+6 votes
in Personal by
Today I was out all day playing with my friends and my little sister. I remember my dad having a headache and not feeling well then going for a lie down. I got annoyed at something or other my friend had done and came in for a while. I sat down and started a Duolingo French lesson.

My mum came downstairs in a hurry. She told me my dad was really not well and she had called an ambulance. She told me to go and find my sister, so I ran outside and down the street. I told my sister that dad wasn’t well and there were paramedics coming, and that she needed to come home right now. I was so worried and shocked that I couldn’t tell her properly, so she thought I was joking. We ran back to our house and went upstairs.

My dad was sitting on the bed. His speech was slurred and he couldn’t pronounce some consonants. He couldn’t move his right arm because it had gone all floppy. He also had a headache and felt weak. I was thinking that I knew these were symptoms of a stroke, and I mentioned that. I was panicking and thinking the worst, I started crying. My sister was smiling awkwardly and she didn’t seem to be that worried, but now I know that was just her way of getting through it.

My mum called our friends’ mum and asked if my sister and I could stay at theirs for a while. I didn’t know whether I should go or not, but I did in the end. My friend made us all smoothies and we sat and talked away from my sister and her friend. I cried again, it was tense and awkward but she was really nice about it and didn’t seem to mind. It was very odd because we had to stay 2 metres away from each other, but all we wanted to do was hug.

My friend and I went into another room, well ventilated of course, and we talked about random stuff. I made some bad jokes as humour is my defence mechanism, and it helped a bit. I felt guilty because I didn’t want to stop thinking about my dad, but I knew I would go into a downward spiral. Taking my mind off it helped a bit, but being happy and distracted made me nervous.

We ate tea at their house, I couldn’t eat much. We went outside afterwards and lit the outdoor fire. Then we made s’mores. They went totally out of their way to help us. My friend and I went inside again and watched some of a comedy show i like. My friends’ mum kept getting phone calls and text messages and I was constantly on edge that they would be terrible news. Eventually my mum came and picked me and my sister up and we came home.

My dad is currently in the hospital. He called us earlier and told us not to worry. His voice is back to normal now. They’re running checks and tests to see what happened.  They think it’s something to do with migraines - our family gets really bad ones. It’s nearly half past midnight when I’m writing this. I know I should sleep, but I can’t. I’ll share updates when we get the diagnosis, and when he comes home.

Update, the next day (Wednesday 8th July)

Dad stayed overnight in the hospital. They were hoping to do some more tests and an MRI scan but another lady got rushed into A&E and took the priority spot. She had fallen off her horse and the horse had fallen on top of her (oof) so Dad got bumped down the list.

Mum made him a package (books, toiletries, change of clothes, phone charger etc), our family couldn’t bring it to him because only one person is allowed in to visit at a time, so my aunt took it in instead. My sister gave him her little fox teddy, and I drew a picture which I emailed him later.

At about half-past one my dad went for a walk down the hospital corridor to stretch his legs and had another funny turn like the one he’d had yesterday. The team took him in and observed him, and gave him another CT scan (don’t ask me, I have no idea what that is). They put dye in his blood so they can see it moving through his veins (ew). This time he didn’t recover as well as the first - his speech is still a bit sloppy and hard to understand but nowhere near as bad as when he had the first episode yesterday.

They don’t know exactly what the problem is, it’s probably nothing seriously wrong but they’re still working it out. Dad’s been really stressed because of pressure from work during Covid (he works in a university, so he had to rewrite, mark and remark all the exams etc) and homeschooling us (I’m not easy to handle). He’s been advised to be more active and eat a bit healthier, and to relax more. 

They are exploring his migraines - they think that is the main cause of it. Mum had a look through my files and medical letters (I get awful migraines) to see if she could find anything relevant. I am very proud to say that I have a whole two binders dedicated to me and my headaches! Anyway, it turns out my dad has way more frequent and severe migraines than he had told the doctors previously. He also has low potassium levels. He and my mum and I gave DNA samples to the doctors to find out the cause of my migraines and then for childrens’ migraine research, so they might have to reevaluate the gene research and findings with this new information. When I was a baby and I got migraines one side of me would go all paralysed and floppy and the other stiff and curling over, so much so that they couldn’t straighten me up - just like my dad. They’re looking into that as well.

Now the doctors are giving him medication and he’s not allowed to eat or drink anything. His mouth is very dry, which is contributing to the speaking problems. He’s staying overnight in the hospital again. Mum didn’t say whether he had had all the tests and MRI done yet. I think they’re doing them tonight.


Here is the picture I drew him - it’s in the style of ‘Draw So Cute’ by Wennie. 

I don’t mind what you believe in, thoughts, prayers, good vibes or whatever, but thank you so much for all the support and well-wishes. It’s a difficult time and it’s lovely to know there are kind people like you guys out there.

I’m just realising how long these posts are! Sorry for making you read all this :)


Update, two days later (Thursday 9th July)

Dad is still in hospital, he’s staying overnight again. He had the MRI scan this morning and it turns out the funny turns he had were strokes. They weren’t huge, but they’re quite scary to have when you’re only in your 40s. He’s young and healthy so it’s extremely uncommon for someone like him to have a stroke.

The scan showed the blood clot has gone now, but he’s still not totally regained the full power of speech and all the movement and control in his right side like he did after the first one. He’s definitely improved since yesterday, so they’re hoping he’ll make a good recovery soon. Because he’s lying flat on his back his circulation isn’t great so the doctors have given him puffy things on his legs that inflate and deflate to help the pressure. They’re white and bright orange, and Dad calls them his ‘moon boots’. I would post the picture as my description isn’t very accurate but I have to protect his privacy. He’s going to try walking soon, probably tomorrow.

The speech therapist had to check that he could still swallow without choking so he had a glass of water and half a digestive for lunch. He said it tasted amazing - it was just water and a biscuit but he hadn’t eaten in ages. He had tea as well but had a bit of trouble using his right hand to cut his food, which I think scared him a little.

I think that’s all the news for today. It looks like he’ll be staying in hospital for a while - it’s going to be a hard few months. Mum is going to try to visit him tomorrow.

I don't fell bad for u
by (34.7k points)
Wow! Rude for you to say that, Kitty! If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!
Yeah be nice. I on the other hand feel SO BAD FOR U!!! I am sooooooo sorry! :(
by (15.2k points)
why did you not let your lil sister here what you and your friend were talking about

4 Answers

0 votes
by (165k points)
Dude, some people get stressed out from things like that, sleeping isn't always easy.
fun fact for "LunaLight" the latest you can stay up for kids is 10:00

ok yeah another fun fact for "LunaLight" rollingehhh... don't say "dude" to me. so I'm just telling you I'm not a guy ok?     you/lunalight:huhangry_smile


                                 I am not trying to be mean.devil_smile


by (165k points)

1. Kids can stay up any amount of time, it depends on their parents' set bedtime and if the kid has sleeping issues.

2. Bruh. I've said it before, and I shall again: I call everyone dude, dudette just sounds weird and creepy. I don't say dudette for girls, and saying dude is just part of my speech, it's a subconscious thing. Even if I know they're a girl, I still say dude, it's just natural.


hello this is for lunalight. me:hi guy/dude/bro! guy:cupcake me:how are you doing guy? guy:cupcake

me: lunalight taught me how to call everything a guy! guy:cupcake

by (165k points)

... are ya done? Me calling everybody dude is just a natural part of my speech. I use it when I'm talking to people. Typically, those I don't know the true name of. I use "dude" as a replacement for someone's name, like the pronoun it is. I say "dude" naturally to people. It's just another word in a sentence. Even if you say you're a girl, I say dude just because it's as natural as saying someone's name to me. 


Also:  I rest my case.

by (96.0k points)

clapping-handgo Google 

0 votes
by (165k points)
Yikes. I know what that is like though. One time me, my dad, and my grandpa were out fishing. My grandpa eventually started not feeling good, so we took him to the hospital. He had been having some heart problems. He had a series of mini-strokes and one major one. He ended up having a quadruple bypass surgery. He is doing alright now besides a few tests here and there and heart monitors. I very much doubt that is related to your dads case though, considering the age and health difference. Your dad will probably be fine, he sounds healthy so it shouldnt be anything too big.
Omg so sorry nothing has ever happened like that to me or my family except the surgery! :(
+1 vote
by (61.9k points)
It would be alright, human. Don’t worry.
+1 vote
by (153k points)
That sounds terrifying! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!
by (710 points)
Don't worry, everything is going to be alright,

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