+7 votes
in Personal by (1.0k points)
Sometimes I look back at what made me and what the other reactions were - why there was never hand to grab me when I felt lost.

 I remember it - sitting on my floor - yelling. Yelling because it just was too much. I didn't know what was happening to me, I mean I was only ten, and it's been happening for a year. What was I suppose to do?

Now I understand what it is, it doesn't hurt as bad - it doesn't feel uncureable.

  Thinking this is how God made me - programed everyone to feel this way - programed me to be sensitive. My heart was heavy, my shoulders leaned back so I could feel the negativity give in - the relief.

  Of course ... Now, when I look back, my childhood was perfect ... It only made me realize all this work to be wasted on someone who wasn't capable of feeling it - but that void that echoed. All of it was wasted.

  I never got sunlight. I may have had this depression because of my lack of sunlight, but it could be a lie. Because what I remember is that I didn't know what I was feeling - yeah, now it's slow, but all I wanted then was the relief.

  Maybe my dad thought my yelling and anger was annoying - he didn't know what was going on in my head, the fact I couldn't handle it anymore, even if I was calling out.

  Everything seemed grey, a pure waste of money I was, and maybe if I didn't have such a great childhood, then maybe I could have a reason for feeling this way.

  I'm not healthy though.

  I barely eat anymore, it's too hard. And I remember when I was nine, I would try starving myself because I didn't like how I was. And at the same time, I eat everything now. It seems like a relief from my stress.

  The bleakness is just dead.

  I can't find myself - like I'm stuck in these characters I have as a persona, because I can't find myself. IM this child, then I'm me. Or what I think is me. Idk anymore.

Dear Nate,

  Thank you for making me understanding what I was feeling. I owe you my life because without you, I would not have one. And understanding is the only thing we need.

Dear Lord,

  Thank you.



4 Answers

+2 votes
by (350k points)
Best answer


Don't you dare try and end your life. You are wanted and needed, and suicide is giving into what the Devil wants you to do. Trust in God. You will get through this. Keep going, get out and do things. Try an activity. Find a new hobby, Get good in something, find something to live for. Live for God. You are loved, despite what you may belief. Killing yourself is not the answer, and never is.


Stay strong. I'm praying for you.
by (153k points)
by (1.34m points)
I don't know if that is KnightStar.
by (1.34m points)
Sorry, you were right. I saw in a post that this was an alternative account for KnightStar
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Knight -

You have so much to live for, please don't go.
+1 vote
DON'T DIE MAN!!!!!!!! Suicide is the WORST sin in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do then you WILL go to Hell. Stay alive and stay strong. One day you might look back at this day and say: "Man, I was being dumb there." Stay alive man.
+1 vote
by (138k points)
I hope you feel better, and know that the world wouldn't be the same without you

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