+9 votes
in Polls by (775k points)
Hello everyone. So one thing I want to do is to have a website (or  a blog) in other apps. Since Kidztalk is a small app, I want to reach to a higher audience. And what will I post in this website? My art, My Kidznet articles and My Viking Diaries blog. IDK when to start, I am planning on making it next year, and publishing it between 2026-2027. What should it be called, and if I should do it?
Ja (11 votes, 92%)
Nei (1 vote, 8%)

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (166k points)
Best answer
Who said Nei

Anyways I think you should. You could call it "Carly's Things" or something like that Idk
by (775k points)
The person who said Nei is an 85-year old man named Stewart who lives in a tiny home in Atlanta

Jk, it's probably my step-dad since he hates me
by (951k points)
Wait… you need an account to vote in polls.
by (775k points)

I hate him

we still live with him even thought my mom got divorced with him. He gave threats to both me and my mom and will constantly yell at me because I am "weak" for being Autistic.
by (524k points)
Why do you still live with him?
by (775k points)
we're still forced to live with him. He used to live in Alabama and ocassionaly come, but now it's permament. Because his behavior towards us got so out-of-hand, We are moving houses by February 2024 and My Mom already divorced him
by (116k points)
by (166k points)
that's your step dad or dad?
by (775k points)
Step dad. My biological dad is amazing
by (116k points)
That's good to know
by (775k points)

my biological dad lives a few hours away from me, I only see him once a month. He used to live with us in Venezuela, Then he left to Spain (for Immigration reasons), then Florida and now Texas

also, He told me that originally he wanted my family to immigrate to Sweden, but he scraped that idea due to the language barrier

Life could be dream

by (166k points)
by (775k points)
well  I WAS 7 when we left Venezuela and I didnt even knew how to spell Sweden

so... Idc
+1 vote
Yes! In the short time that I've been on KS, I've read ur posts and I've learned a lot! U should definitely make a website!

In the Royal order of the Lion,

+1 vote
by (951k points)
0 votes
by (775k points)
2x boost
by (159k points)
Boosting once is fine
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Well, as long as KT's okay with you sharing that. It may be considered a breach in security since it's out of their reach.
+1 vote
by (543k points)
0 votes
by (775k points)

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