+7 votes
in Debate by

Ok so I am convinced mermaids are real after all 95% of the ocean is undiscovered .



    Change my mind!!!!!

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (68.9k points)

Hmmm, maybe because God wouldn't like making things like mermaids, because people(mostly little girls) kind of idolize mermaids and unicorns, and God does not like people idolizing other things. I hope this changed your mind, God would be proud if you changed your mind about this.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (68.9k points)

Yeah, mermaids and unicorns and fairies are all idolized by many people.

by (165k points)

Hey no offence but I don't really think you can say 

" God would be proud " 

I mean you don't know if God would or would not so you can't say that and God made Humans who people idolize and humans made movies , books , TV shows . games ect . That people idolize and God did'nt make the movies ect but he made the people who did.

by (68.9k points)

None taken. I'm strong Christian, and I don't mean to sound stubborn, but I just know, there's a feeling, if you are true strong Christian, you should at least know what speaking in tongue is, and I know, and I can also speak in tongue. If you read the bible, it says stuff about not idolizing, also, it's the second commandment. Also, I know that humans are worldly things, and Satan is the ruler of Earth, because God gave him that job before Satan rebelled.

I hope you learned something new! ^_^

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Yes I did learn something new but what do you mean by 

" speaking in tongues " 


by (68.9k points)

It is when you are filled spiritually, and when you pray, you start speaking in tongue, nobody but God understands, well, some people have gifts, and they can interpret it.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Ohh I thought speaking in tongues was speaking in a diffrent langues than your own with out working to learn it .Like Peter and the disples did when they were filled with the Hoy Spirit . So you like start speaking your own langues ??
by (68.9k points)

Haha! Yeah! Basically, it's God's language.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Cool !! I have never had that happen to me confused

by (68.9k points)

It's fine, you'll get it soon, most people get it when they are about 20, but when you're spiritually mature, and old, you get it.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

k thanks so.. your either old or mature hmm ..shruggingold-woman

by (68.9k points)

NP! I'm not old, I only turned 12 today, but I am mature, sometimes.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

lol I was joking grin happy birthday !! what are you going to do ??

by (68.9k points)

Haha! I never get jokes. Thank you! Wdym?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
URW For your b'day?
by (68.9k points)

Ohhh, I went to The Cheesecake Factory, but that day, out of all days, I didn't want to eat, so we didn't even get cake! And then 2 days after my birthday, I wanted to eat cake. worried

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Ohh cool I when't there once but I did'nt eat all of my food so I could'nt have Cake worried thats a real bummer am sorry did you eat anything??

by (68.9k points)

Yeah, whenever I go to The Cheesecake Factory, I can never finish my food, and my dad either gets mad, or is nice and eats the food for me. Well, I ate very little bit of food, it was a burger, and fries, I basically just ate the fries. Hehe.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Ohh that's terrible. Why is that?? hmm.....shrugging

by (68.9k points)

I have no idea! It's like Cheesecake Factory food hates me!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
(Joke warning) hmm what does it have against you???
by (68.9k points)

Thank you for the joke warning. Or else I wouldn't have known it was a joke. Haha! Maybe I'm just to good for it? grin

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

Ur NP Yah the food is below you ( joke) He and what you just wrote

Maybe am just to good for it 

Is a joke so good job ( I hope that doesn't sound rude) 

by (68.9k points)

Ohhhkay, now I'm kinda lost, but okay! grin

Thank you. It doesn't sound rude, don't worry!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
haha sorry it's kinda hard to type I was just saying you made a joke! thank you!
by (68.9k points)

Ohhh! I get it now! Haha! NP! Thank you!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
by (68.9k points)


by (165k points)
+2 votes
by (98.5k points)

I don't want to change your mind meowla

+2 votes
by (101k points)
Hate to break it to ya, but it’s a legend invented by humans. It started in 1000 BC, in Syria.
Yes,but they could have seen real mermaids  how do you know they were invented not seen
by (101k points)
How do you know they were seen not invented?
How do you know they were invented not seen

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