+6 votes
in All Advisors by (112k points)
is it just me, or do all the girls in ur grade have a phone suddenly? And wear bikinis and crop tops and makeup and watch tik tok and expect u to just follow along but u dont and they r like, my way or the highway and then u get kicked to the curb bc all the girls are talking abt is puberty and boys and inapropriate stuff that they watched or read or saw and then ur all alone and start to get anxiety bc the only friend u have is toxic so if u tell her u dont want to be her friend anymore she will litterly attack u so u have an anxiety attack and start to bully ppl bc u have no way of expresing ur depression and u feel out of place bc all the girls have growth in their breast and u dont but u still have anthills sticking out of ur shirts and then the one time u cut one of ur shirts to make a crop top even ur BFF says u look like a hobo.

so tell me. is it just me?

i dont want to go to school like this. i feel out of place and alone. my mom doesnt let me have a phone and wear makeup and crop tops and i certainly dont have tik tok. the one time i wore a crop top was when i was at school (got dress coded) and everyone made me feel ugly.



4 Answers

0 votes
by (544k points)
0 votes

If they don't get pictures on your own opinion then you're still trying hard.fear

0 votes
Mhmmm, as someone in their mid-middle school years, I relate on a personal level.

Entering middle school, all the girls are extra hormonal. They mostly complain and whinne about random things, most of which aren't even relevent. They bully and harass anyone even remotely different than them, even though they are the most basic people. They are so obsessed with looking 'cool' and 'preppy' and 'popular' that they are now devoid of all personality, and their only personality traits are being annoying, constantly gossiping, giggling, and saying slay every two minutes. I say just ignore them. The more attention you give them, the more annoying they get and the more they try to weasel their way into your business. Half the time, they know little to nothing about you but will happily judge you nonetheless. Most hurtful and confusing thing is half of them are people you used to be friends with that ditched you because you refused to be a preppy bimbo like them.

The sporty popular dudes aren't much better. A lot of them are teacher's pets, and some are even the sons of teachers. They act so hot and important but their only defining characteristics are being 'attractive' and playing a sport. They have no personality and take gym class way too seriously. They will bully and harass you for no reason. Half the time you don't even know them, but they will happily make fun of you for simply existing.
My best advice to you is to ignore them and try not to associate with any of them. They are the kind of people to be fake friends and talk bad about you behind your back. They seem like good people at first but the minute you get to know them you realize how horrible they are. Middle school isn't fun, but just bear with it. It gets easier to manage the older you get, trust me.

- Dino wants an apology still (he/they/xe)
by (112k points)
ty, dino. It seems like everyone's telling me the same thing. girls have too many horomones. and its true, they do. (im a girl, im confusing myself)
+1 vote
by (953k points)
I’m about to enter middle school, so that COULD happen soon. But in 5th grade, most of that never happened. Some people did wear crops, and a lot of the people in my grade have phones (I think), but nothing else. (At least openly)
by (126k points)
I wouldn't know. Somehow a guy who's in his last year of high school has never experienced any of this. Hmm.......
by (953k points)
All of this stuff Dogwa just talked about happened after you went through middle school.
by (126k points)
I never went to public school for middle school. That's the joke of it.
by (953k points)


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