+8 votes
in Fiction by (159k points)
The police captain was terrified. He waited for a response for an hour. None to be found. He decided to ask me, Danilo, and Charlie. He asked us if we could give any tips on how to kill this thing. I told him i found it hard enough to find the motivation to drag myself outta bed in the morning, let alone find the motivation to give any tips at the moment. He told me to shuttup and tell him already. I told him the only way I know about is an explosion, as witnessed by Charlie. He told us if anyone, including us, killed the monster, he would give a 1,000 dollar reward (in 1943 money). We asked if we should spread the word. He said we shouldn’t, as he doesn’t want to cause a public outcry. We agreed, and asked for our weapons of choice: machetes and shotguns. We immediately set out. We went about 3 miles into the woods when we found what looked to be the creature’s hideout. It seemed extremely intelligent. I asked danilo to go inside the narrow tunnel since he was smaller than me and charlie. He agreed, taking a flashlight. He looked inside, and saw a dead officer’s bloody face, eyes wide open, and 2 other dead officers, one laying in a massive pool of blood, and one laying with a big stab wound in the back of his head. Danilo yelled in fear and went back out. We asked him what was in there, and he said to see for ourselves. Me and Charlie looked in, with a horrified look on our faces. We saw the three officers. It was like nothing else. Danilo took photos of the dead bodies to send to the police while we stood guard. We heard nothing. We walked back to our cars and suddenly, we heard a twig snap. I took my shotgun and ran towards the noise. I went behind a tree, when suddenly, it pinned me. It covered my mouth, stepped on my feet and held my hands together so I couldn’t move, and it stabbed my hand with its claw. It ran, and I immediately picked up my shotgun, my hand still in much pain, i pumped it, and shot at the monster, who was retreating. One pellet grazed its leg, and it fell down in pain. Danilo and Charlie ran with me, and we went to the creature, who was getting up again. It ran at a slower pace, with us catching up. I thought about how my lover, Emily Everpane, was a track star. She always mentioned how one of her now-dead relatives, Sebastian Everpane, was a great inventor. Why was i thinking of this. I tackled the creature, who scratched my face with its claw. I backed off, and Danilo fired the 1897 pump at the creature. It didn’t seem to effect it. It got up quickly, and Charlie attempted to swing his machete at it. The creature dodged it, took my shotgun, and shot Charlie’s other leg. Charlie yelled in pain, while Danilo swung his machete at the creatures neck, which hit it, and the creature ran away, me, with my bloody face, and Danilo, who was unharmed, took our weapons and helped Charlie get to the car. We immediately went to the hospital, where we were treated. After a surgery, the doctors told Charlie his chances of walking again were slim to none. He softly cried, and we consoled him. I also had to undergo surgery, and the doctors told me i would have a lifelong scar. I thought that it was going to be a FINE scar. I felt bad for Charlie. Thankfully, he survived.

-Thomas Ripley, Janurary 1943

Alright end of episode, goobay.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (520k points)
Woah, I didn't know an Everpane was connected to the main character!

That's cool! Now I can't wait to know more on this connection and also see memes on my story x3

by (159k points)
Yep, it’s happening.
by (159k points)

Like when Thomas, Danilo, and Charlie are all in their 80’s, they meet Zachary.

That would be dope.
by (520k points)
It certainly would be! And they could also meet Nicolas, since he's an Everpane. I'm wondering how Emily is related to Nicolas... Maybe his great aunt? Grandmother? Hmm...
by (159k points)
Here’s my personal theory:

Emily gave birth to Julia Everpane, who gave birth to Alice Everpane, who gave birth to Nicolas. So, great-grandmother.

Do i have permission to write this episode?
by (520k points)
I have a question...


Is Emily Italian and is Nicolas' grandfather the main character, and if so, is the main character also at least mostly Italian?
by (159k points)
Thomas Ripley is like 25% Italian. His grandma was Italian. Emily isn’t married to Thomas and has pretty much no Italian descent. Julia and all of her descendants are Italian due to Thomas. Emily kept her last name. She loves Thomas very much, don’t get her wrong, but Thomas and Emily decided that they would give the option to each descendant to either adopt the last name “Everpane” or “Ripley”. It became tradition for many in the family for the women to adopt Everpane, and for the men to adopt Ripley, with a few exceptions (hence why Nicolas’s last name is Everpane). As for the Abbycat family, they aren’t related to the Everpanes/Ripley’s, unless Nicolas actually has a crush on Azure and you make a romance story out of it.

That’s my lore. If you have any objections or questions, feel free to ask them.
by (520k points)
Well I was planning on revealing the family tree of Everpane later on in the story... But maybe, just like a real story, we can make a separate lore that isn't canon!

I'll give a little tidbit:

Sebastian was the first man to call himself Everpane. He was a full-blooded Italian who gained  American citizenship as a child, who's father brought Sebastian and his mother to America during the Revolutionary War to fight alongside the colonies. Sebastian married an Italian-White American woman, and every descendant kept having sons, which allowed the Everpane name to continue. More on their family tree later because Nick doesn't know much, but that's basically what I was going with.
by (159k points)
More extension to the theory:

Emily is the younger sister of 2 brothers, which did allow the name Everpane to continue. I did say that she pretty much had no Italian descent, but i did say pretty much. Sebastian came what, 120 years before Emily? So Emily technically does have Italian descent, but very distant. I did accidentally make the theory non-canon. Emily could be DISTANTLY related to Sebastian, through a possible lore where Sebastian actually had siblings who had to stay in Italy, who had descendants leading down to Emily, Julia, Alice, and finally (possibly) Nick. Nick’s parents’s names have NOT been mentioned yet, so my lore is currently non-canon until an episode confirms it.
by (520k points)
I feel like I'm juicing the train scene at this point, but I just posted another chapter x3

I was planning on revealing his father at the camp, when they get there. By the way, this isn't a normal camp, this is rich camp, and it's not the type of outdoorsy, get your hands dirty camp. These kids wear uniforms that would be worn in a normal school (in their case, prestigious cool). And I wanted his parents names and stuff soon in the book... I really want to incorporate your ideas though. I just have to firgure out how it will fit with my pre-story idea.
by (159k points)

So i just woke up

So if spongebob went to the camp he’d look like this

by (520k points)

You are awesomesauce, truly x3

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