+11 votes
in Fiction by (523k points)

Chapter 10

Nicolas nodded at Azure, who was standing at his dorm's doorway with her hands crossed in front of her. She had a nice uniform on, black with had a little pocket stitching of the school's logo on it. This reminded him to go get his dress-coat, which had the same design. "I'll be right there," he told her, sprinting back to the drawer that was under his bed. 

He opened it and began searching for his school coat, which didn't take the longest. "Mind telling me what subject it is?" He blankly asked Azure, putting the coat on. "We have Introduction, then Math, then Language Arts, then Science, then History," she replied, looking down at her fiddling fingers. Nicolas softly gestured her to the side, which she complied, and walked out, closing the door behind him. They began to walk and talk down the hall.

"We also have extras, classes like Horse-Riding, Fencing, Drama and Opera, High Choir, Photography, Art..." She trailed off, noticing Nicolas's bored look. "And, er, the only thing different with these 'extras' is that they're mandatory." She began to get the shy look that her brother was notoriously known by him to give. Rolling his eyes, he thought about that moron and what he did earlier. Calling the teacher by his name wasn't even a bold move. Dumbest at the very most. But Nicolas had to give one thing to him; he never knew that Zachary could do such a thing without backing down. Maybe he wasn't as shy as he seemed to be.

Nicolas sighed, stopping suddenly with the halt of Azure. "This is Introduction," stated Azure quietly but definitively. Nicolas walked over and laid his hand upon the knob, slowly turned it, and opened the door. He was greeted by a burst of light that seceded the minute it started. The professor was staring at the two, as was the whole class of eight people. "Please, take a seat," the professor offered kindly. Nicolas searched for a seat, finding one just by the window. A feeling of immense joy filled the area directly beneath his diaphragm. He began power-walking towards the seat when he met a person who was advancing towards it, too.

"Goodday," the boy said. "I was just about to occupy this." He had the face of someone who was hard to trust, his hair and attire in a misleading tidy state. Nicolas knew a troublemaker when he saw one.

"Funny, I was just going to do the same," Nicolas replied, his eyes squinted. The boy smirked an evil smirk, and, without a word, turned and walked away. Nicolas watched him, reluctantly seating himself (after checking for whoopy cushions and other trickster substances). The professor, who had a soft, young face and perfectionist look to him, smiled at the class after everyone got seated.

"Hello, children. My name is Wilbur Godwin, but you will refer to me as 'Professor Godwin,' 'Sir,' or, 'Professor.'" He adjusted his tie a bit. "You will introduce yourselves today in an organized, alphabetical order. First, we have Abigail Connors. Miss Connors, will you please introduce yourself to us?" He called as a blond girl stood up. Nicolas didn't care to stare at her like the others did. "Yes, Professor," she responded. "My name is Abigail Mary Connors, youngest child and daughter of Henry and Janet Connors branch of the Connors Family, the 6th richest family in America." The professor put his hand up.

"That will be all, you may sit down," he said in the nicest but obviously commanding tone. "Azure Abbycat?" He called, and Nicolas stared at her this time. "Sir," she nodded, "My name is Azure Rose Abbycat, as well the youngest child and daughter of the Jason and Addison Abbycat branch of the Abbycat Family, the 8th richest family in America." Nicolas heard a couple kids giggle, but Azure maintained her stony look and confident stance, sitting back down before being told.

Nicolas turned back around to face the teacher, who smiled and closed his eyes. "Benjamin Fountain?" He called a little excitedly. The boy that Nicolas encountered before sitting down stood up. "Hi Professor," he said respectfully. "My name is Benjamin Oscar Fountain, only son of Oscar and Darlene Fountain branch of the Fountain Family, the richest family in America." He shot a look at Nicolas, who had a glacial expression.

He sat back down without being told, as well. The professor clapped his hands. "Excellent!" He exclaimed, continuing to call upon children alphabetically (which Nicolas paid no attention to), until he called a name he had well avoided until now.

"Elise Everpane, please introduce yourself to us!"

Nicolas's head shot around to meet a familiar face.

It was a girl with jet-black, straight-curly and fairly long hair. She was not far from the same color that was a darkish-pale, just as him. "Greetings, Professor. My name is Elise Olivia Everpane, only daughter of Giovanni and Alice Everpane branch of the Everpane Family, the second richest family in America." She had a beautiful voice that also cut Nicolas with every word. She sat back down, but this time, it meant something to him.

"Ah, yes... Thank you, Elise," said the Professor quietly. "It is a true joy to also have you here, Nicolas Everpane! Please, introduce yourself to us."

Nicolas slowly lifted himself up from his chair, adjusting his tucked-in tie a bit, and confidently began introducing himself.

"Thank you, Professor. My name is Nicolas Giovanni Everpane, the only son of Giovanni and Alice Everpane branch of the Everpane Family, the second richest family in America." He seated himself before he was called on again. Professor Godwin's eyes switched back and forth between the twins, knowing there was something to mention about.

Deciding not to say what he was tempted to, he exhaled a lot of air through his nose. "Now, I avoided this for as long as I could. Since the only person with the last letter of the alphabet is absent, there's no way getting around it. Zachary Abbycat is in detention, as I'm sure all of you know why." Nicolas heard more giggles coming from the back of him. The professor smiled again. "That is how we do things here. We don't give you a pre-warning for detention. Detention is the second chance that you'll never get again here; disrespect the authority and expect the regret."

The atmosphere was eerily quiet, not to mention thick enough to cut with a knife. "Well, that will be all for this part of today's Introduction Class. I certainly enjoyed getting to know you all, and I hope to see you in my other classes. You are dismissed," he finished, now fiddling with his perfectly stacked papers next to him.

The children got up and rushed to leave, Nicolas waiting until he saw Elise get up and leave so he could walk after her. He grabbed his backpack after his twin was out of sight, while in the corner of his eye he saw Azure. "Yes?" He said without looking up from gathering his bag supplies. 

"I want to talk to you at lunch," she replied worriedly, "about Zachary."

End of Chapter

Long awaited chapter!


Long chapter in general xD

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

4 Answers

0 votes
by (14.2k points)
Nobi’s done it again (produced an amazing chapter I mean <3)

Nobi defo didn’t autocorrect to Bibi….

Also the Benjamin guy=Malfoy lol
by (523k points)

He does kind of give you those vibes, doesn't he x3
by (14.2k points)
Yeah he does fr lol x3
0 votes
by (6.0k points)
i want to have tea with professor godwin idk why he seems pleasant
by (523k points)
That sounds great x3
+1 vote
by (523k points)
Was this chapter too long?
by (137k points)
It was a bit long, I do like the chapters more digestible (cause I'm usually short on time) but I'm ok if they're long.
by (523k points)
I just don't like it when chapters end too short and I feel snubbed from a really good chapter, so I don't like to do that to other people x3
by (137k points)
That's perfectly understandable.
0 votes
by (4.2k points)
Wow. You’ve been making a BOOK?
by (523k points)
a digital one x3

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