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Ok so I may have made signs with my friends about the dress code, and long story short I got ISS. WHAT DO I DO? The signs also said *** the dress code, even though I told my friends more than once not to write it, and even said I didn't think we should even put them up.  My mom is SO  [UPSET].

1 Answer

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by (263k points)
What's an ISS? Is it like something you have to fill out and have your parents sign? Anyway, I think I know what you are talking about...

You should NOT be held accountable for your friends' actions! Have you explained your story to your mom?

Try writing a letter to your principal (or counsler, or whoever you got in trouble with). Explain very CALMLY and MATURELY what happend, saying that although you got in trouble, you attempted to be the voice of reason among your friends, but you didn't have any effect on them. Perhaps try and apologize on their behalf.

Also, a quick question- did your friends rat you out!?

I am oh so sorry this has happend to you! I really wish the best of luck to you! I'm also sure your mom will not stay mad long. In fact, I think both you and your friends will move on soon.

I'm the original post but haven't made an account yet. ISS is in-school suspension, which means that I have to sit in a room with no one else and do my work. I tried to explain, but she said I was guilty by association. I know I was involved, but I wasn't really the ringleader. My principal compared me to Hitler as well, and I was like "didn't Hitler promote genocide, not protest sexism?"  Anyway, I'm not really grounded but my mom is really mad, and when I went upstairs to bed I said "Love you" and she was all  "SURE".  WDID?

by (3.4k points)

Just registered!!!! !!!regular_smile

by (263k points)
That is so horrible! You did nothing wrong! Guilty by association? What the actual heck!?!? Try and make it clear to your friends that you are dissapointed in them. Dont come off as rude, though.

WIsh I could talk to your principal. This makes me spitting mad! Again, you did nothing wrong. And I have no idea why she brought Hitler into this. Perhaps you should file a claim with the superintedent :/

Congrats on your account!
by (3.4k points)

Thanks for the support!  I've decided to just lay low considering I live in an extremely conservative state, and see what happens from there. Thanks again!regular_smile

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