+3 votes
in Girl Online by (5.8k points)

OK so I have this one friend who we are going to call Olivia. So she is was my best friend. She says that everything is good between us but at the moment she is only talking to me to complain about how her dad is so mean to make her walk to school or to say she is so good at music and a compleat natural. She asks how far I got in the topic because I am in the exellerated group because I'm grade 3 clarinet and grade 4 piano and grade 3 singing and when I say I got further in 1 day than she did in 6 weeks she gets all like omg not everyone can be as good as you girl online (my user. She don't actually call me that) when I was just trying to tell her after she asked and I didn't even want to say because not to sound big headed but I am much better than her at music. 

What should I do? Am I in the wrong??? Please help.

Girl online going offline

Am I in the wrong

Yes (0 votes)
No (4 votes, 80%)
Girly you are so mean to tell her you are doing better than her (1 vote, 20%)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (1.3k points)
I can totally understand why she’s upset, but she asked a question and you answered it. You did absolutely nothing wrong.
by (5.8k points)
Its not just that. She keeps revisiting it and asking the question again like she thinks the answer will change and also she is constantly putting me down and making me feel bad.
by (1.3k points)
Have you tried bringing this up with her? It’s worth having a conversation about.


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