+10 votes
in Fiction by (523k points)

Chapter 13

Nicolas was feeling content. He made amends with his newfound friend, Azure, and was on the case to find the annoying one of the trio, her brother Zachary. "Language Arts is right here," said Azure, smoothly turning into the class with purpose in every step. Nicolas was right behind her, glancing at the teacher as he entered.

The professor this time was someone with a moustache that covered his top lip, having glasses on and a fair amount of hair on his head. So far, Nicolas hadn't seen one bald mentor in this school.

It seemed the desk beside the window was the golden chair for every classroom that he attended, but he certainly didn't mind. He enjoyed looking out the window to see the few passing ski compartments and the fresh blankets of snow being added onto from the falling flakes in the sky. He didn't hesitate to walk over there and make sure that no one would mistake it for theirs.

As soon as he was seated, he took one good look again at his distant twin. One of these times, he thought, she would surely catch him looking at her and be forced to make even the smallest bit of eye contact. But this time wasn't the time, and he felt that she knew it.

The professor softly cleared his throat and began. He had a very calming voice that was smooth and unexpectedly deeper than one would imagine him sounding like, given his young look. "Greetings, class. I am Ian Modell, but you may address me as 'Professor Modell', 'professor,' or 'sir'. Today you will be learning Language Arts, and at the end of this year you will be able to recite much of Shakespeare, which will be useful in your Drama classes later on. First, let us be fed with the knowledge of our pure language." He turned around, grabbing a chalk and writing something on the board. It read, English, in very fine cursive.

He turned back to the class. "This is our everyday language. I am sure that many of you are fluent in it, given the proper private tutoring you may have had. English is not just about verbal expression, but rather, like all languages, a way to relate to one another and bring about feeling that could not come from any other source other than action. It is the voice in your head that tells you how to react, when to react, where to react. It is the feeling of joy that you get when you are told that you have tremendous talent, and people speak to existence your prosperity of health and fortune. It portrays emotion, attracts emotion, and spreads emotion. It is what gives you the warmth in your heart when told, 'I love you,' or the fire in your soul when threatened or doubted.

But it also," he continued, "can be very dangerous if not used correctly. Things can easily be lost in translation, in fact, if not more easily than it can be used in proper form. It is based on which the tone you say it with, and the varying definitions you put with it. The crazy thing is, the exact same word can have different meanings to different people. I am sure you think you have already figured this out, as one word can have multiple definitions in the dictionary, but I am talking about, just as if it were an action, words can be portrayed differently among people. If I were to tell a person, 'You looked great that one event,' wouldn't you would possibly think that every person would say 'Thank you,' or some variation of that?"

Nicolas heard a lot of "Yes"'s come from all sides. He, himself, just nodded. 

"But what if I told you that perhaps half of the people I say that to may take it as if it were an insult?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. "For instance, me saying that would result in a person not saying 'Thank you', but instead believing that I was making a reference to them looking bad or even horrible this present time! This is an example of how you cannot please everyone with seemingly kind words. It will get you nowhere if you do not have simple and stable action to accompany it. If you were to be a skilled negotiator, you need have already figured out this unpredictable trend and carefully studied your opposing body's perspective on certain things, and how they act when presented certain verbal expressions."

He turned back to the board and wrote, Understanding the English Language. Turning once again towards the class, he spoke again. "Our language is forged from many different languages, those being mainly Latin and Greek. English has undergone many transformations, even in the past year or so. It is constantly changing with every speaker. Most do not use it formally unless forced to by being in the presence of high standing people. This can be even more easily broken in the wind than if it were to be in honest form. But, sadly, it is becoming the new 'honest form', and continues to be shattered and pieced back together by dimwits who know no better.

That being said, it has definitely made some understandable changes, much literally. If you were to read a paper in Old English, Middle English, and Shakespearean English, you would most likely, unless you have a different wiring in your brain to be able to grasp it at a young age, only recognize very few words..."


At the near end of the class, Nicolas was given an assignment, as was the entirety. Two books were given to them, one of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and one of Hamlet, then being asked to write an essay on how the two relate and/or differ in the use of the same language. "This one," Professor Modell said, tapping The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, "was able to be permitted by me only for the sake of this teaching. The school was very reluctant on allowing a book like this to cross into our lessons, but I assured them that it was for compare and contrast purposes." Nicolas nodded, instinctually opening his desk. He found the two copies of the books in it.

The professor was looking at Nicolas do this, but said nothing to him. They just exchanged glances at each other, but this time, it was friendly. "That is the end of today's class. I hope to see your essays tomorrow. Goodbye for now." The school bell rang just then, and children got up to leave. Azure this time didn't come to Nicolas, but rather, much to Nicolas's angst, went over to his sister. They began to have a conversation that was a little silenced.

They walked out together, leaving Nicolas feeling alone.

End of Chapter

I feel like I got too wordy with this. Hope it was educational x3

Tell me what you think about it in the comments below :DDDD

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (14.2k points)
OMD this is so good!

That language arts lesson was really informative
by (523k points)
I tried x3

Thank you :D
by (14.2k points)
No worries
0 votes
by (137k points)
Bro, what a coincidence! I have a (3) version(s) of Huck Finn (and also of Tom Sawyer (which is advised to be read first before Huck Finn because Huck is the sequel (so they shouldn't be reading it if they haven't read Tom Sawyer first))) and Hamlet (in my large book of Shakespeare's collection (which you may have spied in my room tour))!
by (523k points)
I have one question for you:

Did you attend this class—
by (137k points)
Wow! スゴイ! lại!
+1 vote
by (159k points)


But Nobi really hates Nazure.

She has been trying to ruin these two’s relationship from the start.

You aren’t stopping it, Nobi.

Me and J-train are gonna write fanfic’s that ARE canon.

The ship has set sail and its been on the water.

No matter how many shells you fire at it, it wont sink.

by (523k points)
I don't hate it, it's just that these kids don't know what love is and they literally just met x3

Azure isn't a piece of garbage she just hangs out with a person that Nicolas has mixed feelings about and one of them being hatr—


Also, you didn't answer on chapter 12 x3
by (137k points)

I didn't have much to say on this chapter either, but I believe that you can keep this rhythm so long as it ends up how we want. I understand that some things should take time, and so you should keep puming out these chapters as fast as you can but I would like some more pressure...

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