+8 votes
in Other by (345k points)

We noticed more people posting partially covered up photos of themselves. Please make sure that no part of your face is visible, which includes things like your eyes, nose, or lips. It must completely black out (or blur) your entire face to be allowed. Posting full-body pictures are also discouraged, since they can often give too many identity clues.

It is also important to pay attention to what is around an image, since no personal information is allowed, like your school name on clothing, personal name on documents, etc.
by (21.8k points)
I don't even know how to add photo in to this

13 Answers

+1 vote
by (297k points)

i've done my best to do that.

i'll double, and triple check from now on
by (345k points)
0 votes
by (514k points)
I do that.

I think Lori did the lip thing.

But I only do my hair.

I use a blurring effect to blur it out.

And I always blur the background in case my location is visible.

Is that ok??
by (345k points)
Blurring effects are okay to use, but make sure it is very blurry.
0 votes
by (773k points)
What about hair reveals?

I want to do a hair reveal during the summer (cuz im cutting it and dying it) but I cant share photos (blurred out or not) until I turn 16
by (514k points)
I think they said hair reveals are OK as long as you fully cover your face.

I think they don't like eye reveals lip reveals ect.
by (345k points)
Hair reveals are okay.
by (514k points)
Thats good to know.

But what if I post a picture of like, a tree outside. Would that be giving away my location??

Lmk plz thx
by (345k points)
Unless the tree is very special and could give away your location, it is okay
by (514k points)
Thx kidzsearch.
by (773k points)
What if I post travel photos

I am gping to some small towns in Minnesota and want to share the photos on KT

is that allowed

Question 2#

If somebody posts themsemves wearing traditional wear of their country  does that count as personal info?

I got a picture of my Bunad deleted here
by (56.8k points)
lol very special trees
by (261k points)

Have you ever seen those people who guess your location just by looking at the sun's position and the type of grass your standing on? I fear that ever happening T_T

Also, KT, what if you're 18?

by (514k points)
Someone asked that once.

You can still be on kidztalk.

I think......
by (261k points)
Right, but Ig I mean with personal info. But Ig the answer is still "no" since they can't really verify age, and I doubt they would go to the trouble to do so.
by (514k points)
Cheer do you want to chat??

What do u think ur doing this summer??

I'm probably going to sleepaway camp maybe heheh
by (261k points)
Omg, I'm just working all summer lol. And hanging out with my friend who's graduating this year before her college starts. Hey, at least she's staying in town at the local community college, so we can still see each other every now and then!

I think we're also going to go stay in a cabin for the weekend at a local lake a tourist town, so I'm excited for that! We might also drive out to an amusement park in the next state over too.

Sleepaway camp sounds like fun! Is it just for a night, or is it like a week or two?
by (514k points)
Two weeks!!

That sounds fun!!

Doesn't it feel like this year is going by so fast??

Or is it literally just me lol!!
by (261k points)
WOW! Two weeks is a long time. I'd get homesick lol.

YES THIS YEAR HAS GONE BY SOOOO FAST! Like, no way am I about to be a senior. My age is looking a lil' to serious for me...
by (514k points)

And your talking to a little girl lol.

I would be in 7th.

Next year I mean.


Yeah I don't have anyone to get homesick of...

I have 0 parents.

So I wouldn't be homesick.

I guess I would miss my aunt??
by (345k points)

Answer to some of your comments above.

Don't post pictures that can identify the town you are in, especially if it is a small one, or has any people you know in them.

If you are wearing traditional wear that is unique, that would be too personal to post, even if your face is covered up.

As another user mentioned, we don't verify age, so even if you actually are over 18, it would not make a difference.

by (773k points)

The thing is, what if it's a town we are VISITNG and not living in

Like Lindstrom, Minnesota a town im visitng. Is that OK?

Also I officialy cannot post my Bunad because there are over 450 Bunad variations (and thats just for the females) skull

by (345k points)
If the image does not show any features that can identify the town, you can post it.
by (773k points)

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