+2 votes
in Fun Stuff by
Answers will be posted at 18:00 today so check back to see if you won.

And if u cheat you are cringe

1. Does the moon make its own light?

2.  How many teeth do snail have. A. 32 B. 500 C. 1000+

3. Which one is NOT a part of the heart. The pulmonary artery, the left ventricle, or the right vessel

4. What does sincere mean.

5. When was roblox made?

Congrats u beat my cringe test, if u didn't cheat u are giga chad/woman

5 Answers

0 votes
by (167k points)
1. No. The sun reflects light off of it.

2. idk

3. idk

4. Honestly

5. 2006
0 votes

1. No, the sun emanates light which reflects off it.

2. C. Over 1000 microscopic blunt teeth! ( a garden snail has 14,000 or more while other species have more than 20,000!)

3.  The right vessel

4. Sincere means honewtly, or truthfully

5. 2004
by (167k points)
Are you sure about 5?
Yes I searched it up, the owner David Bazsucki himself said it
by (167k points)
Oh. It was created in 2004, but released in 2006.
+1 vote
by (116k points)
+1 vote
by (94.3k points)
1. No, The sun reflects off of it

2. A

3. The left ventricle


5. 2006

I am giga woman
+1 vote
by (523k points)



We actually feel it

2006 ( all I know is it's before 2009)
2 off, would you like to know the answers or try again? If try again respond with the answers u have last chance
by (523k points)

Stick with my current answers

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