+13 votes
in Fanfiction by (350k points)
Author's Note:
RATING: 11+ (Maturity Level /Age). There is some peril/violence and scary situations. (But nothing you KidzTalkers/Netters can't handle, since my other stories have been worse in blood. Use your brain, though, since some things characters say take some piecing together.)
There are once again many songs in this chapter, including the famous Tolkien one "O Elbereth Gilthoniel"(when a song is Tolkien's and not mine, I will mention it here in the Author's Note). I have not provided the translation for it (it is Quenya, by the way) since the other verses of the song roughly translate it anyway. In the last chapter, Uialithil, also known as Uial to elves and Iael to other races, arrived in her foster-home of Rivendell and met up with her father, Elrond. It was the 18th of October, and now the 20th is dawning: with the sun comes the elf-lord, Firstborn of the Eldar, Glorfindel, on whom Uial has been waiting. Now we turn to their meeting in this chapter, along with many more reunions.
Enjoy and please comment.

The Tale of the Nightingale

Chapter Two of Uialithil's Story by GemHeart

II: Reunions

A day passed and the evening sunlight streamed into Uialithil's room, where she had been sitting for the last few days working deep into the night and late into the day. Of what she had been focusing on was unknown and she wished no one to find out, shrouding her work in secrecy.
The white beams were shadowed by the twisting forms of the white and brown-barked trees that grew into her open-air chamber. The flowery smell that followed her filled the room, and she sat at a rather ornately carved desk that sprung from a thick branch of a tree outside.
"Ai!" came a ringing voice from behind, full of joy. "Uialithil the Twilight of Lorien! Of whom I speak, look to me!"
She did, and the tall. thin form of the elf-lord Glorfindel entered the room, and he began to sing in greeting:
O Ndomeisil! Tari e-earen
ve ramor aldaron
laurie lantar lassi surinen.
 Peredhil e-Tunuviel,
Rembe e-earen!
Or to us: "O Ndomeisil! Queen of Sea/ as the wings of trees/ like gold falls the leaves/ in the wind/ half-elven of Tunuviel/ treasured!/ Jewel of Sea!"
Uialithil laughed, saying, "You look the same as the day I first laid eyes on you! What of your journey?"
Glorfindel's long straight golden hair swayed as he came to sit by her. "It was of a evil sort, being chased by the Nine, but I saw again Estell. By any account it was an adventure," he said.
"Ah yes. I would very much wish to have an adventure," replied Uialithil.
"But none of me, at least not yet. What of you? I assume you still fear the prospect of climbing tall trees, even if Lorien is nothing but!"
"There was much to do, but little of it was to my interest. I have not sang openly in an era, as I was silent in Lorien." she said, making an ink-stroke on her paper.
Glorfindel smiled widely. "Why not start again?"
Snow white! Snow white! O Lady Clear!
O Queen beyond the Western Seas!
O Light to us that wander here,
amid the world of woven trees!
Gilthoniel! O Elbereth!
Clear are thy eyes, and bright thy breath!
Snow-white! Snow-white! We sing to thee
in a far land beyond the Sea.
Uialithil smiled and sang softly with him, as the sun died behind them,
O Stars that in Sunless Year
with Shining hand by her were sown
In windy fields now bright and clear
we see your silver blossom blown!
O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
We still remember, we who dwell
In this far land beneath the trees
Thy starlight on the Western Seas.
"I cannot say the same as you," said Uialithil, "as I was born here, in Ennor."
Glorfindel smiled again and laughed: "How happy am I to hear your voice again. For it has been lonely here, like a grey winter. But I beg of you, why have you returned to us?"
"The Ring, dear Lord," came her reply. "For I have heard word that a Frodo Baggins has it now, and he wishes to destroy it. A noble quest, one not many can begin, and fewer finish."
"You speak with the wisdom of Galadriel," Glorfindel answered. "Perhaps dwelling beneath the leaves of Caras Galadhon did you well. But enough of such a depressing subject- there will be plenty of time for that come later...! May we sing some more, before the night is born?"
Uialithil's face was bathed in the dying light of the sun. "We may. It does my heart well, but only one more time, for when the sun sleeps, so do I."
A Eleberth Gilthoniel
Silivren penna miriel
o menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-diriel
O galad hremmin ennorath
Fanuilous, le linnathon
nef aear, si nef aearon!
The Elvish words were heard by all that night in Rivendell, from Aragorn the Ranger to Elrond in his House.  And all were merry, for the clear voice of Uialithil was the most blessed of the Third Age, and arguably of all Silvan elves born in Middle-earth- and it was of a greater medicine than even healing magic.

Uialithil, over the course of the next few days, was in a constant rush when she managed to leave her chamber and her mysterious work. She went around to greet many elves and travellers alike, and on the 23rd, she met the old wizard Gandalf. A big smile crossed her face, brighter than the sunlight, and she cried to him in Elvish when she first spotted him in the streets.
"Mithrandir!" she said, holding his gnarled hands in her own baby-soft ones, "so you have arrived! Frodo son of Drogo has been laid down in the House of our Lord- and Alda has been there already."
Gandald nodded and smiled, leaning on his staff. "Yes, so I have heard! How are you, Ndomeisil, daughter of Elrond? I was told you arrived on the eighteenth."
"Yes, I came that night and after came Glorfindel. I went to greet many a folk afterwards- from Glion of the late Thorin Oakenshield's company- I saw his son, Gimli, as well- to you, now!"
"How about old Bilbo Baggins?" asked Gandalf.
"I am on my way to do so now," replied Uialithil.
"And how about the other travelers? I do know that Legolas of Mirkwood is on his way, to be here by the 25th. Will you be there to greet him?" Gandalf asked, and a bit of a light gleamed in his eyes. He was just a little bit taller that Uialithil, but she wasn't much younger than him.
"Of course, it is a duty as Lady of Rivendell." she said promptly. "I met Legolas many mortal years ago, during the time before the Battle of the Five Armies. I was sent to attempt to reason with King Thranduil, but I was met with the coldest reception to ever be given to one of the elf-kindred. It was as if I was one of the dwarves."
"Perhaps your height gave you away," said Gandalf good-naturedly.
"A nice thing to say about yourself," she shot back in reference to the fact he was only about an inch taller, but it was all in well-meant fun.
"Ah. For a Lady of Rivendell, or an elf-maiden at that, you have quite a sharp tongue," he said. "Nevertheless, you are enjoyable company! But perhaps Bilbo would better appreciate it, he has heard of your return yet hasn't seen you. What of this? You have been shacked up in that room of yours."
"I have had matters to tend to," she said slowly and carefully.
Gandalf raised a white eyebrow. "Matters to attend to? I have heard words along the same lines by another using quite the same tone, yet he was hiding a dark secret," he said, and Uialithil caught the reference to Bilbo and his clingy attitude toward the Ring. "Provided you are not doing the same, I will let you be."
"It is of an evil sort, but I am not letting myself close to it," she said. "I am here to offer it to an elven-smith mastered in the art of cleansing the evil from it or destroying it if nessacary."
"Purging of evil is not the same to get rid of it. For another may lie dormant inside, or take up residence with the other's absence- evil objects are made for this purpose. But I trust your judgement. You have been taught wisdom by Galadriel and Celeborn; you have been taught the art of the sword by Elladen and Elrohir, the art of healing by Elrond, and the art of the bow by Haldir." then he paused, and added, "But do not forget the other teachers. Your Sea-passed mother who provided you the skill of the elf-maiden, Glorfindel the way of riding elf-fashion, and Arwen and Aragorn who taught you that love remains."
Uialithil laughed. "Be that many teachers!" she exclaimed. "But you are one of them, dear Mithrandir." she smiled. "You have shown me that one may be friends with many. Hobbits, dwarves, elves and men! These are the ones that Mithrandir tends!"
"Ah, a new song?" he asked, smiling.
"Yes, it is of you, and it goes, in part:
A Pilgrim Grey of our land
came from the Havens as a helping hand
An Istari wizard with a beard of snow
everywhere on his staff does he go.
He is as old as this age,
and is quite as wise as an elven-sage,
he is our Mithrandir
and as he walks under Ennor's firs
he helps us in our time of need
with a strong hand he does lead.
Hobbits, dwarves, elves and men!
They are the ones he tends
he travels the countryside
often he goes far and wide
Friend to me is he,
and forever he shall be
Gandalf smiled gently. "What a fine piece of poetry," he said chuckling. "What do you call it?"
"My Ode to the Wizard Gandalf," said Uialithil smiling. "Now, my friend! If Frodo does wake, there will be a feast. I have faith that he will, so I will see you then, my dear wizard! Namarie! And farewell for now." she waved to him, and walked off to see Bilbo.


"It's been quite a long time!" Bilbo said to her when she came to see him and Frodo, who was in a deep sleep. "Do you remember how long, perhaps? Elves have such a wonderful memory!"
"Since I last saw you? Here in the Elvendom, we would say yeni unotime- but ai! I think it would do better to say it hasn't been since Friday the First!"
Bilbo smiled. "I see you have picked up some Shire jests on your travels! Am I right in saying so?"
Uialithil shook her head. "I have never seen the Shire, only Bree. But knowing such a fine hobbit as yourself has rubbed up on me and my elvish ways, I would say."
Biblo brightened. "Speaking of elvish ways, do you remember Sam Gamgee by any chance...?"
Uialithil sat down beside Bilbo, draping her powder-grey robes over the delicately carved white wooden chair. The light from the sun gave her clothes a heather-color sheen. "I have written to him for many a year, but he does not know who i am. Do you ask because he is with you?"
"He came with Frodo and two other hobbits, Meridoc Brandybuck and Peregin Took. They are young but delightful. I wish to introduce you to Samwise, as he is quite overjoyed at the prospect of elves." Bilbo said. "He will return shortly, he departed to Gandalf to run a message."
"I just saw Gandalf, not more than an hour ago. But I can wait." Uiatlithil said.
"In the meantime, may I ask where you've been?"
"A common inquiry! But not unwelcome. I have been in Lorien, high up in the tree-houss, longing to hear river run again and touch the grass underfoot. It is very unusual for an elf to be an enemy of heights, but alas...."
Bilbo frowned. "Quite unusual. But it is odd for a hobbit to fool around with boats on the river, yet it has been done."
"Or a hobbit to be friends with elves," she added with a smile. "Dear Bilbo, it has been very busy here, and I have been wrapped up in my work. I must take leave of you, perhaps I should say. For tonight, if Frodo wakes, there is to be a feast."
"A feast! Then perhaps you should talk to Sam there." Bilbo grinned.
"That would do me well. I believe Frodo will wake, but do not take my word as prophecy." But then, almost as if it was an afterthought, she turned to Frodo, who lay breathing deep in his bed. She placed a gentle hand on his forehead and closed her brilliantly teal eyes, murmuring some elvish words. A sweet smell swelled in the sunlit air, like the perfume of freshly blossomed liles in springtime and the fragance of a gentle and faint rain under a clear blue sky. Bilbo watched with undivided attention, and even when she lifted up her hand, opened her eyes, and went silent, the sweet scent lingered.
"It is just as I remember," he breathed. "when I first came here in the company of Thorin Oakenshield."
"Of what, dear hobbit?" she asked softly, glancing behind her.
"Of you!" he said, te spell of the moment still on him. "I wrote a little song that day, in my head, but I remember to now: nothing too fancy and not enough to do you justice- after I saw you beside Elrond." his eyes glittered. "Perhaps you'd like to hear it?"
"Of course!" she smiled.
And so he began:
Gentle as a spring-time rain is she
Falling as a mist that ended the re;
She is as fragile as a white lily flower,
Slender, growing from the powder;
Cold as the frost of the stars is she
Flying as a bird that is turned free;
She is as swift as the blowing leaves
Lovely she is, home amongst the trees.
Soft as the moonlight!
Dark as the twilight!
Clear as diamonds in the pale
Song of the evening nightingale.
Spry as a chld with a crown
of daises in her hair,
Close as a friendly doe
of a green glade fair.
And of the nightingale I sing,
she stands under river gleam!
Fair as star-child above the Sea
is the elf I know, of ocean she is Queen.
Uialithil laughed. "Dear friend!" she smiled, "I think it does more justice that I deserve! Your words flatter me."
"As they should!" exclaimed Bilbo.
"Farewell Bilbo," she said standing, "it warms my heart to see you all again."


Afterwards she returned with little trouble to her chamber. Some wished to speak with her or yelled greetings from upper windows and balconies as she passed, and she greeted Farin, the same elf from before who spoke with Lindir. Farin was happy to see her and wished her well, and sent her on her way.
Soon she came up into her chamber. On the far side, by the east window, was a white sheeted bed set in a carved cradle-like suspension that was fashioned from a living branch. On it she had laid a variety of travel items (from her journey from Lorien) and a large wrapped bundle of cloth.
Uialithil took a shaky breath. She was unwillingly drawn to it, like one may be to something they weren't allowed to have. She has been attempting to find a way to reason with the voice, the one she had been hearing even since she arrived. She didn't want to look at it, didn't want to talk to it again, but it was calling her.
Surely you know what it is like to be caged? To be kept from your freedom?! it cried inside her head. She did know.
I am trapped! I cannot see- everything's dark. Just black from here to Mordor, and I want to see again!
In one swift motion she obeyed and ripped the cloth away. Onto her bedsheets rolled a dark greatsword, and into the air went a pale mist of voilet. It pulsed around and within the space of the blade. She stood back, her jaw clenched and her eyes wide as she stared at it.
Trapped! went the screech of a voice in her head. In a cage of trees! I feel elf-magic- it burns me! Burns! BURNS!
The evil script that was written on the gleaming blade was glowing. Uialithil's teal eyes reflected the light.
Take me away! Take me away! The elf-magic burns! Like hot water on cold flesh! it BURNS!
Take me away!
Use me!
Feed me blood-!
She reached for the thin hilt, even as she struggled to fight it.
Ha! You, an elf, attempt to take me?!
Wait! Nevermind that!
Just take me away from here-!
Uailithil whipped around and sighed. The feeling was fading, and the gravelly and high voice died- or perhaps it was just waiting. "Glorfindel?"
"I believe I heard something?" he asked, walking quietly in the room. his white robe swirling as he glanced around. His pale gaze settled on the dark sword, and he went still. "Where did you find this?" he tossed the white fabric around the blade and hilt. "It pulses with evil."
"We call it the nyghblud. "
Glorfindel touched her hand, looking quite worried, and she shuddered. The cold that had overtaken her during the conversation with the sword melted away in a matter of seconds, and she managed to look up. His warm fingers clutched her own icy ones as he whispered, "Dear Uial, who burdened you with this?"
"No one," she snapped, and his eyes widened. "I'm here to destroy it. I found it near Lotholorien, on the outskirts of Mirkwood- and I believe a piece of the evil that was in the forest didn"t just go to Mordor- it decided to take up residence in this sword as well. I want to cleanse it, or destroy it, if needed. It was a mistake to listen to the voice." she added.
"So that's what I heard..." he muttered. Then he sighed. Uialithil leaned over and carefully placed the bundle under her bed, and then straightened to look at Glorfindel, some tears were in her eyes.
"I did not mean to yell at you," she whispered.
He took her hand again and leaned forward so that their foreheads touched. "I know," he murmured, and gave her a hug.
Bells began to ring, high and melodious.
"The feast!" she exclaimed, leaping away from him.
Glorfindel took in a sharp breath, the words on his lips dying. He was going to say something, but the moment had passed.
"Shall we go down together?" she asked, her eyes brighter now.
Glorfindel smiled, hiding his disappointment. "Yes."
Uialithil glanced back at him when she reached the doorway. Something stirred in her heart but she couldn't what it was.



Here are the translations if not provided by the text:

  • "Ai!"
(Just an exclamation, meaning "ah"! Uialithil and other elves use it a lot.)
  • "Ndomeisil" (Quenya)
(Basically 'Uialithil' in Quenya.)
  • "Ennor" (Quenya)
('Middle-earth'; she is referring to Middle-earth in Elvish.)
  • "Namarie!" (Sindarin)
(This means "farewell" or "goobye".
  • "Yeni unotime" (Quenya)
(This means "years innumerable".)

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (350k points)
Thanks everyone! ;3


Thx Kit!

Thx KittyKat!!!


+1 vote
by (415k points)
i love the formatting for this!! i love it a lot, your writing has gotten better, i luvs it! my writing has also gotten better...guess we are both growing with writing! lol
+1 vote
by (138k points)

I LOVE IT !!!!! I can tell you worked hard on this! 


+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
Great Writing

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