+6 votes
in Today I Learned... by
Most people think of furries as weird people, and you have probably heard a lot of rumors and bad things about them. In reality though, they are very sweet and incredibly misunderstood people that deserve a lot more than what society has given them.

The official definition of a furry is "people who make/dress in anthropomorphic animal costumes". Nothing gross, nothing weird. They just make animal costumes and wear them. They don't, "wear animal costumes to find a mate", or do it because, "they are attracted to animals". I myself have multiple friends that are furries, and they are probably some of the most supportive, creative, and amazing people I have ever met. I actually interviewed one of my friends, Finn, a few weeks ago. Here's how it went:

Me: Finn, can you describe what being a furry is like?

Finn: Being a furry just means that you made silly little costumes and wear them to conventions, or just make them for fun. They are very fun to make and there is absolutely nothing harmful or bad about it.

Me: What do you have to say about all the rumors furries face? Such as the popular rumor that being a furry is a sexuality, and is part of the LGBTQ+.

Finn: I think its all a load of garbage. People have made up so many lies about us over the years, when they really just dont understand us. Its a hobby, like hiking or painting; and its definitely not a sexuality.

Me: Do you think people should research more about the Furry Fandom before judging?

Finn: Yes; definitely. Most people completely ignore what this community is really about. It takes talent, skill, and perseverance to be in this community. I get bullied in school for being a furry. Once, a kid took my notebook and started ripping pages out of it while barking at me.

Me: Oh, im sorry to hear that. What do you think about the allegations that further think the are animals?

Finn: Thats not even remotely true. Furries know they are human, they just wear the costume. It doesn't effect their life, and they deserve a lot better than what society gives them.

I hope you have learned something from this, and that this post encourages you to do more research on this beautiful community and to not judge others when you don't know anything about them. If you have a question, please feel free to ask! I will answer as quickly as I can. (Please keep questions cam and polite! :)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (263k points)
Ofc! I completely understand how some may want to dress up and have fun- it's acting! But sadly, many young people do not understand the dark origins (and still current!) of furry culture. It did not start innocently, and in many cases conventions have had to be shut down because things got incredibly weird and disgusting. Believe me, I have talked to people who know furries.

Now I can't mention what happened here or legit furry culture, because I don't feel that it is my place to tell you (and I don't want to get banned). Seriously though, although what you described does seem harmless and all fun and games, the og and adult side of this is absolutely disgusting.

And I'm not trying to shame you or your friend! Just be careful...
Thank you for the warning! Yes I am aware of the incredibly adult and inappropriate origins, but neither me or any other furries take part in anything even remotely related to that.

I will be careful and I greatly appreciate your warning :)
0 votes
by (14.6k points)
I’m crying right now! This is so sad and so incredibly sweet at the same time! You are so kind!!! I had never heard of furries b4 but now… I’m so emotional! I know what it’s like to be treated badly and or differently, and have been bullied 3 times.

P.S. Still crying ( I’m okay mom)
Thank you so much; it means a lot! Im glad to have educated at least one person today :D

Im sorry you get bullied! It definitely isn't fun and also isn't fair. Nobody deserves that. Don't cry too much! <3
by (525k points)
Ha I like the last sentence XD
by (14.6k points)
lol. She came in my room seeing if I’m ok lol
by (14.6k points)
And thanks for the one about the bullying. I’m always really nice to people and everyone I know says I am. I won’t cry too much!!!! lol
by (952k points)
@anonymous, you educated me too!

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