+30 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (775k points)

Shout-out for Nobi (roleplaying as Noah and if she can she can have diferent characters) for saving SHR :D

WHATS UP ROLEPLAYERS. This is Kidztalk's Scandinavian History Roleplay Created by Nordic_Genealogist (Carly)  norway-flagsweden-flagfinland-flagsami-flagnorway_sweden_union

- rules (plz read) - 

1. You can do any Era of Scandinavian history.

2. Be accurate

3. Don't spam.

4. Have funsies

5.  No Inapropiate content 





COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE (You can also put non-independent areas like Faroe Islands and Sápmi) :



SHR Discussion Wall : https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/210812/scandinavian-history-roleplay-shr-discussion-wall

Im concerned about the amount of people who want to be Scandinavian-American Immigrants in the 19th century Y'all need Hjelp.

List of Characters

  • Carly (Nordic_Genealogist)
  • Nora (Esie)
  • Karin (Inga The Finnish-American)
  • Noah Hanssen (Army Surnamed to Noah Åhberg) (NobodyImportant)
  • Inga (Inga The Finnish-American)
  • Carl (EloquentRacer92)
  • Shred (ThatOneShreddedGuy)
  • Sigrid (JapanPeach)
  • Jovnna (JapanPeach)
  • Mary Hansen (Army Surnamed to Mary Cowell) (PizzaLover44)

Eras of Scandinavian History (For Reference)

The Beginning  < 790 AD

Viking Age - 790 AD - 1100

Kalmar Union/Medieval era - 1300 - 1500

Age of Liberty - Late 1500s - Early 1800s

Chaos era (not the real name, that's what I call it) Early 1800s - 1900s.

Post-war 1960s - present

Kidztalk's 1# Roleplay since November 2023!
Have funsies roleplaying

- Carly, The owner

Banned words : "Ship" and "Cholera"

This Roleplay is sponsored by raid shadow legends

by (524k points)
by (775k points)
SHR Logic
by (31.2k points)

this is impressive, who knew Scandinavian history could literally be more popular than this question, I have never seen HISTORY CLASSES be so popular.

by (775k points)

Idk why this is so popular its littearly just 12 year old girls pretending to be in a SAIN just to fill the void
by (524k points)
I never confirmed nor denied that I was twelve.
by (775k points)
Just saying thats the median of the kids here
by (524k points)
Ah. Cool beans.
by (775k points)
wanna rp fellow Nobester

(do you like that rp)
by (117k points)
Sephora 10 year olds vs SAINing 12 year olds
by (775k points)
both are cringe

78 Answers

+1 vote
by (775k points)
Best answer
Roleplay starts

*Carly just chills, she sits down the downtown of Oslo, freezing. She does not have a coat*
by (775k points)
Famous last words.
by (951k points)
We brought all this to the 1800’s. That’s why.
by (775k points)
Carl is a time traveller?
by (951k points)
Dude, we all are.
by (775k points)
My mom thinks my SHR persona is my past life
by (951k points)
by (775k points)
by (85.1k points)
by (775k points)
Proove it
by (85.1k points)
0 votes
by (775k points)
Guys we need Noah to save the rp
0 votes
by (775k points)
Why in the sigma is everyome suddenly talking about typhoid
0 votes
by (212k points)

Can I join :3


AGE : 15


COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE (You can also put non-independent areas like Faroe Islands and Sápmi) : Sweden


OTHER : She is chaotic, weird, shy but likes to interact, friendly and sarcastic

by (775k points)
by (212k points)
0 votes
by (775k points)
this is so nostalgic-
by (159k points)
I technically revived this-
0 votes
by (775k points)
I actually forgot about SHR
by (159k points)
Wait is it dead again
by (775k points)
0 votes
by (775k points)

to celebrate the return of SHR, I decided to do an SHR draw the squad, so if you are a former or current member, please tell me what spot are you, and the physical attributes of your character

I am gonna the one on the edge just staring at the s h a r k

by (524k points)
Noah will either be the one holding the guy up, or the one with the paddle looking at the shark weird x3
by (775k points)
physical descriptions?
by (524k points)
Check my answer for descriptions, and also check out the AI posts you've made where I have mentioned that that's what I want him to look like x3
by (775k points)
Dont forge when you called him handsome

HE IS 8-
by (85.1k points)

Britt is the one pushing off the person into the water I realized I didn't tell you he alingment


She has Medium Blond Hair, 6' 1", green eyes, very pale, heart shaped head, and almond eyes. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back.

by (775k points)
by (85.1k points)

Britt at the start of SHR would be the person standing up but now she is pushing somebody to their death.
by (775k points)
Was she on the ship?
(IK you arrived early)
by (85.1k points)
No, the start for me was later
by (775k points)
but if you joined earlier, were you on the same ship or a diferent ship?
(I banned the word "Ship" because everybody kept spamming to a new roleplayer that we were on a ship)
by (85.1k points)
I beleave we are in the USA in that case Britt was just a baby when she came here but her parents died from a desease so this woman hoping to get her away from the discrimination adopted her into the family saying she was her chid who came from England recently but she speaks.
by (775k points)
so she's Norwegian but got adopted by an English woman
by (85.1k points)
by (775k points)
understandable have a nice day
by (85.1k points)
Y tu
by (775k points)
Wait what did Britt's parents die of-
0 votes
by (117k points)
by (775k points)
by (524k points)
+1 vote
by (524k points)
I think the reason why I quietly left was because I felt like I was the only one taking this seriously.

Among other reasons.
by (775k points)
Yes you where

You were a legend, hope Noah was doing well
by (524k points)
He is.

I will reconsider joining and starting this back up if you are willing to, but I want us to take this more seriously.
by (775k points)
Okay, I will try
When will you rejoin
by (117k points)
I will try

by (524k points)
Thanks, guys :]

I can rejoin whenever. When will we start?
+1 vote
by (775k points)
lets hold the SHR funeral here
by (117k points)

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