+4 votes
in Shower Thoughts by
personally I am an atheist who supports religious people. I’m just not one. I hate it when people try to or even it down people’s throats or do bad in the name of “god”. I think there was someone a long time back, male or female or even other, who did a lot of good things and inspired many people. I’m just not convinced that they created the universe, or watches over us, or is the reason we do what we do. If believing in god helps people get through hard times, or they use it to do good things, awesome, that’s great! I respect you and your beliefs, ok? I hope that this post did not seem offensive or mean in any way, I wanted it to be helpful and kind. Tell me if I said something bad, I’ll change it right away. Feel free to shower thoughts on this subject but please keep in mind that you can hurt people. Sound good? Perfecto. Love you! <3
What if Atheists ,try to shove atheism down Religious people's throws that has happened to me .He wanted me to believe that Jesus,s Crucifixion wasn't real and he would not stop .

 That happened btw
Jesus is real and he's coming to take us to heaven or hell and I don't want to sound like I put the bad word in this but I don't want to go to hell and I don't think you want to go either

Plz share the goodness of god

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (126k points)
Best answer
I've actually wanted to read this for a while, but didn't, until I saw that you were the one posting it, Greenie. I'm glad that you think this way, because it's EXACTLY the same way that I think. Really. If you don't believe me, check out what I've said on other religious posts. While I personally am not religious, I still think that it's good that other's are faithful. What I DON'T like, though, is the people that try to turn it into something different, and use it for their own selfish purposes, or the people that try to be Nazis and enforce it on others. It's like when the gun is blamed instead of the person pulling the trigger. A firearm itself can be good and save lives, but when used in the wrong hands, it can be just the opposite. And while I know that you aren't a big fan of weapons, I'm just using it as a metaphor.
0 votes
by (525k points)
I agree
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Same, besides myself being Hellenist. The way I see Hellenism is a little different, however. I don't just see "ah, there are these entities that control everything", I more see it as there being spirits and names for everything. Like Gaia is the spirit of the earth, Apollo is the spirit for the sun, music, archery, poetry, and things like that. Zeus is the spirit for the sky, thunder, lightning, storms. Do you get what I mean?
Totally! I love hearing your thoughts, thank you!
by (165k points)

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