+4 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by

     This is my reason for my faith. This I'm sharing with you is proof to me that God exists, and I know that you may not agree with anything I've written, but I ask that you read it and correct me if you think I'm wrong with anything.

     I've grown up in a family that goes to Church, reads the Bible every night, and says their prayers every night, but eventually, I wondered about what I was told. I knew that other religions were false, but was mine false as well? To this day, I get why it sounds man-made. It sounds crazy, but you must research it to guarantee It's false. But no one researches it to find out. I've done mine and even though there is no way to fully know that God is real, I believe the evidence outweighs the doubt by far.


     The Bible says that some of the greatest evidence for the proof that God is real is Creation. There are two main theories to the world's creation;

(1.) There is an almighty God

(2.) The Big Bang Theory Wikipedia.org/Wiki/Big_Bang [BBT]

     Scientists agree that matter cannot be created or destroyed, right? In the BBT, they say there was a "state of high density". There is matter. So, when you take the BBT, you have matter in the beginning. But wait, matter cannot be created, right? Does matter not have a beginning? But when you look at God, you can see a way for where the matter came from. [I'm not saying there wasn't a Big Bang, but now there is a beginning for the matter.] But what about God? Who made Him? What is God's beginning? Then I ask you this. 

Atheists say:  If God created the universe, then who or what created God?

What I say:    If the universe created us, then who created the universe?

It's an interesting question. We argue about God's beginning, but we don't argue about the universe's beginning. Again, matter can't be created or destroyed. I believe He's always been there and He's so high up there, we can't even begin to understand His vast Creation. It sounds crazy, but I'd rather believe in a God in Heaven, then believe Humans came from monkeys and that there's nothing after this life.

Is God the real god?

     So there must be a god right? The BBT doesn't make sense so there must be one. So how do we know that The Lord is the real God? This is one of my reasons.

     Jews long ago believed a savior would. Many people claimed to be the one who would come, but each one died, was forgotten, and wasn't the Messiah. All of their followers were scattered. But 2,000 years ago, a baby was born named Jesus. There is no doubt that Jesus was a real person. He worked with wood, and studied the law. How come all the other "Savior's" followers were scattered and stopped preaching, but Jesus' followers continued to preach after He died? The 12 disciples all gave their lives to preach the gospel. [One named John was left on a deserted island.] People don't throw away their lives for something they know is fake. The 12 disciples were with Jesus more than anyone. They must have seen these miracles or they would know He was false. So why did they choose to die? Because they knew He was the Savior.

     There is so much more, but these are the two biggest things to me that prove God exists. You can learn more from a book called "The Case For Christ".

     I don't understand why Christians get so much hate. Why can't people be more polite when they argue about Christ? I don't see that with other religions.

     I believe in God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I strive to be kind and careful in speech. If you don't agree, be kind about it too. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. But please be kind if you have something to say.

     Last of all, I believe in God, but that doesn't hurt you, if anything it would be me. Let's say you don't believe in God. If God Is real, I'm no better off than you, I'll be fine. But if God is real, you will have more trouble one day than you can ever imagine.

     My choice is made. Make your decision with a free mind.


5 Answers

0 votes
I love your work couldn't have put it better myself
0 votes
by (86.5k points)
Ok. So. I really appreciate you actually doing the research, and presenting in a calm manner, and also not forcing your religion on us. Some users do that. Anyway, I am an atheist, and I have recently been thinking a lot about god and the universe and stuff. So anyway, matter cannot be made or destroyed, right? So god has.. just been there forever, no beginning or end? To me, this is one of the reasons I don't exactly believe in "God" (you will see why I put it in quotes later). But anyway, since matter cannot be made or destroyed, God isn't matter. Here's my theory. God may exist, but without matter, like something that is there but not tangible. And about the afterlife, I don't really know. I am on the fence with

1.) There is a place where you go when you die, and that place is sort of like another life.


2.) Science. We are just flesh, blood, and bone. We have organs. That is the only way we survive, if we have all of the above. When we die, our hearts stop, our brains don't function anymore, and that is the end.

So, in conclusion to my blabbering, I am currently unsure of my religion, but the closest religion to my beliefs is aetheism. I think I might believe in some alien... presence that has something to do with my existence on this earth, and we also immediatly start over life. So that is my opinion, thanks for stating yours, and thanks for reading my blabbering. :)

I'm probably never going to convince you Christ is God. It is your decision. But for something as important as this, you have to put some time into it! There are so many things that are impossible with evolution that I can't believe scientists call it a fact.

I'll just end with this, If God isn't real, I'll be fine. But if God is real, You'll have more trouble one day then you can ever imagine.

Again, for something as important as this, you have to put some time into it.


Nicely put I love it
by (86.5k points)
I've heard this from other users and to that I say this: I don't want to believe in something because if I don't and it does turn out to be real, I'll be punished. I want to believe in it because I actually want to believe in it, if that makes any sense at all.
True we are flesh and blood and etc. we where created like that but we also have a conscience, we can think clearer than any animal, and we have more clearer feelings than any other living thing. Tell me that can evolve from nothing. Ha
0 votes
Ummm no hate everyone but I'm a Muslim but I won't force you all to believe my religion.
Love as you want to be loved
0 votes
amen that's so great to share the word with others!
0 votes
by (40.6k points)
That was SO true! I really like how you worded this! I love seeing other Christians who use the internet talk about God!

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