+13 votes
in Venting by (781k points)

so guys, I am gonna rant about my school’s Internet management once again, because the internet management team seriously needs to learn to be responsible.  Hopefully this also gets upvoted because I really need some help.

So uhh. They done it once again. it has been the 5th time they blocked my Music this year, and the 8th time in my 2 years of Middle School.

In case you don’t know what is happening, I am Autistic and I have a lot of sensitivities (Loud Noises, Swearing, Graphic mentions of Violence etc) and I listen to music to Cope. usually I hug a plushie and close my eyes and pretend I am disconnected from society or I draw while listening to music.

the Music I listen to is very unusual for my demographic, a 13-year-old Hispanic Girl, I listen to Scandinavian folk music, and occasionally Scandinavian Pop and Slavic folk music. A lot of the songs I like aren’t inappropriate. But my school still bans these.

Well, They don’t ban all songs. They obviously have inappropriate songs banned, but the songs that are unbanned are either Kidz Bop songs or they have top 40 hits and songs in Spanish. The reason is in Spanish is because my school is an “international school” that has an English, Spanish and Chinese curriculum , and the main demographic is Hispanic kids. I  am a Venezuelan Immigrant, and I do understand about the Spanish music thing. however, a real International School will have Music from many cultures unblocked (they also blocked multiple Chinese songs that are FOR KIDS, and songs from other countries besides the Scandinavian countries, I tried this with kid-friendly Japanese, French and Arabic songs, but they still ban music in other languages)

In case you are wondering, My school cannot unblock a folk song in Norwegian, Swedish or Finnish, yet they have stuff like “ASMR boyfriend audios” and 13+ roblox stories unblocked. Because fall under SPED and Section 504 (a law that prohibits the discrimination of Children and Teenagers with certain disabilites) a contract can be made for alternative devices (such as an MP3 player) however, this contract has to be done with the superintendent, and he is always busy.

Oh yeah, and I did tell my IT guy. he said there was no need for me to use songs to cope because I can “get over it” No I cannot. I get very overwhelmed in some situtaions, and I need to hide from these situations. That’s why I listen to music. To Cope. 

Oh and one last thing, the google searches. I looked up “How to say hello in Northern Sámi” and i got a message saying that is a  blocked term, I have never guessed that My school is Norway in world war 2 (when the Norwegian government  made Exposure to Sámi culture and languages illegal) Blocking inappropiate searches is one thing, but blocking how to say a word in a diferent language, and especially an Indigenous language is borderline crossing the line.

welp. I don’t know what to say about my school.

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (956k points)
Best answer
That IT guy is just… no. He should be fired or something, or at least get a warning.

Also, why would your school have “ASMR boyfriend audios” (which is really sus) unblocked and not kid-friendly music in different languages? That’s not a good international school…
by (781k points)
the IT guy is littearly both Ableist (for telling me to get over something I cant control and ignoring my condition) and Racist (for littearly BANNING an Indigenous language)

I am seriously so mad at him.

Also, there are ASMR boyfriend audios being allowed AND promoted to the school. I dont understand.

Can you make a post to spread the word about my IT guy? plz on here
by (956k points)
by (160k points)
The IT guy should just get a warning.

Getting fired would be too far, you would literally have to abuse a student (mentally and/or physically), which he isn’t.

Not defending him, since he doesn’t deserve it, but i dont think he should be fired.
by (88.1k points)
If you think about it the IT guy is mentally abusing them because he is telling them their problems don't matter and that could really affect someone. It actually can hurt someone's feelings. And by LAW you have to follow a 504 it is under the american disabilities act.
by (781k points)
Mel, you can get a profile photo now
0 votes
by (781k points)
1 month later...

they did it again

the 6th time
+1 vote
by (137k points)
I listened to this one song when I was little. I found I not to love ago and it's still a banger; "Chun Tian Zai Na Li."

I don't know why I decided to put this here, it was just kind of on topic. Sorry about your school.
by (781k points)

(Its a good song but it's blocked)
by (137k points)
Oh yeah, it is quite an amazing song.
0 votes
by (781k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
That's not right. You need to tell them.
+2 votes
by (546k points)

I can help you with hello in Northern Sámi 



Website used.
by (781k points)

I already know, I wanted to fact check 

Also T_T

+1 vote
by (119k points)
That is borderline horrible. Your school should seriously get some common sense. I thought theyre gonna stop at nordic music

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