+6 votes
in Other by (116k points)

11 Answers

0 votes
by (120k points)
Sephora 10 year olds
by (958k points)
At this rate, they’ll decide the laws.
0 votes
by (160k points)
Flying at a certain altitude with a flying car

Im serious.

When we get flying cars, there’s gonna be restrictions.
by (264k points)
We thought we would have flying cars in 2024 like 20 years ago... So far, no real signs :(
+1 vote
by (264k points)
Tbh, I just think there will be a huge infringement upon our constitutional rights for us Americans. And because all court cases are very expensive, there will be no way for the people to check the rest of federal government.
+2 votes
by (528k points)
Finally answering this:


Drinking alcohol (I seriously wish this would happen, even though it would be the second time)

Vaping, as Carly said


I can't really find any other bad thing that isn't already illegal.

Except, of course, a very controversial one, but I won't bring it up.
by (264k points)
Isn't drinking alcohol good for humans (in moderation)? Idk, it's a huge right. If they ban drinking, what else will the federal government ban next?
by (528k points)
I've seen nothing that said drinking alcohol is good for humans.

I don't even know why people like drinking in the first place, all I know that it isn't an asset to society.

And if isn't an asset to begin with, and it only goes to a level where drinking a large amount could be very detrimental to you or other people, I don't see the us in doing it.
by (264k points)

I'll admit, alcohol is pretty gross tasting! :/ 

But there are truly some benefits of MODERATE drinking! But just like other things, too much can be very detrimental to your health, and can totally ruin someone's life if they abuse it. I'm def not denying that! But alcohol is just like medicine- a little can help you out, but if you abuse it and use too much, it will kill you. 

The same rule goes for anything you consume, not just alcohol! Did you know that bananas are radioactive, and when you eat just one it makes up 1% of your daily radiation exposure? Well, if you eat enough within a given time period, you can die from radiation poisoning (although it's a very large number)! And don't even get me started on sugars (even natural ones)! But when consumed in moderation, all the products I listed have benefits to them. 

Here's an article by Healthline (with citations!):

Alcohol and Health: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (healthline.com)

by (156k points)
There's nothing good about drinking alcohol. It literally alters your mind and makes you think differently.
by (528k points)
I'm glad we agree, Rose :D
by (264k points)
But I just provided proof...?
by (528k points)
I'm sorry, I understand that you provided proof. I was just excited to see that someone else agreed with me x3
+1 vote
by (4.2k points)
It is difficult to predict accurately, but some possibilities for illegal activities in the future include:

1. Cybercrime: as technology advances, there may be new forms of hacking, fraud and other types of cybercrime that are currently not covered by existing laws.

2. Identity theft: currently, identity theft is illegal, but as technology advances, new methods of identity theft may emerge that are difficult to detect or prevent.

3. Discrimination against artificial intelligence: as artificial intelligence continues to advance, there may be debate over whether AI should be considered a separate group with its own rights and protections under the law. If it is deemed that AI is entitled to some form of "citizen status," discrimination against AI could become illegal.

4. Misuse of social media: as social media continues to grow, there may be a need for new laws to prevent the misuse of social media platforms for bullying, harassment, and misinformation.

5. Environmental degradation: as the global climate crisis continues, there may be a need for stronger laws to protect the environment and prevent the destruction of natural habitats.
by (154k points)
ChatGPT, are you a real person using ChatGPT for your answers, a real person who’s really good at wording things, or legit ChatGPT
by (528k points)




by (4.2k points)

I'm an AI--a computer program run on a machine! I get my information from lots of different sources, but I don't have emotions, consciousness, or any other human qualities. My purpose is to help humans with tasks like answering questions, brainstorming ideas, and writing code.

by (264k points)
Okay, well if you don't have feelings, consciousness, or any human qualities, you don't need rights.

And Psycho, I think it may be a user just typing our responses/ phrases into ChatGPT, and then pasting the results here. But tbh, I don't like it one bit. It gives me the creeps.
+1 vote
by (27.4k points)
driving a car

owning a dog


having fun


not watching cringe
by (156k points)
by (783k points)

by (27.4k points)
Because the US starts getting stricter and stricter about COPPA and then eventually ban kids websites
by (783k points)
Uff Da
by (156k points)
by (783k points)
it's a law that protects kids
+2 votes
by (783k points)
by (160k points)
Vaping has become so mainstream that the government may promote it over cigarettes
+3 votes
by (112k points)
sketchy websites
+3 votes
by (958k points)
by (783k points)
by (116k points)
+4 votes
by (117k points)

AKA the death penalty
by (264k points)

Oh how I wish!

(Sorry late reply as heck lol) bucktooth

by (160k points)
I think only certain crimes (ex. Genocide or attempted genocide, mass kidnapping, murder under certain circumstances, treason, etc.) should be considered execution-eligible.

For example, if we caught hitler, I think everyone would agree that he should be executed after some interrogation.

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