+10 votes
in Mental Health by (775k points)
So, Today I told my parents about quitting Youtube, and they both approved on it.

My mom told me she was very happy for me. My dad was skeptical at 1st, but then he approved of it.

I deleted my channel, which had 2,211 Subscribers. I realized that youtube is killing my time. I remembered a time I SKIPPED A SCHOOL EVENT just for YouTube earlier this year.

I learnt that Social Media isn't a fit for me. I always wanted to be a Youtuber, but then I learnt the dark truth about it. And I feel like a more practical job will fit me better in the future.

So, Today I asked my mom to delete my YouTube channel and she did, and she made me a new account. With a lot of Nordic blog channels subscribed to, and even a profile photo of a Viking Anime Girl. I realized I needed to appreciate the world and not just be in Youtube.

Even thought I deleted my channel today, I already feel much happier. I may come back to YouTube once I become older (like 16 or 18 or maybe even 20) but for now, I will enjoy my life as it is :)
by (1.9k points)
I don't /didn't subscribe to your channel but if it didn't suit you or you didn't like it I'm glad you stopped, to whoever sees this if there's smth that you don't want to don't do it :) :/

- Starly<3
by (775k points)
I actually do like my channel, however I left due to the Anxiety issues that followed.
Oh ok that clears it up also I can relate bc I used to do animation on tiktok and stopped bc of stressful hate comments (and my parents finding out lol)
by (775k points)
I dont even like TikTok

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (525k points)
Best answer

This is a surprise.

I'm really happy for you, though. I feel like you made the greatest decision that was fit for you, and I support you every step of the way :]

by (775k points)
yeah :)
+1 vote
by (130k points)
Oh, no wonder I couldn't find it when I searched for it on youtube! Too bad, I loved watching your videos and I was about to subscribe, but you can honestly do what you love!
+1 vote
by (214k points)
I'm glad you did then! It's good for you to take time for the important things in life!
0 votes
by (775k points)
thanks for all the support guys
+1 vote
by (117k points)
Carly, I actually feel extremely happy. I've been a sub since June, and I realized sometimes you posted a lot of vents. My older cousin also had a really big YouTube Addicition, at the point where she wouldn't eat to make videos when she was 14. Now she is 16 and she feels much better now
by (775k points)
thats so horrible, Praying for her

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