+7 votes
in Venting by
Warning: contains topics of bullying, rude insults, and nationality-related things

So I just wanna say that I mean absolutely no offense to anyone and I literally just need help with bullying. I won't go too in to detail but I will let you imagine most of it.

So I am in 6th grade in middle school and I have made a 2 new friends this year, Jo and Emma. Both were very nice when we met and we bonded instantly. They have an...odd sense of humor you could say. They think mocking people and bullying them over nationality related topics is amusing. Yet I don't want to leave them because I have most of my classes with them and I don't want any drama.

I am German and Jewish and I also enjoy cosplaying. They call me rude names, like telling me to go pass in a...camp....and that im a...you know....rude German term used during a war. They also make fun of my cosplaying hobby. Its awkward and I just laugh it off like its ok but deep down it bothers me. I am already extremely insecure due to past mental trauma so it hurts.

Idk what to do. Ive tried being nice and asking them to stop but they wont. They are genuinely nice people though and I've had a lot of fun with them.

What do I do about this? (Again, if any of this offended you I am sorry. I dislike it too)
And also how dose this relate to lgbtq?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (955k points)
Best answer
You should tell a teacher that Emma and Jo are making fun of you.

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