+14 votes
in Neurodivergent Club by (528k points)

Hello! This is Nobi, your friendly fren from just beyond the screen!


That was the most cringe introduction, what does that even mean—


You may not have noticed, as I haven't ever told you all this, but ahm....

There's a very strong chance that I may belong to this group, haha...


Why can't I just say it?



I have no idea why that was so hard...

If you have any questions, let me know, and I'll tell you if I can answer them.


I'm not sure what else to put here...

I guess...

Are you guys surprised?

I think I would be.

I dunno x3

Why is this still going...




nobodyimportant out—

I keep thinking you’re repeating things three times when you say x3 and I get so confused lol
by (528k points)
I get that a lot x3

I get that a lot

I get that a lo—

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (166k points)
Best answer
When you said, "your friendly fren from just behind the screen!", I looked behind my computer to see if there was somebody there...

Anyways same
by (528k points)
Love it x3
+1 vote
by (546k points)
I'm also.neurodivergent.
by (528k points)
Yeah :D
+1 vote
by (528k points)
I thought people would be rushing to answer this because this is sort of surprising x3
by (117k points)
This is late, but it isn’t really.

Lots of people are neurodivergent x3
+1 vote
by (524k points)
ok nobi thats fine ithink your amazing tho!!!!
by (528k points)
Thanks Julia! :]
by (524k points)


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