+3 votes
in Other by (1.2k points)
quick disclaimer: I'm not being homophobic rn I'm just gonna avoid anyone who vote no :)
Yes (4 votes, 36%)
No (3 votes, 27%)
Kinda both?? (4 votes, 36%)

6 Answers

0 votes
people should have the ability to live freely and do what they want. im 100% a pride supporter and love everybody for who they are! :D
by (523k points)
I LOVE YOU! (platonically)
awh :D
by (949k points)
YEAH, I ALSO HAPPEN TO LOVE YOU! (platonically obviously)
+2 votes
by (154k points)
I would say kind of both, actually.

I mean, I’m somewhat gay, and I feel the need to say yes, but…

Some people who are gay aren’t good people. Not because their gay, but because of their actions. Gay people can be just as bad as straight people in crimes and stuff.

Plus, some people pretend they are gay or literally try to drive it into their brains that they have to be gay in order to gain popularity. These people generally aren’t good people either. (I would say they are not gay but its pointless to argue.)

Yes, on average, gay people are great folks and their amazing!! But theres some people who make us look bad, and thats what the rest of the world tends to focus on…

Dang this ended up long lol
+1 vote
by (116k points)

I kinda feel the same way as gravity centered does but.....

nobody can say they're offended because "It's not a nice thing to say"

Come on people. I dare you to tell the truth.

But I'm not offended. But I definitely do not support it. I just ignore it. I don't give it my time. Conclusion: I'm 100% Straight, don't like the idea of it (I am Christian BTW), but will not speak hate speeches about it or attack the community or whatever.

by (159k points)
by (116k points)
lol nobody likes this answer
+1 vote
by (159k points)
im not homophobic, but…

I voted for kinda both, since as a Christian, the Bible tells us Homosexuality is a sin. The idea of it to me doesn’t offend me but I dont support it.

Homosexual people in general are ok as long as they’re genuinely good people
by (523k points)
Which goes for everyone x3
by (1.2k points)

the bible actually says nothing about homosexuality being a sin and includes a gay couple

"what if they are just friends, Marge"

Well, we can't ask them now, can we? But it's more likely that they like like each other. I personally think that homophobes are just scared of our amazing fashion

JK but I do think that they are scared of things that seem "different" from what they are used to...ahem straight white cis people

by (159k points)
Not trying to argue, but where does it say something about a gay couple?

Also, I’m not 100% sure if the Bible says something about Homosexuality being a sin, but it does say that God created man and woman for each other.
by (1.2k points)
Idk the book or verses but my mom did a whole sermon about it so yeah and she went to seminary forever
by (949k points)
Well, there ARE different versions of the Bible.
by (523k points)
Sorry to bring this up, but I saw a funny meme that said:

"Maybe Jesus was gay the whole time and was really saying 'Ah, men.'"
by (949k points)
Bro destroyed history-
by (154k points)
by (1.2k points)
Bro, I love that so much
by (523k points)
Thank the person who made it, not me x3
0 votes
by (541k points)
0 votes
by (523k points)
Wait who voted "kinda both"

You either think they are or they aren't (the latter would be a little weird but I respect your opinion).

by (949k points)
I did, but the reason is related to psychology and health, not religious reasons.
by (116k points)
Like what psychological and health reasons?
by (1.2k points)
Depression, suicidal thought which is sadly more common than you think stuff like that pizzalover
by (949k points)
Yeah, that’s why I voted “Kind of both”.
by (116k points)
I get what you mean. Also, I know how common it is.

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