestors happy... He wanted to make him proud.

"I will certainly 'sleep on it,'" he replied in quotes. "Thank you for the suggestion. I'll keep it here." He tapped his temple.
by (117k points)
“When I’m angry, I just take readings of people, using my healing power and try to see wether they have inner turmoil that I can feel bad for the, about”
by (159k points)
Axel shrugged, and then finished his mallowbar. All of a sudden, a hundred fiends came out from above the ground. He gave a katana to Sparrow, and one to Alastor. He told them how to use it, and then deployed his cicular saw wrist blades. He signed this to them: “Let us slay, they can decay.”
by (526k points)
"We'll be... Slaying?" He asked concernedly.
by (159k points)
“If you wanna live, better start slaying now.” Axel signed as he ripped a fiends heart out, and decapitated another with one hand.
by (526k points)

He heard the Crlkiv's haunting voice in his head. "Yes, yes, begin to slay. You know that is what your heart desires. The suffering of others; it is what runs in your veins... The power to destroy those who oppose the inevitable and conquer those you find useful to your abilities... Do it, Alastor. Do it now."

by (159k points)
Axel looked back as Alastor sat still, seemingly daydreaming. A fiend came behind Alastor, and Axel threw his saw at the fiend, (because a chain is attached to a part, allowing it to extend) which killed it. He shook Alastor heavily, hoping to wake him up.
by (526k points)
Alastor almost jumped out of his skin. He had a horrified look on his face; he usually throws Crlkiv's voice farther to the back of his mind, but being shook out of it gave him the scariest experience he's ever had. Maybe it was amplified by the fact that he was being shook by a giant intimidating person.

He tried not to portray most of his fear on his face, but found it hard to do so. His breath was extremely heavy...

"It... It almost happened," he whispered.
by (117k points)
Sparrow closed her eyes, still holding the katana.  She did a reading on alastor. When she got inside his mind. She could see flashes of images Alastors, father yelling at him was a huge part of it.  Another huge part of it was his mom. She’s very sick and could die. He was a prince after all. All of his inner wounds  seemed to swallow her whole and she came out of his mind. When she came out of his mind she immediately felll to the floor and started gasping for air.

“ I can heal her!” She gasped, not having enough energey to say who she was talking about. She hoped Alastor wouldn’t be mad at her for taking a reading on his mind. Or that his madness would be canceled out by the fact that she could heal his mom.
by (159k points)
Axel pulls out his grenade launcher and makes a clearing. He picks up Sparrow and Alastor, and runs through the clearing. He starts killing most of the fiends, and eventually wipes them out. It starts raining. “There’s a higher chance of fiends coming during rain. We should find shelter.” He signed. He eventually found a cave, and the trio went in. Axel made a fire with his lighter. He felt that Alastor was like a little brother.
by (526k points)
Alastor was holding his knees, his face behind it, and rocking back and forth. His eyes were blankly staring into the flickering light of the flames.
by (159k points)
Axel signed: “y’all should get some sleep. Its getting dark.”
by (117k points)
Sparrow closed her eyes, still holding the katana.  She did a reading on alastor. When she got inside his mind. She could see flashes of images Alastors, father yelling at him was a huge part of it.  Another huge part of it was his mom. She’s very sick and could die. He was a prince after all. All of his inner wounds  seemed to swallow her whole and she came out of his mind. When she came out of his mind she immediately felll to the floor and started gasping for air.

“ I can heal her!” She gasped, not having enough energey to say who she was talking about. She hoped Alastor wouldn’t be mad at her for taking a reading on his mind. Or that his madness would be canceled out by the fact that she could heal his mom.
by (526k points)
Alastor stared at Sparrow. "I'm sorry, but not even the best healer can heal her... We've tried everything..." Tears began to run down his face. But that wasn't what kept him scared. It was the Crlkiv, something that could destroy everything he loves in a second if he wasn't careful, but he felt weak to go against it. He didn't know what to do.

"Sparrow... Thank you for trying to help... But next time, go inside of my head with my consent, yes?"
by (526k points)
Alastor laid his head on the wall behind him. He was still holding his legs, not sure why. He began to think how much of a burden he was to everyone he came across, being overly sensitive to things and not even strong enough to fight something within himself. He was a burden to his family; if a hurt creature was even remotely near, he'd be feeling random but savage pains. He knew there were empaths who could control it, but he hadn't been taught to yet.

And besides, he is a Supernatural Empath, feeling it on a whole different level... Maybe the Crlkiv was right. Maybe he should surrender to the darkness... It made him more powerful, it pleased his father, and he wouldn't be a burden to anyone... Maybe...
by (117k points)
“Okay. I will ask first. I understand how invasive that was now” Sparrow laughs

“ But seriously, you’ve tried healers. But you haven’t tried me. I can heal peoples inner wounds as well as their outer wounds. I believe I can do it. I CAN heal your mother.Or I can at least try.” She said this with so much certainty. Sparrow stared at alastor “ Alastor, I know what you’re thinking Hoping is dangerous. You’ll just be let down. But please, let yourself hope.”

by (526k points)

"Sparrow... Listen. My mother acquired her illness from an unknown source. Not known to this land... If my father cannot find the proper healer, with all of his wisdom and power, I do not believe that there is anyone who can heal her.."

You're right, no one can heal her, began the Crlkiv, that is why it is pointless to try and find a legendary herb to save her, especially one that has only been mentioned in ancient literature.. She is doomed, you know it deep inside of your heart... But there is one thing no one has tried. Darkness....

Alastor looked up to the sky. The moon looked very beautiful tonight...

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“ Please Alastor. Let me try. I’m a different type of healer, stronger than most. My healing does not stop at the outside wounds. So please, I believ I can heal her.”
by (526k points)
"If you were able to heal her, why didn't my father choose you, huh?" He yelled, startling himself. He saw the frightened look on her face. "I'm... I'm sorry, Sparrow. If you won't leave it alone, I will allow you to try, I guess."
by (159k points)
All of a sudden, with Sparrow mentioning her healing abilities, he got a great thought. “My vocal cords were permanently damaged by an accident when i was a child. Could you heal them?” He signed excitedly.
by (117k points)
“ Your father didn’t choose me because I’m an Elf princess and we live in different kingdoms. He probably had a prejudice against my familiy as well, because  my family  think they’re better than everyone else. But yay! I get to try!” Sparrow celebrates in her head. Yay! Adventure. She had been gone for hours now, and her parents would be worried. But she didn’t care. They were probably more worried about what society would think than where their own daughter is.

“Wait one problem am I even allowed in your kingdom? I’m an Elf princess and this is a dragon blood royalty familiy.”
by (526k points)
"My father is prejudice because he knows that dragons are the Apex Creature on this planet... He thinks everyone is inferior because he owns most. He's had a rocky relationship with elves; my grandfather started a war with them when my father was close to my age. It ended in a draw, but created a very complex relationship between dragons and elves.

It wasn't your type of elf, specifically, just elves in general..."

Alastor thought of his father now. He wanted to maintain his relationship with him... He knew that his father knew what was best and loved him so, but he always found himself doubting it.
by (117k points)
“ Axel! I think I can!” Sparrow said, excited at the prospect
by (159k points)
Axel lay on his back, staring at the roof of the cave, waiting for the process. In the corner of his eye, it looked like Alastor was a little cold. Axel took a blanket out of a compartment of his armor. He wrapped it around Alastor and gave him a thumbs up. Axel laid back down, once again waiting.
by (526k points)
Alastor looked at him with a thankful gleam in his eye. He was certainly cold, and could feel Axel's excitement ramping up inside of him, as well. He was ecstatic for him.
by (117k points)
Sparrow started the process, by closing her eyes and mumbling some  inaudible words under her breath.

“Thats the first step. And now I have to apply this special cream to your neck.” She applies it.

“And now we wait. You should be able to speak in about 10 minutes”
by (159k points)
Axel suddenly heard some howling nearby. It got louder and louder. Axel got a bit closer to the noise. He found a baby megawolf, and wondered what it was doing away from its parents. He picked it up, and released it a bit farther away. The megawolf kept following him, and no matter what he did, it kept following him. He decided to take the wolf with him. It had been 10 minutes. It was the moment of truth. He went to Sparrow and Alastor, the wolf still in his arms, and said: “I found this wolf. Also, it worked! I can talk now!” He said in a happy and calming voice.
by (526k points)
"You sound amazing," said Alastor to Axel. His eyes drifted towards the megawolf, an astonishingly cute infant one. He could feel its welcoming energy.

"May I.. Pet it?" He asked Axel.
by (159k points)
“Softly. Megawolves are known to get aggressive if you’re too rough.” Axel replied before giving the wolf to Alastor. “I think we should name it Apollo.” Axel added.
by (526k points)
Alastor did just that, gently laying his hand on the wolf's head. "Apollo is a wonderful name," he said softly. The wolf made quiet noises.
by (117k points)
“ we should.” Sparrow agreed, reaching down to pet Apollo.

“ Don’t get jealous Audric you’re still number one.” She said and ticked his neck. And then went back to petting apollo
by (159k points)
“Apollo… trying to remember where i know that name from.” Axel said. “My friend doomslayer said the name was from a country on planet earth. He said Apollo was the Greek God of Sunlight, Prophecy, Music, and Poetry. Definitely sense Sunlight from his eyes, I feel like him coming is some sort of prophecy, he sounds as good as music, and i also feel like writing poetry about him. Pretty unusual considering im not a poetry guy.” Axel was saying. “Apollo!” He called. The wolf looked at him when he said the name. “Apollo it is.” Axel said as he softly pet Apollo, who was resting in Alastor’s lap. “He’s about as big as an adult domesticated dog. Apparently he will grow to be 7 foot tall when standing on fours when he is grown.” Axel added.
by (526k points)
"I can only imagine what he may look like if he stands on his hind legs," said Alastor dreamily.
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“Wonder if I can sic him on animals. He’d probably be a good guard dog too.” Axel added. He looked at his watch. “It’s 10:30, and it’s still raining. Guess you gotta stay here for the night, Alastor.” Axel said. “Audric and Apollo look a little thirsty.” Axel added. Axel took out a water filter from an armor compartment. He let the rainwater drip through, turning into clean water. He gave the water to Audric and Apollo.
by (526k points)
"I see... This is the longest I've been away from the Kingdom... From my parents," he added sadly. He laid down on his side.

"Goodnight all."
by (159k points)
Axel put out the fire. He tossed sparrow a blanket. “First thing in the morning, we gotta see if there’s no more rain. If there’s still rain, i’ll clear a way so we can get past the fiends. I would’ve done it earlier but its night. Fiends blend in with the dark. If there isn’t rain, we’ll either head straight for the kingdom or find our own adventure. If Alastor wants to join, he’ll join. If Alastor wants to go back to the kingdom, we’ll take em back. Whatever you want, Alastor, but its a matter of taking the blue pill or red pill.” Axel said. He pulled out a map of an ancient land, far away. He had heard stories of great treasures and great adventures there. Dragons to be slain, mythical monsters to be conquered, and beautiful wildlife and nature. “We could go to Spiritfront, a land that many have gone to, none have came back. I’ve always wondered how i could survive there.” Axel added.
by (159k points)
Blade finished work, and went home. She changed into her home clothes and looked on her phone. She sighed, and wanted adventure too. It was 11:00. She changed back into her armor, and went back to the Xonax Megacrystal site. “I quit. I’m keeping my stuff, no argument.” She said. They said sure, and blade bounced off with the hammer. She saw three people sleeping in a cave. She decided to go in and quietly go to sleep. Hopefully they would understand why she was there.
by (159k points)
Axel woke up, and gently shook Alastor, so when he woke up, he would have plenty of time to decide.
by (117k points)
Sparrow woke up.

“ I’m coming, obviously. But do you think Alastor will? I hope he does.”
by (526k points)
Alastor gently open his eyes, sitting up and rubbing them vigorously. He looked at the two people who he was a little startled to see at first, but then remembered the events of yesterday. "Hello all," he said softly. "Guys... Why don't you come back to the kingdom with me? I could work it out with my father, or, if that is too dangerous, we can find a way to disguise you. And—"

He fell silent, noticing another pair of armor in the corner of the cave.

He sat there looking at it.
by (159k points)
Axel took out his katana, walking slowly towards the armor. He pulled out his flashlight quickly, and turned it on. It was a woman lying down, asleep. He pointed his katana at the woman, who then woke up, and punched Axel extremely hard in the gut, sending him flying out the cave and into a tree. The woman looked at the two others, seemingly horrified. Axel quickly recovered, and started unleashing devastating blows and combos on the woman. She saw the flag on her armor: the flag of Xonax Kingdom. Axel pushed her off and said that they were allied, as Scorchrest and Xonax were allies. He said sorry, and the woman apologized too. “My name is Blade, former elite guard of the megacrystal owned by the Xonax Kingdom.” She said. “Axel, former legendary bounty hunter of Scorchrest.” Axel replied. Axel went to Apollo, visibly scared, and calmed him. He turned to Sparrow and Alastor. “It’s alright, she’s an ally.” He said. “And by the way, Alastor, the guards of your kingdom are well aware of the threat i pose to them. I dont have my mask on right now, but when i put it on, and they see me, they’ll know me. Me and Sparrow should be able to pass, no problem.”
by (526k points)
"But my father... He's not human. Neither is any of the royal blood in my family. If he sees that I brought outsiders, there's no telling what he'll do..."
by (159k points)
“I have heard plenty about your father. ‘Most powerful king in all the land’ everyone says. I think that if he tried to send a soldier to attack us, i could handily beat em. I know your soldiers are powerful, but i have survived FAR worse than what they could do to me. And you’ve seen me fight before. I think with some proper training, you could be a killing machine. Best thing is peace, but if its not available, resort to violence.” Axel said. Axel picked up Apollo, and decided to go hunt with him. “We’re gonna look for some food before we head out.” Axel said. Since all of his weapons were waaaayyyy to overpowered for hunting, he made a makeshift bow, and went out. He spotted a Kiga, an animal very similar to a bear, but bigger. He decided to use his shotgun. He got up close, and shot it. The Kiga roared, startling Apollo. Axel shot the Kiga multiple times, with the Kiga still standing. The Kiga charged while Axel was reloading, but Axel dropped the gun and put up his fists. The Kiga charged, and Axel punched it with all its might. It immediately dropped it, killing it, as Axel’s punch force is stronger than anyone on Vivisteria. Apollo walked up to the dead Kiga and surprisingly, started to drag it back to the cave, at a good pace. Axel helped Apollo drag it, when all of a sudden, he saw a squirrel. He shot it with the bow, killing it. “This is for you, buddy.” He said to Apollo, who happily barked. They dragged it back to the cave. “We killed a Kiga. Apollo here helped drag it back. I’ll clean it alone if it grosses you out.” Axel said to Alastor, Sparrow, and Blade.
by (526k points)
"I should be thankful I cannot feel death, but that still was very painful, Axel... Are we going to bring her—" he pointed to the woman—"with us as well? I hope my father doesn't see any of you as a threat to me.. He's very overprotective. I'm surprised I haven't seen any soldiers out here yet—sometimes, he gets other kingdom's soldiers involved!"

Alastor heard something from afar. It was footsteps... Many of them.
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Sparrow jumped. The footsteps couldn’t be her familiy coming to take her back? Could it?

“ Whoever you are. Show yourself!” She yelled

“ We’ve got an elite guard and bounty hunter!” Sparrow yelled, hoping this thought would save her from spiraling into a panic attack. She whispered for Axel to get his katana ready.
by (159k points)
Axel quickly took out his katana and rifle. He got prepared to fire. The footsteps were troops, looking for all of them. Axel walked out, and saw the horrified look on some troops’ faces. He fire a round of his rifle in the air as a warning. The troops started to back up. He slowly advanced towards them.
by (526k points)
"Wait!" Alastor yelled, startling the birds that were near.

"Please, please don't shoot them! They're from an allying kingdom of Dracaeus!"
by (215k points)
(im gonna just quit the rp, act like i never exsited bc i've missed out on too much)
by (526k points)
(You don't have to, you can just join in whenever. The world is ours!)
by (159k points)
“Alastor, i’m not letting you go back to the kingdom. I know how dishonorable your father is. You have told me so much about him being a bad father. As for your mother, i’ll tell you about that plan.” Axel said. “I’ll sneak you there in the dead of night to see her. We’ll bring Sparrow and we could at least let her try to heal your mother. Then, she’ll hopefully give you her blessing so we can explore.” Axel whispered to Alastor. “If she isn’t healed, I’ll let you stay there for as long as you want. If she is, we’re getting the heck outta dodge but we’ll give you five minutes to decide whether to stay or go, and to say goodbye if you choose to go.” Axel whispered again to Alastor. He saw a soldier fire his weapon at Apollo, which thankfully missed him, but still heavily startled him. He shot the soldier, mortally wounding him. “That’s a message. Do not mess with us. Get out before all of you get the same fate.” Axel yelled to the troops. “Sparrow, get ready to let Audric loose, these troops don’t seem to be too compassionate. Could be dangerous for em. I’ll find them later, but if you want them to be safe, be prepared.” Axel said to Sparrow.
by (117k points)
Sparrow hugged Audric tight

“ I agree with everything you said but. Are you sure I will be able to find him again?” Sparrow was worried about losing him

“ By the way, I am not going back to Amirzoar to tell my parents I’m leaving. They don’t care about me their horrible parents and are just obsessed with what their fellow royalty think. I’m going exploring with Axel. I really hope with Alastor as well. So come on TO DRAYCUS!
by (159k points)
The soldiers ran away.

Axel slapped a tracking device on Audric. “We will be able to find Audric. Honestly, i should shoot a microchip into him, so it wont get loose, but its your choice. More painful. I’m putting one into Apollo. I don’t wanna take a risk.” He then walked towards Apollo slowly, petting him. “Im sorry bud, this is gonna hurt.” He took out the microchip gun. “I have an idea, Sparrow. Do the healing thing while i shoot it in so he doesn’t feel any pain. I can do the same with Audric if you want.” Axel said.
by (117k points)
“Yes. I would want that”

I heal Apollo while Axel shoots him with  the micro chip
by (526k points)
Alastor watched this happen. "Thank goodness we have a professional healer... I don't want to feel anything more." He looked after the running soldiers. He didn't understand why the others would think his father is dishonorable... His father would do anything to protect him. And he felt that all they managed to do was anger him.

"If my mother is healed, the worst thing I can do is just leave her," he reasoned, "what if she relapses? I would absolutely..."
by (159k points)
“Listen, Alastor. Your father is dishonorable because he hasn’t suffered near what anyone else has, and yet he still has alot of hatred and anger in his heart. My father died from an ancient curse bestowed upon him by a Necromancer he fought when i was 4. My mother died from that same curse when i was 13. It took longer to get to her since the curse was placed on my father, not her. I have the same curse. I could die within a year, maybe even a month. Uncurable by nothing except by drinking the blood of the ultimate creature, an all-powerful creature in spiritfront, only one is left. Finally, my wife and child died from that same curse 2 years ago, right after birth. Your father doesn’t have a clue what loss is, yet he still has much hatred. Thats why he is dishonorable.” Axel said while shedding a tear at the end. Axel took Apollo into the woods and contemplated suicide as he reminisced about how happy he was when he married and when his child was born. He then sat down, still holding apollo in his hands. Apollo could sense his pain, and calmed him down.
by (526k points)

Alastor thought for a moment. Could that be the same curse? A calmer, more caring but anxious voice in his head echoed. "We need to travel to my kingdom. If my mother's illness is curable, we shall not waste any time. I also have to make up for the excessive time I've spent here. I don't know if my father will ever let me back in the forest again..."

by (159k points)
Axel, all of sudden, starting coughing blood.
by (215k points)
(thanks nobi :D I may join as a side character later when im not so busy)
by (159k points)
Axel ignored it, and went to clean the Kiga. He got the meat, and cooked it. “The Necromancer that put this curse on my family also moved to Spiritfront. I want to kill him if it’s the absolute last thing i do. I want to make sure he suffers as much as i have. I will drag him down to Hell if need be. If Alastor wants to go, go. Your father doesn’t deserve a pity party. I wish the best for your mother. And I hope you realise the absolute torture this curse has put me through. I was sad when my wife and child died, but I didn’t let out my emotions on people like your father does on you. I moved on because it was all I could do. I’ve been compassionate toward you when i could’ve been angry.” Axel said, and then stared at the fire.
by (526k points)
"Axel, listen," Alastor began, "If I can get my father to trust me and allow me to explain your situation, he can send his very capable and large armies, yes, plural, he can help you find this Necromancer... I know he loves me and would do anything to protect me. He hasn't been abusive, just very strict. If I can get him to trust me, just please..."
by (117k points)
“ AXEL” sparrow, yelled as she had noticed him coughing blood.

“ Are you okay?”
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Axel turned to Sparrow. “I’m fine. This curse has it’s symptoms.” Axel said. He turned to Alastor. “I want to track this Necromancer myself. I want every detail of his death to include me. Not the armies, ME. I want to spit on him when he dies. I have experienced enough pain because of that demon, and i will make his death humiliating and painful. I will never forget what he did, Alastor. I will not forget.” Axel said. Axel went to the docks and got his boat. It was pretty big. He went back to the cave and told Sparrow that the boat was ready, and then asked Alastor if he wanted to come.
by (526k points)
"Axel... Before I answer this question... Killing him won't free you from the curse. It'll only leave you in more pain with nothing to hate but yourself."
by (159k points)
Axel pinned Alastor to the wall. “What if your mother is dead due to that same curse, huh? You gonna blame yourself for it? Are you gonna hate yourself? I don’t. I can die in peace if I kill him. The Ultimate creature? That’s nothing. I could kill him if i survive the fight with the necromancer, and then drink his blood. But if I die due to that necromancer, He’s dying with me for all I care. I want him DEAD! Do you understand, you ignorant child?! (I’m not mad at you Nobi its just for the rp)” Axel yelled. “I have so much pent up rage, and you don’t understand. You were silver spoon fed while I attended my mother’s funeral. You got plenty of presents for Christmas and was pampered for your entire life while I had to go through the pain of losing my wife and child. You don’t understand what true pain is. You were spoiled while I had to make my own living at 14.” Axel yelled some more before dropping Alastor from the wall.
by (526k points)
"...But you're wrong," Alastor said quietly. "I've had to endure unbearable pain for most of my life because of my uncontrollable empathy... My father would capture war prisoners, torture them, which hurt me far greater than it should have. He used to commission mass hunts, and all that pain, all of those poor innocent creatures... I was sent to a solitary room, bedridden and kept from the outside because I was to die of pain. All I was fed with on 'silver spoon' was dry pieces of bread, bland soup and water because we couldn't risk anything hurting me farther. All the time I was 'pampered' was when I was much too close to death. I couldn't attend a happy Christmas, and the only present I got was that I could live another day! It was thousands of times worse than my empathy now, as it's gotten better, but nothing can help me. My mother is the only one who knows my pain... I don't know how, but she heals me by her presence rather than just her power. With her illness... My empathy is becoming more present. If I lose her, I feel I will completely lose control. Either it will be the death of my weakness, or the death of I."
by (159k points)
“Yeah, welcome to the world of pain kid. Been living in it my whole life.” Axel said. “I’m not cold by choice. I wish I could’ve had a better job than a bounty hunter. Here’s some advice: If you do lose your mother, which I sincerely hope you do not, move on. I kept my mind on her death for weeks, and it got me nowhere. I moved on, and I’m here at a cave with 2 random people, a phoenix, and a baby megawolf. How’s that for adventure? I’m sorry you went through that, but I would’ve chosen death any day over any of the Hellish things I have gone through or the things you’ve gone through. Unfortunately kid, you gotta adapt to loss. You can’t save everyone. No one lives forever. My loss is heavy, but I moved past it. By the way, there’s a Demon Hornet on your face. Stand still and it’ll fly off.” Axel said. “Alright, we’re heading back to the kingdom.” Axel added.
by (526k points)
Alastor froze as if he had been zapped by a Frigusilk, a spider species that freezes it's prey or threatening predator with permafrost silk.
by (2.1k points)
*he would just appear out of the 4th dimension on a random bridge*
by (526k points)

"Axel, one more thing," Alastor told him.

"Even with all that I've gone through, I still find happiness. I still find the joy in caring for innocent creatures, I know that life does not go against me, only work to learn with me the true meaning of relief. I have to know pain... Because once I do find that happiness, that relief, that I can live with forever and never regret... It is a feeling that is finer than sweet revenge. Because revenge gets bitter at the end. The sweetness of joy lasts forever.."

He signed, knowing he didn't have to: Salvation isn't reached by revenge.

And he smiled. Not being able to smile in so long, so many years of suffering, he lifted his face and smiled a beautiful smile.

by (159k points)
Blade took off her mask and revealed a beautiful face. Axel earnestly hoped he could enjoy a good future. Axel grinned lightly. “Kid, you’re right. But either way, I made a promise to my mother when she died. I told her I would kill that Necromancer that caused this suffering. In Dreadfort, it is not only tradition to keep promises, but it’s necessary. I don’t care about the law, but I will fulfill that promise, whatever it takes. I do not want the last thing my mother heard to be a lie. My mother was the sweetest being on the planet. She loved me so much, and cared for me so well. Even after my father died, she still recognized her son needed love too. I miss her every day. My wife was so caring. I was sad, and she cheered me up. I was hurt, and she nursed me. I don’t remember much about my dad, but I do remember one story. I was extremely scared after having a nightmare, and I ran crying to my father. He picked me up, and took me outside, and it was pitch black. I was sniffling and i was getting more scared because of the dark. He sat me down and told me, ‘There’s no need to be afraid. When you feel scared, remember me. I’ll always be there to comfort you, whether it be right there beside you or through your thoughts.’ My child was 3 days old when he passed due to the curse. I was the last person he was with. I’m thankful his death wasn’t painful. He didn’t cry. I’m glad I’ve gotten so many good people in my life.” Axel said.
by (526k points)
"Your mother and mine sound much alike," said Alastor, getting up from the cave floor and walked over to the cave exit. He turned around to face Axel, Sparrow and Blade. "Off to the kingdom, to heal my mother, yes?" The light from outside glowed upon him as if he were an angel.
by (159k points)
Axel said yes, but wanted an extremely fast way to get to the kingdom. “Stay here.” He said to Sparrow and Alastor. “One scratch on em and you will truly know what pain means.” He said to blade. Axel went about 5 miles away with the katana recall. He eventually found a light matter motorcycle, and hijacked it. He rode back to the cave and told Alastor and Blade to hop on, as Sparrow could simply ride Audric and take Apollo with her.
by (526k points)
Before Alastor seated himself on the motorcycle, he turned to Irene. "You'll be okay?" He said in his native language, Dracan. He could see in her eyes that she was safe, and would return to the kingdom with them in a minute's time.

Alastor smiled and touched foreheads with the dragon for a few seconds, then sat on the motorcycle with Axel and Blade.
by (117k points)
Sparrow hugged Audric goodbye and then sat on the motorcycle
by (159k points)
“I’ll just stay here with the pets. You go to the kingdom.” Blade said. Axe, took off on the extremely fast motorcycle, and got to the kingdom within 15 minutes. He used a rope to scale the wall, and quietly made a hole in the window of Alastor’s mother so they could crawl through. He let Alastor and Sparrow go first, and then went in.
by (2.1k points)
*he would just still be sitting there confused from this weird plot*
by (526k points)
Alastor saw his mother, sleeping on her enormous, lavish bed. She looked much worse than when he had left last night.

She opened her eyes to the sound of many footsteps. When her eyes landed on Alastor, she faintly smiled. When her eyes scanned to see the others, she didn't fright. Instead, she tiredly told him, "I knew deep down that you would come back.. And who are these friends?" she added softly.

She was a beautiful queen with a very big heart, always bringing about the best in people just by her presence. Alastor turned to the others. "If you suddenly start to feel happy and at peace, that is because of my mother. Though, it would work better if she were not as ill as she is..."
by (159k points)
Axel kneeled beside Alastor’s mother. “Your majesty, I am Axel Grayshot of Scorchrest, Dreadfort. I have come with Alastor, and we have been on an adventure. I have also come to try to diagnose you with a certain disease or curse, since no one knows what it is. I have a curse myself, and will try and see if you have the same one. If you do, we have one known cure: the blood of the Ultimate Creature. First question: when did you get this mysterious sickness?” Axel said. He was thinking about how his mother looked just like her, and how their voices sounded alike. He knew that his mother was dead, as he watched her die, but he felt that Alastor’s mother was just like her.
by (154k points)

Hesperia suspiciously peered through the window. She had seen them go in and was curious on what they were doing breaking into a house, as she was passing by and her friend lived nearby. She let out her inner demon form i forgot to mention she has a demon form which let her spread her wings and fly upwards.

Her suspicions washed away as she realized that the person they were surrounding looked very sick.

Eager to know more and somewhat afraid to ask, she continued looking through the window, but she forgot her eyes glowed purple and she looked highly demonic. technically shes supposed to but like in this case its a bad thing

by (117k points)
Sparrow didn’t know what to say. All she knew was that she was gonna try and heal her

“ Hi, I’m sparrow. And I might be able to heal you.”
by (159k points)
Axel looked outside, and saw a demon. “I am very sorry, your majesty, but there is a disturbance outside the castle that i must attend to. I will be right back.” Axel said. Axel jumped outside the window, and leaped toward the demon. He slammed the demon to the ground, and asked it this question: “HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF HELL?!?!”
by (526k points)

"Oh wow..." She said wearily. "Yes... I understand. My son inherited his empathy and healing powers from me. We've always been... Sensitive creatures." She laughed weakly.

"I witnessed a powerful Dark Magic wielder... Strike a mortal. I'm not sure what he did to her, but it caused me to double over in pain. I rushed over to heal her... And something that has never happened to a healer before... I absorbed her injury... It became my injury. Now it is an illness that, by studies, continues to devour one's life energy as it goes on. No one, not even my husband, the king, has been able to find a cure. He's a descendant of the strongest creature on Vivisteria, Archdragon Nexus. He doesn't believe in healers to begin with... But I changed his mind. That's the only reason why he lets healers roam the castle grounds..."

She looked at Alastor. "Thank you... For believing in my abilities." She smiled the exact same smile lit up seven rooms like a sun, just like Alastor's.

by (159k points)
Axel immediately returned to the room. “Your Majesty, I am so sorry. Also, I happen to have a curse which does the same thing. After numerous trials, going through boot camp, and graduating at the top of my class in the military, I was eligible for Superhuman surgery. I was good enough for Tier V. It’s the only thing that’s kept me alive. But anyways, this dark magic wielder, did he happen to turn red before he struck the mortal?” Axel asked before grabbing a cigar from his pocket.
by (526k points)
"No, not exactly... His body emitted this dark aura, that of an ominous black and violet, before striking the woman with a devastating blow... I've heard of Necromancers, those wretched beings. But this... Was no ordinary one. With his abilities, he may have made someone like Nexus proud..."
by (154k points)

Hesperia was on the floor for a second, processing what just happened. She slowly got up, her back aching. 

“From Hell…” she mumbled as she cracked her back, “…good old insults.” 

She thought for a moment to herself. At least they were willing to protect them? 

She looked up at the window. I feel like I should help, but at the same time…

Hesperia sighed as she took some herbs from her bag, smashed them up and put them in a bottle. With a little bit of magic she had a potion to give the stranger a little bit of nutrition. She added a little label onto the bottle.

It should help them get nutrients without eating, she thought as she quickly flew up and set it inside the window before dropping back down trying not to disturb them.

by (117k points)
“Ok. I’m ready, time for healing.” Sparrow closed her eyes and focused all her concentration, more than she had ever done before into heakibg his mom. A flash of light came out of sparrows  hands, and into alastor s mom. When she was done healing she collapsed onto the floor, barely being able to breathe. The healing wore her out a lot. But all the mattered was she had healed alastors mom. This also meant she was more powerful than any other healer they had tried
by (526k points)
(Uhh, Pizza... It didn't work—)
by (117k points)
(What?! Why wouldn’t it?)
by (526k points)
(I was trying to make it so that her illness was incurable...)
by (159k points)
Axel was initially surprised, but went back to worry after seeing that the curse was unaffected. Sparrow could temporarily remove the sickness, but it would come back very soon. He looked in his curse book. He found the curse which fit the queen’s description. “The Phantom Curse, perfectly fits the description of what you said. The being who delivers the curse emits a dark aura, that of an ominous black and violet, before striking. I have the Hellish Bane, so there’s a different cure. The Talon Serum, found in Northern Dreadfort, is the only known cure. I live there, should be easy to find it.” Axel said before closing the book, putting the cigar in his mouth, and lighting it. “I’ve seen it in pharmacies in Scorchrest, no where else.” Axel said.
by (117k points)
Sparrow took the cigar out of his mouth

“ Smoking cigars is a filthy habit. But we need to go to dreadfort
by (159k points)
“If you’re destined to die soon, who cares.” Axel said. “Your Majesty, I will be back very soon. I will get the serum.” Axel added. He jumped out the window, on to the motorcycle, and sped off to the pharmacy. He got there in 15 minutes, purchased the serum, and sped back to the kingdom. He crawled thru the window again, and gave the serum to Alastor. “You do the honors.” Axel said. (I DIDNT NOTICE I SAID ALASTOR BEFORE SORRY NOBI)
by (526k points)
(Oh wait, we can talk through others now? I'm so confused—)
by (154k points)
(I suppose)

(What happened to my bottle of nutrients at the window lol)
by (526k points)
(I kinda didn't want talking through others to be a thing, though...)
by (154k points)

(i may have not gotten what you meant before so i just saied yes)

(Remember the rule up there please- “You can only play your character unless someone else gives you consent to play yours”)

by (2.1k points)
"am i just gonna be a narrator and break the 4th wall or what?"
by (526k points)
(It's alright, GC x3)

Alastor took the serum and slowly advanced toward his mother. "If this works... Will you visit the forest with me again?" He asked her quietly. She softly smiled. "Everyday," she replied.

He poured the serum on a spoon, then gently put it near his mother's mouth. She ate it, swallowing hard and coughing.

"Did it work?" He asked her. The sickly look didn't seem to leave her face, and her eyes still had dark veins stemming out from them. "I'm not sure... How long does it take?"
by (159k points)
“It says it takes about 30 minutes. We can wait.” Axel said.
by (2.1k points)
"someone please notice me i have been sitting on this bridge since 9 am"
by (117k points)
“Did it work?” I ask

(We need to revive this)
by (159k points)
*30 minutes later*

(Nobi, choose whether or not it worked)

Axel closely examined the queen. “Looks a little better. Wonder what it did.” Axel said.
by (526k points)
"She doesn't seem any better.." said Alastor, quietly laying his head on her hand in anguish. His mother softly pet him, consoling him in any way she could with her remaining strength.
by (154k points)
Hesperia noticed they still hadnt seen her nutrient concoction. She flew up to the window, loudly cleared her throat, quickly zoomed back down and hid behind a tree, still peeking at the window.
by (159k points)
“Well, according to my book, the medicine we gave her only cures stage 3 and below. She’s well into stage 4. Stage 5 is where most die, but your mother seems to be more powerful than others. She could make it into stage 6. Stage 6 is the final stage of the phantom curse. There is only 3 people who have made it to stage 6. None have survived. There is no effective cure or vaccine of sorts for stage 4 and up, however the Magestian wizards are researching and developing prototypes. None have been made. Im sorry to say Alastor, but if we don’t get some type of cure for this Phantom Curse, your mother could die. I earnestly hope your mother can survive. She is a very compassionate and kind woman. Reminds me of my mother.” Axel said. He pulled out a cool device called a visual communication mirror. It floated above the queen’s head. “This is my mother.” He said as he turned on a video of his mother and him bonding. “She was the kindest person I have ever known. I always felt at peace with her by my side.” He continued. He then wrote down a number for the queen to talk to. He handed it to her. “These are the Magestian wizards. Call them soon, to check if they have a cure developed. I will give you and your son some time to visit. I and Sparrow must leave to go to Spiritfront.” He said.
by (117k points)
“Okay, Axel. Spiritfront it is then and Alastor I, am so sorry. I know I told you I could heal her, but I failed, and I will never be able to forgive myself for that” Sparrow said, staring at her shoe.
by (159k points)
“Your majesty, I am very sorry about this and will try to console your son as much as possible.” Axel said. He then turned to Sparrow. “Whats so special about your shoe? Don’t know why you’re staring at it.” He said casually.
by (526k points)
Alastor lifted his head. "Thanks guys, but I am sure my father will be here any minute... I believe I hear him approaching..."
by (159k points)
“I got something for him.” Axel said mischievously. He pulled out some leftover blood from hell. “Now he’ll know not to mess with you.” He prepared to dump to blood on him when he entered.
by (117k points)
Sparrow wearily looked up from her shoe and moved a little away from Axel, she had a feeling whatever his “suprise” was, wasn’t good.
by (526k points)
"P!ease guys, don't instigate. He's done nothing wrong, but won't hesitate to eliminate threats.."
by (117k points)
At this, sparrow immediately ran as far away from Axel and alastor as she could. She didn’t want to be anywhere near when Axel did what he was planning…
by (159k points)
Axel put away the thing and prepared to hop out the window. He tossed the queen an earring. “It was my mother’s.” He said. “Also, please dont tell anyone about this, your majesty. Goodbye.” He hopped out the window.

Meanwhile, at the cave,

“Man, this Axel guy can cook.” Blade said while eating some kiga meat with Audric and Apollo. She saw how Apollo was struggling with eating the big chunk of meat. She pulled put her plasma spike and cut it into tinier pieces.

“You like that, boy?” She asked. Apollo wagged his tail.
by (526k points)
Alastor looked at his mother, whom was holding the ring weakly in her hand. He closed it for her, holding it tight and smiling at her. She returned her ghostly smile and said, "You must go back to your room. Your father is going to enter this room any minute.."

Alastor opened his mouth to speak, but just then, the door broke open to reveal a swift king in all of his power. He looked displeased about something, his eyes landing on Alastor in a frown. "I knew I heard you in here," he quietly hissed. He grabbed Alastor by the shoulder abruptly and exited the room with him in a haste.

"What have I told you about breaking curfew rules Alastor?" The king said in a silent storm of anger, turning a corner sharply and almost making Alastor fall.

Alastor needed to catch his breath before he could reply, but his father took that as rebelling. "What have I told you about being around your mother in this time?" He decided to ask his son, swinging him around into a room that Alastor recognized as the King's Hall.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, she needed me—" Alastor began, being cut off by his father's blasting rage.


Alastor felt tears roll down his face as he vaguely said, "I'm sorry... It isn't my fault..."

The king did a sharp laugh. "It isn't your fault?" He said with an air of hysteria, "I believe what you're trying to blame it on is your cursed empathy? The thing that you cannot control which dooms you every second it is present?" He squinted as his son as Alastor nodded to the question.

"I told you that we needed to get rid of that wretched power. It is nothing but a hindrance to your unlimited growth of power; your mother's the reason why the conquering abilities you possess are dominated by this embarrassing disability..."
by (117k points)

Sparrow yelled, jumping out of nowhere.
by (526k points)

Alastor tried to motion a warning sign to her, but his father accidentally bumped into him in a tense fury. "I knew I heard other voices in Valerie's room!" He said, his eyes filled with horrifyingly galactic colored eyes.

"No, wait! Father, don't hurt her!" Alastor screamed.

His father snapped around at him. "Then she better leave by the hands of my guards... and not wake any subjects or visitors while doing so."

Alastor looked at Sparrow. "Thank you for giving her mercy..." He said to his father. The king closed his eyes and deeply boomed, "GUARDS!"

by (117k points)
Sparrow looked alastor but didn’t bother to speak. She gave him a look the said “I got this” And the preceded to hypnotize the guards, so they wouldn’t get her.
by (526k points)

Alastor felt the room shake as he looked to his father to see what he was going to do about this. "...You have the nerve of someone I once destroyed," the king said quietly, then raising his hand and moving it slightly. A super sonic force blew Sparrow away, out of the castle.

"NO!" Alastor screamed. He turned to his father, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

"I didn't kill her, she's merely no longer on the premises. I do much worse to trespassers, you should be thanking me... But you refuse. You refuse to be thankful for my guidance. Why is this? Do you not honor me like you say?" He said with every ounce of doubt he could muster.

by (159k points)
Axel quickly jumped back in, putting tape over the king’s mouth and tying him up. “Lay another finger on him and I wont be so kind.” Axel said to him. He took the king’s ring. “Looks nice. Think I’ll keep it. Later, runt.” He said while jumping out the window.
by (526k points)
(Guys, I was trying to have a family moment, and the king wasn't hurting Alastor x3)
by (159k points)
by (526k points)
(It's alright, but can you undo the scene where you steal his stuff? It kinda doesn't go along with the flow x])
by (117k points)
(Guys, I hypnotized the guards. I didn’t get taken away. I’m still in the castle, I was able to hypnotize the guards to not take me)
by (159k points)
(Ok redo)
by (526k points)
(I know, Pizza, but the king blew you out of the castle)
by (117k points)
(Can we just have that not happen, and I just hypnotized the guards to let go of me)
by (526k points)
(The guards never got in the room, though...)
by (117k points)
(Well how about o hypnotized your father. This scene is getting confusing)
by (526k points)
(I wanted to do my family scene myself, no hypnotism my or anything...)
by (117k points)
(I didn’t hypnotize you…)
by (526k points)
(I didn't say you did, but I really didn't want people just appearing while I did this so that there wasn't any confusion. You guys were literally trying to attack my father when he was just talking x3)
by (2.1k points)
*he would just float off the bridge into the sky, just to fall down, breaking the bridge*

"AHH!!!!!!!! WHY IS THIS SO COLD!!!!!!!"
by (117k points)
(Nobi, Alastors father is not a good father)

(Also, how about this happened.)

1 minute after the conversation between alastor and his father…

Sparrow casually walks into the room door, seeming unfazed.

“Hypnotized the guards to let me back in. Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, So you are the leader of Drayceus and basically think you’re better than everyone else. Correct?” Sparrow clears her throat, trying to stay nonchalant.
by (526k points)

The king glared at her so violently that there was actually a hole burning on the floor behind her. "I know that this family is better than everyone else. My ancestor, Archdragon Nexus, was the most powerful creature on this planet, grooming his empire and his descendants to conquer other worlds. No other family or creature can do that, no other power like ours exists."

Alastor's ears perked. He knew his family was powerful, but this is the second time an "Archdragon Nexus" was mentioned to him before...

by (117k points)
“Listen dude.” Sparrow says “dude” on purpose knowing it will infuriate him “ I am a princess. I am the princess of Amirzoar and my family also believes they’re better than everyone  else. But why does the talent of your powers determine your superiority. You believe you are so great. But  dude, you are nothing but another snobbish self entitled leader who cares of nothing but himself. You try to pass on you so called “Legacy” to your son over here.” She pointed to alastor “ But it’s not working, and you hate that. So you keep trying to brainwash him in attempt to make him like you. But I will tell you something Dude Alastor will NEVER be like you. He will NEVER believe him or this family is better, in fact you and your family and my family are actually just conceited snobs who believe  in their superiority to all else. Sorta like nazis in this  fantasy book I read. But you are all the same.” Sparrow walks closer to the king, trying not to imagine the flames of his reaction. But she doesn’t regret it. Everything she said was true.
by (159k points)
Axel eats popcorn while watching the argument.

“She’s right, man. You are kind of a jerk. Ease down on your son, runt.” He said.
by (526k points)

The king scoffed. "This is exactly why you have a curfew, Alastor," he said, turning back to him. "Because you always manage to surround yourself with the wrong people... Ha!" his laugh struck the air like a spear. "And to think... That I would ever allow you back into the forest... after the constant disrespect... You'll never breathe in the trees of that forest ever again!" He whispered, making sure every word cut.

Alastor looked down. This is the exact opposite of what he wanted... He loved the forest with all of his heart... But he knew, deep down, that he had used all his chances. His mother was the only one who could convince the king to let him play in the forest, but... she's not here.

That scared Alastor; what if she... She's never here?

by (117k points)
“ yeah. Uh-. You’re right.” Sparrow yelled pulling Axel out of the room “ but first I got to use the restroom” sparrow pulled Axel into the bathroom and locked the door “ Don’t worry I’m not actually goIng to use the bathroom. Anyways let’s thick of a plan to get alastor back and the king to realize he’s rude
by (159k points)
“Threat of force or sad backstory interrogation?” Axel asked.
by (117k points)
“  I don’t think threat of force would work because he thinks he’s more powerful than anyone else and could overpower us in a fight or at least he thinks that. Maybe sad backstory?” Sparrow asked
by (159k points)
“Yeah sad backstory it is. I could kill him if I wanted but that would make things worse. Lets go on a sad offensive.” Axel said before pulling Sparrow out of the bathroom with him.
by (526k points)

"Go to your room. Tomorrow I will assign you to a mentor, who'll teach you how to harness your true powers. And remember," his father said, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I only do this because I love you."

His father was never one to smile, but this time, the faintest smirk creeped on his face. Alastor, however, chose not to crack a smile at him. He turned and went out of the door and into the halls, not looking back at his father, who had a disappointed look on his face.

"He'll thank me once he's king and conquerer of the planet Lenauk..." He muttered, walking over to his throne and sitting, pulling up floating hologram monitors.

by (117k points)
Axel and Sparrow peer in the room that alastor and his dad were there before and only find his dad.

“Okay, first step do sad backstory. But if that doesn’t work sneak into Alastors room and we will sneak him out.” She mutters to Axel. They both walk into the room.
by (526k points)

Alastor looks out of his bedroom window. The moon looked glorious tonight, something out of a fantasy book. He giggled to himself and picked up his diary. Opening it, he grabbed his pen and wrote away.

Maybe father is right. This supernatural empathy does nothing but hurt me, and I should use the dark power within to build a society that's.. Better for everyone. At least, he says it's better for everyone... I trust him. He's been there for me every step of the way, making sure I was safe...

But, then again, he did commission those mass hunts, which ultimately hurt me. But he'd never do it on purpose... He stopped as soon as he got the news that I had been in and out of the healing room for a hefty amount of years... It was kept from him, I know, my illness...

Maybe that's all my empathy is... An illness. Just like my mother's.

by (117k points)
“Wait, how about this. Axel you go in on the sad backstory stuff on his dad. And I will go find Alastor. Remember, If things get violent try not to kill him. Alastor would kill us.” Sparrow bids farewell to Axel and runs down the long hallway. There are so many doors, maybe even more than her palace. Most of the doors  were locked. But one led to a crazed butler telling his life story to a maid and one led to a couple of dragons.  Sparrow shut the door in a hurry on that one. Eventually she saw a door that locked different from the rest. She turned the knob and there he was. Alastor sitting on his bed writing his diary .

“Surprise .” Sparrow smiled
by (117k points)
(Is anyone gonna answer sparrow….)
by (526k points)
(I didn't see that x3)

"You? I thought you left!" Exclaimed Alastor, clenching his pen. "I told you guys to not get in anymore trouble... You don't know what my family is capable of..."
by (117k points)
“  Nope. And Axel is still here somewhere too. Come on. You are leaving with us.” sparrow told alastor, clenching her jaw.
by (159k points)
“Uhhh… whats wrong, man? Like there has to be some reason why you’re so grumpy. Just talk about it, i’ll listen.
by (526k points)
"I... Can't," replied Alastor, looking out of the window and into the bright moonlight. "I'm forbidden, guys, you know that..."

He looked back at the two, who seemed to not be convinced. "My father will somehow find me, and he'll bring me back by force or my own choice. And he's right. This empathy is a curse that only he can help me get rid of. I can't leave this way..."
by (117k points)
“ Alastor, I need you to realize your father isn’t a good person. And I’m sorry, but you’re coming with us. At least for a little while.” Sparrow insisted.
by (117k points)
by (526k points)
"...I can't, he's raised me and taken care of me for all my life. He loves me... He even takes the time to spend time with me every once in a while... I trust him. He's... My father. I can't abandon family. I can't abandon my mother. I'm sorry, but I can't leave."
by (117k points)
“Every once in a while?” Sparrow raised her eyebrow. “ Listen Alastor, I will leave you with your horrible father who believes he’s better than everyone. I’m not brainwashed to believe my parents are  are good unlike you. I am not sure we’re I’ll go, but not back to my parents house. I guess I’ll never see you to again.” Sparrow says sadly.
by (159k points)
Axel simply left because of the silence, and went to Alastor’s room.

“Alright. You can miss out on an adventure of a lifetime.” Axel said.


“And you could just forget about a cure for your mother’s curse.” He added.
by (2.1k points)
*he would just plop out of existence until someone finds the 4th dimension*

by (117k points)
“A cure!” Sparrow looked up, unable to believe what she was hearing. “Really!?”

(Also ummm Gc that spiritfront post is interesting……)
by (159k points)
“Well, according to my secret curses and cures book, which i will not show as there is only two copies in the world, there is: The majestic lake of healing. At the end of spiritfront, we will see the lake and will take water from it for Alastor’s mother to drink.” Axel said.
by (117k points)
“Yes! We are defintley doing that. TO spirtfront we go!” Sparrow exclaimed

“What do you say Alastor? You coming?”
by (526k points)
"...If my father catches us before we leave the kingdom... I can't go any farther," he reluctantly agreed. He hopped off his bed and walked over to his bedroom door.

"My mother is hastily deteriorating, so we need to act fast."
by (117k points)
“Ok so I am gonna have to use my hypnotize to hypnotize him so he ignores us if he sees us.” Sparrow said, but then a thought dawned on her.

“Don’t we have to go back to that cave thing to get Audric and Apollo from blade?”
by (159k points)
“Okay. I’ll call blade.” Axel said. Axel called Blade, and she answered. “Yeah?” Blade started. “Can you bring over Audric and Apollo? Two can ride on the motorcycle and two can ride on Audric.” Axel asked. “Alright, coming.” Blade replied. The call ended.
by (117k points)
(There are phones in this world?)

“Okay, o guess we have to wait.
by (117k points)
Blade arrives, with Apollo and Audric.

“ AUDRIC!” Sparrow exclaims, and runs as fast as she can towards him and pulls him tight. “ I missed you so much” Audric seems to nod in agreement and continues to nuzzle her.

“So know that we have that settled we should get to spirtfront.”
by (159k points)
“Yeah. Alastor, you ready?” Axel asked.
by (526k points)
"...As ready as I'll ever be. I just hope my mother waits for me... I don't want her to die while we're gone..."
by (117k points)
“ I doubt she will. I took a reading on her before I left and a main theme in her mind was that something was tethering her to life. I think that something is you, alastor.” Sparrow said, part of her mind control power was taking mind reading on people aka going into their mind. She had done that to last or once, and practically recoiled from the intensity.

“Let’s go!”
by (117k points)
(Guys???? Duplicate)
by (526k points)
He leaps out of the window without an extra word, getting increasingly angrier, but hiding it very well.
by (117k points)
Sparrow jumps out the window and immediately heals te little wounds she had from jumping.

“Axel?” She said, looking back up in Alastors room
by (159k points)
Axel follows suit.
by (117k points)
Sparrow axel and alastor start walking out of the castle grounds, when the king and his guard arrived.

"Seize them!!!!!" The dryecus king yelled, pointing to axel and sparrow. Sparrow could see only one way put of this. She jumped on Axel's back, rembering he4 could run 50 mph and started motioning for alastor to do the same
by (159k points)
I run as fast as i can
by (526k points)
Alastor looked his father in the eyes, feeling how scared and angry his father was. It brought tears to Alastor's eyes, and it did the same to his father, but he tried his best to cover it.

With a lump in Alastor's throat, he whispered, "I love you, father. I'll be back soon."
(Also, Pizza, it's Dracaeus.)
He jumped on Axel and waited for his friend to start running.
by (117k points)
(I know Nobi. I was just rushing at the time and couldn’t edit it.)

“ Run Axel! Run!” Sparrow bellowed, trying to get her friend to run fast.
by (159k points)
Axel ran as fast as he could, with blade, apollo, and audric behind him
by (117k points)
After hours of running, they eventually made it to a forest. Audric whimpered. And sparrow knew why.

This was the spot  where he had gotten mauled by a wolf causing him to lose his left ear.
by (159k points)
Axel had been wounded by a falling, sharp metal blade, and he got his futuristic first aid kit.

Opening it, he saw the wide variety of tools and medicines to his disposal.

Taking the Military-Grade Painkillers and wrapping the place he was cut, he said to Sparrow,

“Look out for wolves. This area is jam-packed with them. See this scar on my neck?” Axel said, pointing to his neck scar.

“I was 8 when my mother was taking me out on a trip to the woods here, and all of a sudden, we saw a wolf pup. My mom told me that we should leave, but a wolf charged at me, and i turned around, then it tried to maul my neck, and it got a scratch in. I took out the survival knife that my dad gave me before he went out on his last mission, and I cut that thing to shreds. Mom told me to stop stabbing it’s dead body, and I did. Luckily, i use rage to my advantage now.” Axel continued.
by (117k points)
Sparrow quickly healed his wound, and said with a somber expression.

“Oh, I know about that all too well.” She said, and pointed to Audric.

“See how he’s missing an ear? A wolf mauled him when he was just a little kid. Barely 2 weeks old. Lost his ear, but it could have been way worse. I found him whispering in the forest, slowly bleeding out. If I hadn’t been there to heal him, he would have died.”
by (159k points)
Axel’s face quickly turned dark, like he had a depressed feeling.
by (117k points)
by (526k points)
Alastor had his eyes closed, focusing on a peculiar feeling he had inside of him. He didn't know whether it was sadness... anger... or power...
by (159k points)
Axel walked into the forest as something was wrong, with his weapons at hand.
by (117k points)

“It’s gonna be okay Audric. If any wolf try’s to hurt you, they will have to go through me first.” She hugged Audric close. She started letting him, but stopped at the scar where his ear should be.

“If we come across the wolf who mauled you. I will  personally k*ll the wolf myself. “

Sparrow was a healer, but Audric was the only thing that could heal her after me best friend died. He meant everything to her. She would protect him at all cost.

by (159k points)
Suddenly, as axel was walking in the forest, a regular male wolf jumped on him and dragged him to the cave. “GET OFF ME!” Axel yells, getting up.

Axel grabs hold of the wolf’s snout, and brutally rips the jaw off from the skull.

“I’m sorry, Apollo.” Axel says as he tosses the jaw to the ground, and goes to comfort a horrified Apollo.
by (526k points)
Alastor felt the strongest throb in his jaw than ever. He quickly grabbed it in agony.
by (159k points)
Apollo still seemed to be scared, so Axel picked up the Jaw and the body, and threw it miles away.

Apollo calmed down, but Axel saw Alastor.

“WOAH, YOU ALRIGHT?” He said, quickly running to Alastor.
by (526k points)
"I'm fine... I'm highly empathetic, still. That wolf you killed hurt me..."
by (117k points)
“Okay. I’ll try to avoid killing wolves.” Sparrow said.

This promise was broken a second later.

A wolf crept up on Audric and slowly pounced, sorrow was quick though and shot the wolf so many times and it died.
by (159k points)
Axel sighed. “I’m sorry.” He said.

“Maybe this little guy could help you feel better?” He says as he hands Apollo to Alastor.
by (526k points)
Apollo licked Alastor's chin in the same spot where it hurt the most. The pain was actually relieved due to this.
by (159k points)
“Feel better?” Axel asks.
by (117k points)
Sparrow shot the wolf tha almost attacked Audric so until it was dead.

“I’m sorry Alastor. but I had to do it to protect Audric
by (159k points)
Axel sees more wolves.

“I’m sorry, but i gotta knock you out cold or you’re gonna feel alot more pain.” Axel says.
by (526k points)
"Yeah, a little..." replied Alastor. He softly pet Apollo, smiling as he heard him howl lightly.
by (117k points)
“Alastor, I think you should let Axel do it. And fast! Otherwise you are gonna go through a lot of pain.” Sparrow glanced at alastor and prepared her fire arrows and bow.
by (159k points)
Axel quickly knocked alastor out, then turned towards the wolves.

He ripped and tore through the wolves, brutally killing the entire pack.

Blade suddenly came out of the woods.

“Someone destroyed the boat. We gotta find another way.” Blade says.

“Try to wake alastor up. I got a friend who can take us over.” Axel says with a grin.
by (159k points)
(Boost, please continue)
by (117k points)
Sparrow shakes alastor awake.

“You okay Alastor? We are  are sorry for knocking you out, but it was the only choice.”

She then turns to Axel

“What do you mean?” She says, wondering.

While waiting for an answer, continues comforting a horrified Audric, as since his trauma with the wolf attacking him when he was a cub, even encountering a wolf is enough to horrific him.
by (159k points)
“Haha, you’ll see.” Axel says, escorting Blade, Alastor, and Sparrow.

Axel walks through the forest with them with a grin on his face.

“BRENDA! SURFACE!” He says as he nears the sea.

All of a sudden, a massive, 100 foot long megalodon surfaces.

“Guys, meet Brenda. A very special pet of mine. Back in my military days, I found her beached. I took care of her, raised her, helped her hunt better, helped her grow at a MUCH faster rate, and unofficially made her apart of the military. She can transport us. As scary as she looks, she’s a gentle giant.” He says, patting Brenda on the nose gently.

“Brenda, these are friends. Not food. We need to be transported to abnormal island, can we go in your mouth?” He signs to Brenda.
by (117k points)

Sparrow immediately  got her her bow ready 

“ I’m not going in that things  mouth!” 

by (159k points)
“Watch.” Axel says with a grin.

“BRENDA! RIDE!” He shouts.

“It’s not just the mouth. The fin too.” Axel says as he gets on the giant’s fin.

“Now will you get on?” He asks.
by (117k points)
Sparrow held her breath and hopped on, Audric flew over her head.

“Come on alastor. Hop on.”
by (159k points)
Axel carried Alastor on, and Blade hopped on.

“BRENDA, RIDE!” He yells.
by (526k points)
Alastor quietly hops on.
by (159k points)
Brenda glided through the ocean like a knife through butter.

Her massive dorsal fin stuck out of the water like a sore thumb, and it was all fine.

Until, a massive, 120 foot mosasaurus leaps out of the water, attempting to bite Brenda.

Brenda swiftly dodges, and Axel fires his grenade launcher at the mosasaurus, injuring it, but not much.

The mosasaurus tries to ram the gills of Brenda, but she turns around and bites down on the snout of the mosasaurus, shaking it violently.
by (159k points)
by (117k points)

*sparrow clutched Brenda’s fins. Audric flew right over her head.*

“Good job Brenda!” Sparrow exclaimed, congratulations the creature for fending off the  mosasaurus

by (159k points)
Brenda kept swimming, and she dropped off Axel and the rest of the group on the shore of Spiritfront.

“Good girl. I’ll call you sometime. Goodbye.” He said tearfully, patting her.
by (117k points)
*Sparrow waved goodbye at Brenda*

“Time to find the cure.” Sparrow exclaimed.

Maybe she was trying to make herself feel better for not being able to heal Alastors mother, or making it up somehow.

(Please continue)
by (159k points)
Axel took out his map.

“We go West.” He says with confidence.
by (526k points)
Alastor smiled. "Many steps closer to healing my mother," he said, gaining a slight spring in his step. "...Maybe healing my father in the process..."
by (159k points)
All of a sudden, a creature rose out of the ground:

A skullcrawler.

Axel grabbed hold of the creature’s neck, and pulled with all of his might.

It was not decapitated, but its neck broke, and axel was victorious in his battle.
by (117k points)
Sparrow grinned at axels victory.

However, her celebration didn’t last long when a  giant creature arose from the woods.

A Banppe.

Sparrow shot it with arrows, and it eventually died.

Sparrow glanced it alastor, anxious to see if he was in agony from the pain
by (526k points)
Alastor was holding his neck tightly, but raised his hand to signify that he was alright. "It... Isn't hurting as much as it would normally," he assured, catching his breath a little.
by (159k points)
Apollo licked Alastor’s neck before Axel broke the skull crawlers neck, seemingly pre-empting the strike.

Although Apollo’s healing powers and possible future prediction powers helped Alastor feel painless during Axel’s kill, Apollo could not heal Alastor everywhere.
by (117k points)
Sparrow grinned at axels victory.

However, her celebration didn’t last long when a  giant creature arose from the woods.

A Banppe.

Sparrow shot it with arrows, and it eventually died.

Sparrow glanced it alastor, anxious to see if he was in agony from the pain. She was glad he wasn’t

 The Banppe’s pack arrived. Sparrow and Axel killed them.

Sparrow tried to hypnotize the rest of its pack so it wouldn’t come here

But it didn’t work.

Why didn’t her powers work here?
by (159k points)
“Spiritfront disables mind powers for anyone but animals.” Axel said.

Apollo jumped into Alastor’s arms and let off a glow, healing him as Axel blew the banppes to pieces.
by (117k points)
(Wait since when does Apollo have healing powers?)
by (159k points)
(Since Alastor was healed by Apollo after axel ripped the wolves jaw off)
by (117k points)
(So he just randomly gained them?Uhhhhh that’s not possible)
by (159k points)
(He had them from the beginning we just recently found out)
by (117k points)
(Oh ok)

Sparrow killed another banppe and the rest of its pack

Sparrow walked up to alastor, who was in pain from the recent kill, and healed him.

“Better?” She asked.

(Btw I’m playing roblox with Elo right now so this is kinda rushed)
by (526k points)

"...Yeah," replied Alastor reluctantly. He noticed that he wasn't feeling as much pain as he would normally feel... And every time he was healed, he didn't feel that much different, regardless of the healer.

What's causing this? he wondered.

by (159k points)
Blade was unusually quiet, as Axel noticed.

Axel asked Blade, “What’s wrong?”

“My mind is blank. Something is messing with it.” Blade replies.

“The island messes with your head. Theres nothing inside mine, so im fine.” Axel said.

“I have alot of gadgets I made myself. Alot of stuff goes on in my brain.” She replies.

Axel notices a big Tidanaur behind Alastor, which is pretty much a Crocodile but 3 times bigger.

“LOOK OUT!” He yells to Alastor.
by (117k points)
Sparrow immediately pushed alastor  out of the way, causing him to fall face first on the floor.
by (526k points)
Ghostly, monstrous tentacles sprout out of Alastor's back and brutally murdered the crocodile behind him. The crocodile's lifeless body crashed backwards into a deep lake behind them.

The tentacles suddenly retreated into his back, and Alastor fell to the ground unconscious.
by (117k points)
Sparrrow ran to alastor

“What the hell just happened!?”
by (159k points)
Axel pulls out an energy machete, and asks Alastor this question:

“Are you infected?”
by (117k points)
“He’s out cold, Pinhead!” Sparrow snapped at axel.
by (159k points)
“OH COME ON, DID YOU NOT JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENED?” Axel yelled, startling Apollo.

Axel lightly kicked Alastor, hoping to wake him up.
by (526k points)
Alastor breaths very shallowly but is nonetheless still breathing. He doesn't really respond to their waking attempts.
by (117k points)
Alastor did not wake up, and remained asleep, he looked to be in an ever deeper sleep than before


by (159k points)
“SHUT UP!” Axel yelled angrily.

“LET ME FIND A WAY TO FIGURE THIS OUT!” Blade said, checking the vitals of Alastor.
by (526k points)
For some odd reason, his blood is pulsing greatly through his neck, despite the fact that he's unconscious.
by (117k points)
“IS HE DEAD?!” I  asked blade nervously
by (159k points)
“NOT YET HE ISNT!” Blade says as she sticks a syringe into Alastor’s shoulder, instantly waking him.

“Adrenaline shot. Nice.” Axel mentions to blade.
by (117k points)
“Good idea blade”

“Alastor, are you alright?” She stared at alastor who had begun to stir awake
by (526k points)
"I-I'm fine," replied Alastor weakly. "What was that thing? I felt a force rip out of my back..."

Alastor thought back to what his father had said a long time ago about a powerful force that would emit out of his back, beginning the first stage of his maturing bloodline abilities... Could this be why he wasn't really feeling empathetic anymore?
by (117k points)

“Don’t know how to put this lightly, and I won’t sugarcoat it. It was tentacles.”

Sparrow was amazed by Alasotr’s power. She had to admit it, Alastor’s immense powers had surpassed hers and Axel’s. She had never seen anything like it before,

But maybe, under all of her excitement maybe a little envy and fear was hidden 

by (159k points)
“I gotta make a call.” Axel said.

He entered a code on his watch, and then swiped to a profile.

He pressed the call button.

The profile answered.

“Yo, Devin Devilin. How you been holding up? We basically got a case of Kraken’s Fury Disease, can you come up and fix it?” Axel asked.

“Yeah, coming up.” Devin replied.

Devin came up from out of the ground with a smile.

He was a demon, but a different demon.

Very cunning, smart, and handsome too.

“Doomguy been giving you trouble?” Axel asked.

“Nah, we actually played pool at a bar last night.” Devin replied.

“Nice, didn’t expect that. Can you tell us how to cure KFD?” Axel asked.

Devin picked up the sand.

“You gonna tell us?”

“Well, putting it simply, the cure is kinda iffy on whether or not it will work. It has about a 25% chance of not working. If it doesn’t work, you get some temporary minor muscle damage, but other than that, its not much.” Devin replies.

“Alastor, you gonna do it?” Axel asks.
by (117k points)
Sparrow  immediately extended her bow at the site of devin.

“Stay back!” She yelled
by (526k points)
Alastor pondered whether or not this was a good idea. His instinct told him that he shall do whatever is possible to keep his mother alive and well... But what if it didn't work? She wouldn't die from the failure, but she would be worse off than before...

"...Yes," he decided, feeling a wave of freedom wash over him with bubbles of doubt sprinkled inside.
by (117k points)
“So. Should we head back to draceus?”

(Please continue)
by (526k points)
"Of course! My father will be so proud!" Alastor exclaimed, now walking with a prominent spring in his step, straight in the direction of the Kingdom.
by (159k points)
Devin sighed.

“Welp, see ya next time bud.” Axel said.

“Yep. Bye.” Devin says as he descends back into the sand.

Axel walked toward the direction of the jungle.

“Y’all coming with me or what?” He asks.
by (117k points)
“STOP FOR A SECOND! BOTH OF YOU! I NEED TO TELL YOU GUYS SOMETHING!!” Sparrow, yelled staring at Axel and alastor who were now heading in opposite directions
by (526k points)
Alastor almost jumped out of his shoes. "What?!" He exclaimed, a little angry at his friend for scaring him like that.
by (159k points)
“What?” Axel says, annoyed.

“I have no idea what is happening.” Blade mentioned.
by (117k points)
“ Umm. My parents don’t care about me, but they have to keep up the precedent the do so their “subjects” don’t turn against them I guess. So they will proably look for me for the sake of preserving their reputation. The main problem with this, is they will send a pack of  soldiers to look for me and those soldiers will kill whoever is with me on the spot. Their armor is imperturbable so no powers from you alastor could kill them, and no fighting could kill them from you Axel.” She says, realizing the selfishness of her actions of coming with alastor(and Axel joined them shortly)
by (159k points)
“I’ve killed things far more powerful than those puny little rats. If they send em, I’ll send their heads right back.” Axel said coldly, clenching his fist.
by (117k points)
“I’m not saying you wouldn’t be able to take them. I’m saying it’s literally impossible. Their armor is invincible.”
by (159k points)
“Tsk tsk tsk.” Axel said with a mischievous grin.

“I’ve heard that phrase before. I killed a high-ranking soldier in an elite military. They said his armor was invincible. I dueled him personally, armor and weapons included. I tore his armor off with my bare hands. Then, at the end of the battle, I stood upon his dead body.” He added.

“I challenged the gladiator Hercules. He was killed within 5 minutes. His armor? invincible. The killing machine demon of Hell, dead because of me. His armor? Invincible. The champion of all evil, also known as the heir to Satan’s throne. Invincible armor. Who killed him? Guess.” Axel confidently mentioned.
by (526k points)
"...Not entirely. There's no invincible armor that I can't call the Dragon Axle to break."

Alastor noticed his friends' confused looks.

"There is an army that my kingdom has that is made up of the most powerful creatures in the Seven Paths, or Seven Worlds, and they have the power to destroy black holes with their bare fangs. There isn't any type of armor that can escape their wrath."
by (117k points)
(You guys have such powerful characters.Like seriously you guys are invincible. )

“I am aware of that. But I am not talking about physically, well not completely. They will expose you to your inner demons, something I could do. But I just choose not too as I am not evil. They are spouse you to your deepest fear and make you face it. And I’m not talking about something like wolves or something.Your deepest true fears.”
by (526k points)
"...My only worst fear that would push me past the limit is the death of my mother. But they can't use that against me, because we are on our way to my kingdom!"

Alastor was remaining hopeful.
by (117k points)

“That’s what I’m saying! They are going to use that against you! If they show up. Run. Just run. Maybe get on axel’s back. He could outrun them. Because if they get to us, our inner demons will become outer demons 

by (159k points)
“Only fear I have is you getting hurt. I’ve been through enough things that the only fear I have is my friends and family getting hurt.” Axel said.

“We gotta go further into the forest, we cant stay on the beach.” He added.
by (117k points)
“You’re proably right. Also,that would be what the guards would sue against you. But you’re right, let’s head into the forest and tok draceus”

Sparrow,Axel and Alastor walk for hours, and the sky becomes darker. Sparrow spots the moon.

“It’s getting late, but we can’t stop now.”
by (117k points)
( continue)
by (159k points)
Axel progressed into the forest with the gang, slowly pulling out his shotgun and loading it.

He signaled for everyone to be silent, as he heard something.

As he listened closer, he said,

“There’s a raptor nearby.”

All of a sudden, a massive raptor jumped on axel, trying to maul him, but Apollo bit its leg. The raptor quickly turned its attention to Apollo, and scratched him. Enraged, Axel jumped on the raptor, brutally smashing its head in with repeated blows.
by (117k points)

by (526k points)
Alastor was still unfazed by these violent attacks. His mind was obviously somewhere else, considering that his eyes were longingly looking off to his kingdom.

"What could you be trying to teach me, father?" he whispered.
by (159k points)
Axel got up off of the raptor.

Suddenly, his eyes went wide.

There was another, larger raptor behind Sparrow that Sparrow did not notice.

“S- Sparrow, don’t move.” He said as he pulled out his pistol.
by (117k points)
I don’t quetsion Axel, and stay as still as possible while I tremble
by (159k points)
Axel slowly walked closer to sparrow as he points the pistol at the raptor.

The raptor pounced, but Axel shoved sparrow to the side.

It scratched Axel’s face, but axel quickly shot the raptor with his pistol.

“You alright?” He asks.
by (117k points)
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
by (117k points)
“We should get going. I can see the caste”

Sparrow stared up at the castle in the distance.
by (159k points)
“Where’s Audric?” Axel said, clearly confused as to where he was.

“Yeah, I don’t see him.” Blade added.
by (117k points)
(Me what to revive this. Cmon Nobi, Gc.)

“AUDRIC!?” Sparrow called out in this distance, internally freaking out
by (159k points)
Axel was dragged into the ground by a hand, and Blade found Audric.

“What just happened to Axel?” Blade asks, confused and scared.
by (86.0k points)
"Yeah! He was just standing there!" Cypress adds, looking paler than usual.

(My first time commenting on the thread! :)
by (526k points)
Alastor looked around.

"...I have an idea," he said, smirking.

"We should ask the God of Sight, Opticus, to give us a hint of where they are!"
by (86.0k points)
"How do we do that? How can we get his attention?" Cypress asks
by (526k points)
"My father is very good friends with Opticus, and I've gotten a chance to meet him myself. I'm sure he'd help me in these dire times..."
by (117k points)
“Cool, but still! WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO AXEL!” Sparrow said, cradling Audric.

“Ummm who are you?” Sparrow asked, pointing to crypress
by (86.0k points)
Cypress hesitates. "Uh-er... a friend. My homeland is not safe anymore, so I came here. And then I stumbled upon THIS, and I have nothing better to do."
by (159k points)
Axel’s hand sprung out of the ground, with Axel trying desperately to pull his body out.

His hand was dragged back into the ground, creating a horrifying appearance.
by (117k points)
“Whta happening !” Sparrow yelled, desperately trying to pull axels hand out of ground
by (159k points)

Axel, using all of his strength, crawled back up.
by (86.0k points)
Cypress stopped and stared, mouth agape as she blinked at Axel in surprise.
by (159k points)
Axel eventually pulled his whole body out.
+1 vote
by (86.0k points)

The post says this has at least 300 views lol it may be a LITTLE more than that :)
by (154k points)
That was way back when I made it. It’s insane how many views there are now
by (86.0k points)
0 votes
Hey y'all!

Name: Liz

Species: specifically, A cat.

If they use magic, what kind: nothing. She gets powers from the MAKER from time to time, but that's it.

Pronouns: she\her

Gender: female

Can they talk: yes, but usually does not display this to humans

Looks like: A black cat with a white tuft of fur under her chin

Acts like: talks with a very distinct French accent

Sooooooooooooooo, am I in?

Where they are from: originally from the garden of Eden, but has traveled around the world serving THE MAKER.
by (117k points)
So late, but sure you can join

Just try not to implement much religion into this
0 votes
by (86.0k points)

Name: Cypress

Species: Part human, mostly creature faerie

If they use magic, what kind: Animal magic, can shapeshift into some animals, but it takes a lot of strength, so they can cast a glamour over themselves to make it look like they did. Can understand and communicate wit animals, and summon them 

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Can they talk: can talk in human form

Looks like: 13 years old, unlike most faeries, is tall and willowy, with yellow around her pupils and amber brown in the rest of her eyes. Her hair is shoulder length, with a few golden strands from the sun. while she can shapeshift to get wings, she likes blending in and looking like a normal human. her face is mostly normal, however, she has a scar across her left eye from a battle with her father, who got possesed by a demon and she ddint want to hurt him. her eyeball has a scar on it from it. 

Acts like: Is nice to most people, however, has frequent mood swings and if you threaten people she loves, she will absolutely attack you. she sometimes goes long periods of time of being depressed because in that fight with her father she was forced to kill him as he was possesed

Where they are from: Erilea

Extras: fled to vivisteria because all fae of all kinds were being killed off by a dictator taking over the entire Northern Continent, planning on taking over the Southern Continent, and eventually all of Erilea. Her mom was killed by soilders, and her and her father escaped, only to have the king summon a demon to possess him, and she was forced to kill her own father

And uhhhh yeah thats about it! Thanks so muchhhhH!!!

by (117k points)
Yeah can join!

(I know this is late)

Just look at the best answer and that’s the roleplay thread
by (86.0k points)
Okay thanks!
+1 vote
by (154k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
0 votes
by (777k points)
hello from SHR :)
by (112k points)
whats SHR
by (777k points)
Scandinavian History Roleplay
+1 vote
by (117k points)
This is Sparrows pet

Name: Audric

Age: 4 years old(phoenix's often live up to 100 years old)

Species: Phoenix

Magic: can burst into flames. (Sorta magic) Knows what sparrow is feeling.

Pronouns He/him/it

Gender: Male

Looks like: A classic phoenix except one of his ears is missing because of a wolf attack as a cub.

Acts like: Very affectionate to sparrow. Will do anything to protect her. Wary of most strangers but once he feels that sparrow trusts them he will be himself again.

Extras: Sparrow found him when he was just 12 days old in the forest while sparrow was crying since marlina(her best friend) had died a week before, he had just been mauled by a wolf(causing him to lose his ear) and sparrow rescued him. He hasn’t left her side since.
by (86.0k points)
Awwww, darn! You took the phoenix already! >:(

(Totally joking btw )
+1 vote
by (154k points)
I’m making another character and she’s an old OC from another platform so if you recognize her you know me

Name: Hesperia

Species: Half demon half human

If they use magic, what kind: Dark magic but never really for bad things specifically

Pronouns: She/her, they/them

Gender: Female

Can they talk: Yes

Looks like: Long frizzy hair, black on one side and white the other, human skin but on the white side of the hair its darkened due to a traumatic experience as a kid. Wears a grey hoodie, black leggings and shoes.

Acts like: Shy, sweet, quiet, easily embarrassed, clumsy, smart

Where they are from: the Underworld, which is located beneath Vivisteria but still a part of it

Extras: She has a boyfriend named Astrophel but I don’t feel like adding him

Also her traumatic experience was she was heavily burned and injured at the age of 7 because she fell into lava trying to escape from a monster she hadn’t known was lurking in the woods.
by (159k points)
Astrophel didn’t have enough rizz to get in

Axel and Alastor did thankfully

I just realized most of the characters besides the pets are girls

by (154k points)
Nahhh Astrophel supposed to be the rizzler but since he has a gf he cuts down on rizzing

He just isnt an interesting character
0 votes
by (2.1k points)

Name: (idk i will just not name him you do it)

Species: human/kitsune/fox

If they use magic, what kind: controlling time and physics

Pronouns: he/him/his

Gender: male/toaster

Can they talk: of course

Looks like: like a 10 year old (also he is 13 don't ask)

Acts like: C O M E D Y

Where they are from (make up a name lol): your IP address town

Extras: haha straight and shyish go brrrr

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4 answers 228 views
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7 answers 642 views
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1 answer 51 views
asked Feb 17 in Other by Hanstathegangsta
+7 votes
8 answers 355 views
asked Oct 10, 2023 in Other by GravityCentered (159k points)
+2 votes
2 answers 68 views
asked Sep 20, 2023 in Other by Karl from The Emigrants official account
+5 votes
1 answer 99 views
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1 answer 117 views
asked May 15, 2022 in Other by Numberblock 21
+11 votes
2 answers 464 views
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