+6 votes
in Mental Health by (111k points)

I am a ten year old girl who struggles with anxiety. I have not been diagnosed with depression but I feel like I might have it. My reasons:

  • Anxiety attacks
  • Feeling like life isn't worth it anymore
  • Lying awake thinking abt everything wrong with me
  • Thinking im not good enough
  • Feeling ugly for no reason

I need help with coping skills. I have no therapist or person to talk to bc I haven't talked to my parents abt it yet. I feel like im the only person in the world who deals with this. It feels hopeless. Help!

you posted this after me and pretty much copied me…

…and somehow got more answers

“life isn’t fair” is the correct quote for what I’m feeling right now

I also have anxiety. I can give you some tips but you should try to reach out to a therepist. 

1. Focuse on the good about you

2. Focuse on the good in your life

3. Positive Affirmation

4. Think about your future. This will be over soon and you have your whole life ahead of you. 

Trust me it gets better. 3 years ago my anxiety was so bad, but now I have it under control. a-^^

I have severe anxiety and adhd so idk I go to a therapist but I’d say breath! Learn stuff like yoga and mindfulness, it can go a long way! (For some reason it wasn’t showing exactly what I wrote)

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (116k points)
+1 vote
I feel the same way I'm a 11 year old girl who struggles with the same things. One of my suggestions is to put a photo of your younger self on your mirror so when you say all of those bad things you saying it about her. Another thing you could do is start doing a team sport. It helps with my anxiety and depression very much. I make so many good friends on that team. I can count on them and talk to them about anything. I hope I've helped!
+1 vote
by (541k points)

1. Write it down somewhere ( virtual or not)

2. Be mean to fictional characters
by (523k points)
I've never heard of the second one being used to cope before x3
by (541k points)
It helps me a little bc I'm getting my sadness/anger out on something tat feels nothing BUT in a way does feel things so I'm not hurting anyone REAL but I'm hurting fictional character
+1 vote
by (773k points)
i listen to Scandinavian folk music

Of course you dorolling

by (523k points)

That was kind of mean, the way you put that...
by (773k points)

What's wrong with that norway-flagsweden.pngsami-flagskull

+1 vote
by (28.8k points)
I am the same way i have depression and anxiety I have almost taken my life but if u suround yourself with people who u love and love u who make you happy that will make such a difference and talk to your mom or dad maybe even councilor and talk about getting a therapist and if all else fails call 988 (it is a hotline kidz talk plz let it slide its a emergency number)
by (541k points)
What is 988 A hotline 4?
by (28.8k points)
idk if i can say it on here so look it up
by (541k points)
Thanks for responing (although not useful)
by (28.8k points)
sry i am surprised they let me put a hotline in there
+2 votes
by (214k points)
Okay first of all, you are not the only person in the whole world who deals with this! There are many (most likely even some of your friends could have it too) who deal with it daily!! So don't feel alone!!

Try talking with your parents so you can get some help with it!!! Telling someone is always a good option! Just find someone you trust!

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