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in Polls by (920 points)
I have to do an essay prophet muhammad! Please give ideas ASAP

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Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the last prophet of Allah and the leader of all other prophets. He is the greatest of all men never born on earth. I admire him most for his greatness and teaching on all aspects of life.

He was born in famous Quraish tribe on Makkah in 570 A.D. His father's name was Abdullah and mother's name was Amena. His father died before his birth and mother died in his childhood. He was then brought up by his grand father and uncle. From his boyhood he was very truthful and so he was called Al Amin.

At the age of 25 he married Khadizatul Kubra,a rich widow in Arab. He always thought about the creations of Allah. He spent most of his time in meditation in the cave of Mount Her a in search of truth. At last at the age of forty he got ohi from Allah and began to preach Islam. "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His prophet " is His first teaching.

The Arabs were the worshippers of many gods and goddesses.  His preaching made them angry. They laughed at him and began to oppress him in many ways.  At last he had to leave Makkah and went to Marina with his followers. His journey to Marina was known as Hizrat. The people of Marina revived him cordially and helped him on all possible ways. The Hijri year began from the date of Hazrat. Islam spread rapidly in Marina. In the 8th Time I he conquered Makkah and gradually the whole of Arab came under his control.  

He didn't take any retaliation. Rather he preached the virtues of Islam and advised the people to accept Islam. The Qur'an was revealed to him by Allah. His life and Hadith containing the interpretation of the Qur'an guide the Muslims on the true path of Islam.

The noble soul passed away in 637 at the age of 63. But his works and teaching remain and will be followed as long as the world lasts. He is really the greatest of the great men of all ages. I admire him most.


Hope this helps! :)
by (920 points)
Thank-you so much #Autumn
You're most welcome! :)

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